Humanoid Machine

Chapter 538: Thousand-player copy 124


While Yuan Yuxue was reading the historical materials about ancient Emilio, Jie Zhouyan was responsible for clearing out the rather blind monsters that came close to him, ensuring a quiet and harmonious external environment.

He didn't want to disturb Yuan Yuxue, so when these monsters were dealt with, they didn't even have time to let out a shrill roar.

The Yuan family villa was basically the same as it was before the disaster—still very quiet, warm and comfortable.

The only difference is that the original staff members are gone, and only Yuan Yuxue and Jie Zhouyan are left in the huge house.

To be fair, the environment here is actually much more comfortable than various shelters. Unfortunately, Yuan Yuxue did not intend to lie down and rest, or enjoy the various facilities inside.

Perhaps the only free time activity he had outside of work was drinking a bottle of yogurt handed to him by Jie Zhouyan—and then he focused all his attention on the vast book.

Yuan Yuxue repeatedly read through the collected historical materials, but did not obtain much valuable information.

And the most important subject, those rubbings - also did not yield any results. Yuan Yuxue showed a slightly confused look.

No more.

Even if Yuan Yuxue used energy to scan every bit of material in the rubbing, it could not provide any more content.

Most of the information revealed the locations of the existing corresponding shelters - this was analyzed very thoroughly by Yuan Yuxue.

However, there is no further description of this sudden and huge disaster that could almost destroy all human civilization.

The ancient Emilian people at that time highly revered the sanctuary, believing it to be the "Noah's Ark" bestowed by God on mankind.

After they hid in the shelter, they did survive this sudden annihilation disaster. Next, a grand sacrificial ceremony was held. The blood from the slaughtered cattle and sheep almost stained the entire land.

The survivors burned sacrifices with great piety and offered them to God - the object might be the sacred and inviolable "Noah's Ark", or it might be the "God" in the image that did not have a specific form.

But none of this matters.

If there were problems in the later stages, Yuan Yuxue would at least have some clues. But these were rituals that needed to be performed after everyone survived. Even if the sacrifices were not performed according to the rituals, and if there were any troubles, it was not something they should consider now.

What went wrong

His dark eyelashes trembled slightly for a moment, and when he lowered his eyes, his eyelashes cast a shadow.

When Yuan Yuxue was slightly distracted without even noticing it, a hand reached out and almost forcefully covered his cheek, causing him to raise his head slightly.

—It’s Jie Zhouyan’s hand.

Yuan Yuxue certainly had no objection to such a non-aggressive action... Of course, it was mainly because the person in front of him was someone he trusted. So he just raised his head and his eyes happened to meet Jie Zhouyan's.

Yuan Yuxue: “?”

Jie Zhouyan rarely made such a slightly forceful move towards him. The force he used at this time was not great, more like a reminder - "look at me" reminder.