Humanoid Machine

Chapter 509: Thousand-player copy 95


The notice was sent by the relevant department, and the content was very strange. It said that some experts speculated that some extreme natural disaster would occur within 24 hours, and citizens at home might be affected and harmed, so they were asked to rush to a special fixed building nearby for shelter - it seemed that some cutting-edge technology was adopted there to avoid such large-scale disasters.

In addition, the other sentences are also very vague and basically do not explain the general situation clearly.

So much so that for many citizens, their first reaction was not fear, but confusion - what kind of disaster is this? They can't even escape it at home, so they have to go to a special shelter. Is it an air-raid shelter or something else

There are also people who don’t believe it, especially the stubborn elderly who are reluctant to walk at home.

But this time, the directive from above was particularly strong. Almost all workplaces and schools were closed. One day off was set aside, and the list was compiled. People who came here basically received a 500 yuan compensation for lost work—this money was basically available to anyone, with no restrictions, and was equivalent to free welfare. Now, even the more stubborn and suspicious people were willing to give in for the sake of the subsidy.

Those published locations were not too far from where I lived, and there were dedicated bus routes. Even if I walked there, it wouldn't take long.

It's not tiring, I just play with my phone for half a day, and it's nice to have a 500 yuan subsidy.

As a result, the mentality of most people changed to being willing to go.

Of course, some people don't care about the 500 yuan subsidy. Especially the famous families in City A. Even if there is a natural disaster, the shelters they prepared by themselves are much safer than these public facilities, both in terms of safety factor and the adequacy of supplies.

But no one knows what happened to the elders in the family. Those respected and special elders—or the heads of the family who hold great power—all followed orders very stubbornly. They said they would listen to the orders from above. Moreover, the restrictions were very strict. If anyone had any objections and disobeyed, they would be directly expelled from the family.

The youngsters were confused. Even if they complained, they still followed him out obediently - they couldn't afford to suffer a big loss just because of laziness. They would not be able to live in the future.

City A has a developed economy but a small population. But even though they are scattered in many places, when so many people go out together, there is a lot of traffic and traffic jams.

In other words, there is enough time to allow so many people to slowly cram into those shelters.

Because the traffic pressure is too great, vehicles are prohibited from driving nearby, and many special bus lines have been opened to ease the transportation pressure. After so many troubles, even if there are subsidies, some people who are worried about their safety and take the initiative to go to the shelter, these people with strong willingness to cooperate can't help but complain.

It really takes time.

Moreover, there were so many people, shoulder to shoulder, that they felt the air was not very good - it was just like the popular tourist attractions during the May Day holiday, where there was no scenery to see, but only people, and it took half a day to queue.

After finally arriving at their destination, they discovered that these shelters were the ones that were being renovated some time ago.