Humanoid Machine

Chapter 511: Thousand-player copy 97


The screams broke out more uncontrollably, mixed with sobs of fear that one was about to faint.

The human-like fear floating in the air was like the most charming "meaty aroma", attracting the sheep-headed man to approach. The bright red pupils seemed like two red lanterns floating in the air, and the rotten and huge snout opened slightly, revealing thousands of saw-like thin tongues inside.

The thin tongue swam out from the mouth. It stretched to an incredible extent, as if it was about to stick to the face of a person.

Under the overwhelming fear and oppression, many people didn't even have the strength to escape. They collapsed to the ground, their throats seemed to be blocked, and they could only make intermittent sounds.

There's no escape.

Can't escape, can't escape, can't escape—

They are dying.

At that moment, some pessimists even formed a logically complete conspiracy theory in their minds.

The venue is so small, you can't escape far.

Is this a sacrifice? They were gathered here for unknown reasons, and they were actually to be sacrificed to the monster. Like fish meat packed in a sardine can, they could be taken by the monster at will, becoming the scraps of meat and broken limbs that fell out of its teeth...

The imagination becomes increasingly horrific, almost capable of directly murdering a person.

In the fear that could drive people crazy, the sheep head was getting closer and closer. It seemed that it could pick up many humans lying on the ground and eat them just by lowering its head, but in fact -

The huge head was hovering in the air in an extremely strange way.

As if there was an invisible barrier in front of it, the sheep's head was squeezed into a flat surface like a pancake. One could clearly see the rotten flesh on the cheek, the dense holes and the small black spots surging in them were firmly pressed, maintaining a subtle distance, but unable to get any closer.

The head, the torso, and the protruding serrated "tongue" were all firmly blocked outside a certain line.

In other words, outside a certain plane—

The people who were extremely terrified but couldn't control themselves from looking away from the monster seemed to have suddenly discovered a huge secret -

It, it can’t come in

In other words, he was blocked outside by some barrier.

The delicious food was right in front of it, and the feeling of being unable to touch it was obviously making it very angry. The strangely swollen sheep head began to collide with the invisible object in front of it. Very strangely, there was no sound, but everyone could see that it smashed its protruding facial features. The fishy black blood wrapped in some strange and turbid liquid fell to the ground, making a corrosive "sizzling" sound. But it did not stop. More thick yellow and white substances were splashed in the air. The scene was so chaotic and terrifying that the people who saw this scene sobbed loudly -

They were terrified.

But in extreme situations, the human heart is tougher than we think.

For example, the frightened people... they feel even better now than before.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that they are no longer afraid now, but these people suddenly discovered—

It seems that the sheep-headed monster can't get in.