Humanoid Machine

Chapter 542: Thousand-player copy 128


As a humanoid machine used in war, all Yuan Yuxue had to think about was how to complete the task more efficiently.

Apart from that, he doesn't need to think anything extra.

Complete tasks, follow rules, and repeat the cycle -

Article 3 of the Robot Code states: As long as it does not violate the current highest-level order, robots should provide free assistance to humans and their companions in distress and eliminate potential threats. Even as a "defective product", Yuan Yuxue is used to implementing this rule and helping humans in distress. However, the premise of all this is that it does not violate the mission regulations.

This time, his mission required him to sit on the sidelines and watch many humans die.

Yuan Yuxue was confused for the first time.

He had carried out many missions, even if the mission was the first priority, sometimes Yuan Yuxue had to postpone the rescue operation. But that was different. This was the first time he encountered such a strange and unique mission requirement.

Feed those monsters with human flesh and blood.

What's the difference between that and killing them

Yuan Yuxue thought about it seriously.

He could even accept that the mission required him to nourish the monsters with his own flesh and blood to meet the mission completion conditions. After all, it was not without such experience - ah, Yuan Yuxue had indeed carried out several "must die" type missions, and almost everyone thought he should be scrapped in the worm cave, but Yuan Yuxue still came back alive.

However, the mission that required the sacrifice of a large number of humans to achieve its goal made him feel from the bottom of his heart that... something seemed to be wrong.

Yuan Yuxue always strictly follows the mission rules. No matter blood, death, or anything terrifying, nothing can stop Yuan Yuxue's steps, and it can't even make him waver in his heart - he shouldn't waver at all.

But now he hesitated.

He had doubts about the mission, which was a big taboo for war robots. He should have carried out the mission without stopping. Only damaged robots would hesitate like this, and they needed to be destroyed immediately.

Yuan Yuxue was thinking this when Jie Zhouyan touched him. But the touch from his fingertips seemed to make more rebellious thoughts float into his mind.

Only a broken robot would question the mission objective. But he was a broken robot to begin with.

Yuan Yuxue is a defective product.

He was meant to be destroyed.

But for some very strange reason, she was transferred to a new working environment and put into use again - Yuan Yuxue had always thought that perhaps she had been "repaired", but now it seems that was not the case.

Or maybe it was repaired, but not fixed. It is still a defective product. So it is not hard to understand why a defective product would have such thoughts.

Yuan Yuxue thought.

He also turned his head, and after briefly looking at Jie Zhouyan, he suddenly spoke—

"Jie Zhouyan."

The previous Yuan Yuxue would never discuss these things with others—but the previous Yuan Yuxue probably wouldn't question the content of the mission either.

"The mission is the most important." Yuan Yuxue said this with a blank expression. However, unlike his usual calmness and coldness, there was only a dark color in his eyes, and there was no emotion on his pale face, as if he was a real, cold product made of some spiritual jade. "Any factors that interfere with the execution of the mission should not exist - right?"