Humanoid Machine

Chapter 539: Thousand-player copy 125


Disaster, blood, death—fate.

According to the records of fate, countless people died, and the survivors hid in Noah's Ark with grief and fear.

This is the biggest difference between the current City A and the historical records of ancient Emilio!

Thanks to Yuan Yuxue's advance knowledge, the vast majority of people were able to safely hide in the shelter.

They survived.

But how ridiculous.

They had done their best and taken all possible measures to avoid countless bloodshed and sacrifices, but now they have become the source of endless disasters. No one would think about it, and even if they realize it, it would be difficult for them to admit it. Because this is a complete crushing and trampling of cognition.

The fruits of your hard work are vulnerable to attack, and may even push everything into a darker abyss...

But when Yuan Yuxue realized all this, she seemed very calm.

After all, he didn't have the same strong and fluctuating emotions as humans, and he wouldn't lose his mind due to such a blow - in Yuan Yuxue's sealed memories, he seemed to have suffered many times of such... unfair, maddening treatment.

The dark eyelashes trembled, and the pale young man seemed to be blown to pieces by the sudden gust of wind. The player's pupils tightened slightly, and he felt palpitations for no reason, as if something was tightening his heart, causing waves of fine pain.

But he couldn't care less.

I just felt that Yuan Yuxue in front of me seemed like she would be taken away by something at any time.

He almost forgot that Yuan Yuxue had said goodbye to him earlier, and he couldn't wait to reach out his hand, wanting to hold him tightly—

The fingertips touch the soft and smooth satin.

Yuan Yuxue has disappeared.

There is no point in repairing the rubbing once the writing has become blurred.

But Yuan Yuxue still took it out.

The thin paper was like the fluttering wings of a butterfly in the strong wind and could be torn into pieces by the bad weather at any time.

Yuan Yuxue's gaze fell on the strange words written on it.

He didn't know whether his guess was correct.

"Will the disaster end only after bloodshed and sacrifice?"

Yuan Yuxue was certainly not talking to herself.

"He" is everywhere, "He" is watching them, with the light falling on the earth, with every gentle breath.

An invisible giant eye hung in the sky, watching and listening to them—

Yuan Yuxue had already noticed it, but he didn't care. He thought it was a substance that could vaguely be called "law"... or perhaps a lower-level substitute for the law.

At least the true law would not be so clear for Yuan Yuxue to perceive... There was a certain emotion with a special direction flowing within it.

Yuan Yuxue asked "Him", but "Him" did not respond.

As expected.

Yuan Yuxue thought for a moment.

He needs to ask "Him" using a method that is recognized by the Law.

Just like before, nature shifted the rules and triggered new rules.

The soft paper rubbed against his fingertips, and the wrinkles made the handwriting on this delicate rubbing even more blurred. The bright red handwriting was reflected in the young man's dark eyes.

Yuan Yuxue suddenly smiled - the corners of her lips curved ever so slightly, which was actually a bit sarcastic, but it happened so quickly that even Yuan Yuxue didn't realize it.