Humanoid Machine

Chapter 557: Rule 5


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"… fraud!"

I don't know who murmured this, and immediately, like a drop of water falling into hot oil, the boiling oil burst out, and the sizzling sound like an explosion quickly infected every corner.

The bulging pocket was punctured at a corner, and all the sounds poured out, becoming louder and louder.


"You damn liars, you call yourself a leader, you call yourself a hero, you are all liars—"

"You want to kill us!!"

These sounds squeezed out of the throat like blood foam, shouting with all one's might, filled with hatred and violence.

But more of it is fear.

They are afraid.

Because the "fourth wall" is broken.

The originally unequal information gap was immediately eliminated. Under the suggestion of certain rules, they quickly received the information transmitted on the screen. Even if their worldviews were shattered, they had to admit that the content... was probably true.

However, there are some subtle differences in the information they obtained.

For example, they are not NPCs, but ordinary people living in the lower world plane, while those outsiders with extraordinary abilities are players who come to perform tasks - the content of the tasks is quite completely disclosed to these citizens.

Disaster is inevitable.

Those monsters can only leave their world if they are fed with enough flesh and blood.

And these outsiders who were born superior to them also made their own choices. They, the citizens, were natural bait to feed the monsters. When the monsters were full and satisfied, they would naturally leave.

The shelters they thought of were never safe. These players would break the shelters and let monsters in to feed freely - yes, the initial plan of the Player Alliance was also fully announced to these citizens, including those players pretending to be "merciful" and wanting to leave them a little fire.

If enough people die, the remaining citizens won't have to be fed in.

But no one knows how many people the monster will devour, and how many of them will be the "lucky ones" who will be left behind.

Anyway, those noble outsiders will never be in danger of their lives.

Even if they survived, their loved ones, friends, and relatives—

This is an unreasonable death lottery.

And when these citizens found out that the "person in charge" who had once had a strong presence had disappeared, they felt as if they had been betrayed and used, as well as hatred and great fear, all at the same time, mixing into a shocking and explosive mixture of emotions.

Did they run away

What about those who stayed

Are they going to be abandoned

Will those monsters break in soon, peel off their skin and bones, and devour their flesh and blood

Being eaten alive is such a painful way to die.

Under the huge blow of despair, the shelter soon fell into chaos. The stability of the previous order was based on the fact that the situation was not desperate. Now that people knew they were going to become victims and could die at any time, how could they wait calmly like before

Their eyes were burned into a light red color, and strange, ferocious expressions appeared on their faces. Everyone's spirits seemed to have fallen into a rather abnormal state of excitement.