Humanoid Machine

Chapter 553: Thousand-player Dungeon – Rules 1


Even the ancient Emilian documents, which recorded the disaster in detail, never mentioned the origin of the monster.

—It was a sudden and huge disaster that came from the sky.

It seems to be a punishment from heaven, carrying the will of God, and is used to purge the world of "evil" humans.

It is irresistible and unstoppable. Humans seem unable to resist, and the only way to save themselves is to hide in a shelter.

In fact, lying dormant is indeed the only correct way. Those who resist killing like Yuan Yuxue are the aliens.

Everything that happened afterwards hinted at this. For example, after the player killed a monster, cannibalism among the same kind of monsters would cause a higher-level mutation, which was a reminder to Yuan Yuxue—

Resisting is wrong.

It seems that no one has thought about why these monsters appear and where they come from.

It is normal that players did not think of this. From the perspective of players, they are naturally able to accept all kinds of supernatural events, and the outbreak of monsters is normal for them. This is a copy, and since it is a copy, there will be crises and disasters. "Doomsday" and "natural disasters" appear as crisis events, and they do not hesitate.

But from the perspective of the citizens of City A—

No one felt surprised and wanted to trace the origin of the monster wave.

No one even wanted to gather strength to resist these monsters - of course, the strength of an individual is very weak against these monsters. But Yuan Yuxue knew very well that a certain tenacious characteristic of a strange race like humans seemed to be born without the "sit and wait for death" rule.

City A's population is not dense, but it still has some strategic weapons in reserve. No one knows whether technological firepower can tame these monsters - but there is no attempt, it seems that they are born without such an idea. Isn't it a bit too strange

Yuan Yuxue is naturally sensitive in this regard.

The visual blind spots caused by the positions of other players do not apply to Yuan Yuxue.

Yuan Yuxue closed her eyes.

Cover-up, manipulation, unconscious mind control. Those who can do this—


Yuan Yuxue said softly, "You are the 'rule'."

No one responded to him. The monsters continued to attack, so Yuan Yuxue's movements did not stop either.

He dodged and killed with ease, and the sticky and smelly blood stained his body, but Yuan Yuxue still looked as cold and indifferent as a handful of white snow on the top of the mountain. It was a bamboo branch that grew wildly in winter, with bright colors, and a slight tremor filled the mountain room with fragrance.

Yuan Yuxue's hands remained steady and merciless, and judging by the intensity of the killing, no one could maliciously speculate that he was at the end of his rope.

The energy is running out.

During this long, unyielding slaughter, Yuan Yuxue's tone was steady, without a single pause for breath, as she spoke in a steady and unhurried manner -

"You are the only one who can bring monsters from other small worlds here, right?"

These monsters are certainly not from this world!

They passed through countless copies and countless spaces, and swept in from the shaky "bridge" built in the gap between time and space!