Humanoid Machine

Chapter 551: Thousand-player copy 137


The day is gloomy and dark.

There was a slight fishy smell in the strong wind, like slanting rain, damply covering every sticky breath.

This fishy smell is not just based on the sense of smell - it's more like a very indescribable tactile perception.

Only the war robots that are most skilled in killing, relying on their terrifying intuition honed through countless battles, can capture this strange breath.

Yuan Yuxue sensed it.

Yuan Yuxue's ability is sometimes not only reflected in his extraordinary and terrifying fighting ability, but also relies on the terrible potential squeezed out when he was on the verge of despair and almost collapsed during countless life and death situations. It is like a very finely tuned bowstring that can easily shoot the farthest arrow.

Also because he is too powerful, Yuan Yuxue has not been forced into such a terrible desperate situation for a long time - if his energy is just exhausted, it is not a desperate situation for him.

When "a certain moment" came, Yuan Yuxue was ready.

He looked unusually calm, a little too calm. Like a silent, snow-covered no-man's land. No one could peek into the vastness and see the treasures sealed under the thick snow.

All emotions were restrained, and those softer qualities that were more human were well sealed.

He stood in the vast land, his aura was particularly distinct, like a sword drawn from its sheath, or like the most powerful killing weapon walking in the world.

A humanoid weapon once created by the most advanced military laboratory.

Yuan Yuxue closed his eyes. His overly beautiful and cold face, while fascinating, could not reduce the terrifying aura he gave people at this moment. Instead, he was stripped of his human characteristics. He now looked like a fallen human being.


There was actually quite a bit of remaining energy, but Yuan Yuxue used the item "Planet Core" for the first time in the copy.

He took out the energy points accumulated during this period of time - to be fair, it was not much.

But this also means that he has no way out.

Once the energy is exhausted, even a war robot made with the most advanced efforts and wisdom, and the most expensive and rare materials, will only become a piece of mechanical waste that is difficult to operate.

The best scenario is to be torn into pieces, swallowed and destroyed by those monsters.

If things get worse, his body will be recycled a second time, melted down and reassembled into a new "weapon".

There will no longer be any trace of Yuan Yuxue’s presence in this world.

He knows it very well.

If he left this bit of energy in the planet's core, he could at least extract the energy stored in it when he really ran out of energy. This might not be enough to support Yuan Yuxue's fight for much longer, but it was enough for him to barely escape and then fall into a temporary hibernation - maybe he wouldn't wake up, or maybe he would. But in any case, there was a glimmer of hope.

Yuan Yuxue didn’t.

He personally snuffed out the last bit of life, because—

He can't.

Not necessary.

For the last time, Yuan Yuxue checked the energy reserves in silence. After a pause, she took out a piece of rather ordinary black cloth.