Humanoid Machine

Chapter 562: Rule 10


Trial failed

The word "failure" was so nerve-wracking that the players almost instinctively felt something was wrong - but before they could take the next step, it was as if the sky and earth collapsed and pure darkness enveloped them.

In the darkness, the players botched attempts to use some lighting props, and then they saw -


There are people everywhere.

Of course, it wasn't worth it for them to show such a terrified look as if they were going to be frightened to death in the next second, but these people were all...

The villagers they killed.

The monster did leave after it had finished devouring everything.

But these dead villagers became new ghosts.

The hateful eyes of the child before his death reappeared before them, staring at them gloomily with incomparable hatred—

There is no safe house this time.

The owner of the power is reversed.

There was no doubt that they had no power to fight back. These ghosts, who were filled with resentment before their death, were incredibly powerful. They tortured all the players to death in a very cruel way, and then swallowed them up mouthful by mouthful.

They do not crave human flesh, but—this is retribution.

The players experienced all the despair they encountered before their death. And in this process, the players were extremely sober.

They may even be aware of what is happening.

The voices in the ears came from the "rules", and the language used was a language that humans could not understand. But when the players were swallowed up mouthful by mouthful, close to death, and about to merge with the copy, they miraculously mastered that magical language.

The "rules" are not talking to them, it seems to be communicating with another existence.

[Humans cannot control me.]

[They are hypocritical, greedy, cruel, and unable to control their own desires. When they get the copy, they get power far beyond everything - you see, this is a preview of the consequences.]

There was a long silence before their souls were torn apart and they finally lost consciousness.

It seemed that their consciousness could not digest the words from the "rules", they just heard them. When they thought that this was the last sound they could hear, they heard an extremely cold response.

[… Um.]

That cold, emotionless voice seemed to carry a deep pain... and disappointment.

Sometimes death can actually be the most peaceful destination.

Unfortunately, these players discovered that they could not die.

After experiencing extremely painful torture, their bodies were reshaped and forced into new skins one after another. The extremely inappropriate pain was second only to the fact that when they faced those "villagers", their spirits were repeatedly whipped and tortured.

In the endless darkness, they waited for a long, long time—

The copy was restarted.

The players who had lost all their memories did not feel relieved. They stood at the entrance of the village and saw the bright and beautiful new players with lively and arrogant faces. They looked at them and took the initiative to greet them, "Hello."

"Are you from outside the country?"

The second batch of players entered the trial.