Humanoid Machine

Chapter 519: Thousand-player copy 105


Regardless of whether Jie Zhouyan was convinced or not, Xiao Zi felt like she was floating in the air after listening to what she had heard - who could resist Yuan Yuxue's straightforward analysis of her feelings, her undisguised preference and trust

The only drawback is that I'm not saying this to myself.

Xiao Zi added silently.

Such a pure and straightforward expression not only moved Xiao Zi, but for Jie Zhouyan, it was even more of a... heart-wrenching blow.

Originally, he was gloomy and cold, and hard to approach. Today, because of a minor disagreement with Yuan Yuxue, he showed a cold and violent aura of world-weariness, which made him look more dangerous than those monsters. The citizens were not frightened by the monsters, but were terrified of Jie Zhouyan.

Such a dangerous man, but after Yuan Yuxue said those words with great sincerity, his temperament changed subtly.

Jie Zhouyan seemed to be stunned for a moment, then slowly lowered his head.

A layer of light red appeared on his cold white earlobes, and he actually had red ears.

Xiao Zi, who was watching this scene, said: "...?"

Jie Zhouyan's aura also seemed to soften, and he seemed a little embarrassed. If you say that he was cold and fierce before, he was like a winter melting, with a little "popularity", not scary. He even glanced at Yuan Yuxue in a sticky and nonchalant way, and his body unconsciously moved closer to Yuan Yuxue, as if he had to rub against her stickyly to get what he wanted...

Xiao Zi even said: “???”

Boss, why don't you just stand up and stick to Yuan Yuxue

Seeing that the atmosphere had improved a lot, Yuan Yuxue thought for a moment - he was very grateful to Jie Zhouyan. After all, Jie Zhouyan had always been so considerate, careful and gentle, and had almost never rejected his requests. He was an absolutely good person (others:...), but this time, he had to trouble him again.

"Jie Zhouyan." Yuan Yuxue said, a little hesitantly, "There is one more thing. I am leaving soon. I need to trouble you..."

Yuan Yuxue came back to see the child who was left outside the shelter, so she couldn't stay any longer. Jie Zhouyan didn't know whether he hadn't thought about Yuan Yuxue's imminent departure or had deliberately forgotten it, but after Yuan Yuxue spoke, his eyes dimmed a little.

"Okay." But Jie Zhouyan still agreed, without even waiting for Yuan Yuxue to finish her request.

How could I refuse

Just now Yuan Yuxue said that he, he really needed me... He would be in trouble without my help.

Jie Zhouyan thought silently and sullenly.

This move really solved Yuan Yuxue's urgent need. Yuan Yuxue calmed down for a moment, and said with a gentle look, "Thank you."

"This child's situation is special. Please take care of him."

As Yuan Yuxue spoke, she placed the little girl next to Jie Zhouyan.

The child had just grabbed Yuan Yuxue's hair and was clinging to her tightly. Although she was a little embarrassed at first, like the instinct of a young animal, she knew that Yuan Yuxue was a very trustworthy person, and when she felt uneasy or in extreme danger, she would subconsciously approach things that would allow her to relax and trust.