Humanoid Machine

Chapter 548: Thousand-player copy 134


Jie Zhouyan did not stay with Yuan Yuxue - it was Yuan Yuxue's idea.

Yuan Yuxue had to make a double plan. He was watching the player who was the first to destroy the shelter in the original plan. He used him as a burning signal to lure him into the trap, and then he had a good discussion with the player group.

It would be best if it can be resolved peacefully, but if it cannot be resolved peacefully...

Yuan Yuxue's hands were always fast, and he was also very good with the knife. If he took action, no player could escape, and it would only consume a little energy.

But Yuan Yuxue was not willing to be stained with so much blood.

Always have been.

Fortunately, the person who came was Curly, and the person who could make the decision was Xingtuan. They had met each other once in the past, and the cause and effect were formed at this time, so the worst result was ruled out and the situation was very good.

But Yuan Yuxue had already very calmly anticipated the possibility of failure in the negotiations.

As well as other players who were responsible for destroying the shelter, they could not wait for the first person's message, but could not hold back and took action directly.

Yuan Yuxue is extremely powerful, but he is alone.

He can protect those destroyed shelters for a long time - even if they are thousands of miles away, as long as Yuan Yuxue can eliminate all the monsters nearby, it will be just a number to him, and the inferred possible corresponding energy consumption.

But still, he was the only one, if he made a mistake, if he failed to take any precautions, what would come like a wave, would be the despair and sacrifice of millions of people.

Yuan Yuxue did not bet on this possibility.

If there is anyone in this world who can help him guard the shelter without leaving any loopholes or any trouble, and without any worries, it is only one person.

Only Jie Zhouyan.

So Jie Zhouyan followed Yuan Yuxue's words, and in those dark eyes that seemed to be able to swallow everything, only one person's face was reflected. He kept his breath straight, just leaned forward slightly, and touched Yuan Yuxue's lips like a dragonfly skimming the water.


Jie Zhouyan said decisively.

For a paranoid, unkind, heartless and cold-hearted monster like Jie Zhouyan, such heroic acts mean nothing to him.

It was not fair that he was unwilling. But once Yuan Yuxue spoke, the gloom in his heart seemed to be smoothed out, and he was happy to accept it. The only bitterness between his lips and teeth was because he could not be with Yuan Yuxue again.

He was going to do what Yuan Yuxue needed.

I also vaguely touched some...

Jie Zhouyan couldn't hold back, but he slightly closed his fingers, making a creepy sound as if his fingertips were breaking. He stared at his hands expressionlessly, and something gradually emerged in his eyes.

He can't.

He has to control it.

However, Yuan Yuxue's second plan was not used.

Each player is pursuing his own interests, and this time everyone suffers. Of course, it is difficult to accept the idea of just sitting there and waiting to die.

Even though the team suppressed a large part of the flames, he couldn't have the final say in a team with so many high-level players.

The team stands out and is stronger than other players.

But those players were not necessarily much weaker than him. They were just a little bit short of strength. At the critical moment of life and death, the burst of desire to survive was enough to make up for that weakness.