Humanoid Machine

Chapter 514: Thousand-player copy 100


His face became paler than paper.

The skinny fingers curled up silently and pinched the calf tightly.

She withdrew her gaze and replayed the scene in her mind - it should be just an illusion. The monster just happened to turn its "head" and headed towards her. She was so far away, hiding in the house, with only one eye exposed, the possibility of being discovered was very small...

Her nails accidentally left deep marks on her legs. She buried her chin in his embrace.

It's a bit cold.

She was so frightened that her limbs began to stiffen and shiver.

The little girl took a breath silently, and began to pray that the monster would not change its mind like it did at the beginning, and swim away from the orphanage to somewhere else - farther away from her, farther away.

Because she can't hear anything, she communicates with the world through vision, smell and touch. This makes the little girl more panicked than ordinary people when she can't see the specific situation and loses effective communication methods.

She curled up quietly for about a few minutes, and began to feel a little uncontrollable again.

Even though she was startled when she peeked at the monster just now and found that the monster seemed to have turned its head, the fear was also warning her to hide carefully and not expose herself to the monster's sight and risk her life - but in the waiting without knowing how much time was passing, she became more and more anxious, her concentration was distracted, and she inadvertently broke out in cold sweats.

At this moment, the girl noticed a slight vibration coming from beside her.

… Earthquake

She thought a little confusedly.

But the vibration came quickly and disappeared quickly. It subsided in an instant. If the girl hadn't been clinging to the wall, she might not even have noticed the slight vibration.

Anxiety, fear, and helplessness, all kinds of negative emotions surged up at once. The feeling of waiting in fear was really unbearable.

The little girl curled up with her head buried tightly in her arms, and almost unconsciously moved her stiff limbs slightly.

She seemed to be somewhat out of control of her subjective consciousness, and her body was practicing her own thoughts. Her body, which was pressed against the wall, straightened slightly. The girl turned around silently, and like at the beginning, she used the not-so-narrow window to observe the situation outside.

She was a little confused. She knew that such an action was very dangerous, but she couldn't control her actions. It seemed that only in this way could she suppress her fear.

After realizing this, she continued to peek.

Because she was almost discovered before, she was more careful this time. Her body was pressed tightly against the edge of the wall, most of it was tightly covered, with only a little bit of her upturned eyes showing, carefully observing the scene outside.

The sky seemed to get darker, and the bustling city now showed a sense of silence and tranquility.

Without light, it should be difficult to see. The girl also had mild night blindness due to vitamin deficiency, which made it even harder for her to see things. But at this moment, it was very strange that the darkness seemed to be not caused by normal circumstances. Although it was dark, she could still see the buildings outside.