Humanoid Machine

Chapter 563: Rule 11


It should be so.

But the infinite deadlock seemed to be broken quite unexpectedly.

Like an old roof tile, it leaks water in the heavy rain. You patch it up at one end but it leaks at the other - you are in a mess, but it doesn't help.

He originally wanted to kill the enemy once and for all with the last card, but he didn't expect to create an even bigger mess.

Yuan Yuxue is the accident that cannot be prevented.

There was silence in the ghost realm, but everyone sensed a hint of embarrassment.

The players who are undergoing the trial this time have already received information about the past of their "predecessors" from the ghost realm - even the most experienced players can't help but feel terrified this time.

Death is enough to make people awed and terrified. But if they die here, death is not the end of pain. They will be tortured over and over again, lose their self and memory, be murdered again and again when the copy is opened, and suffer mental torture when they return to the ghost realm.

All the ghosts here are eternal enemies. Those who killed you and those who were killed by you, countless hatreds intertwined, forming a huge energy, and they can't wait to drag all the watchers into it, and there is no way back.

Theoretically speaking, the players of this generation are really unqualified and have completely fallen into the trap of the dungeon.

Don't say "do nothing" lawful neutral. Most players even reached an agreement to destroy the shelter and send those citizens into the monsters' mouths in order to safely pass this instance - they will die sooner or later anyway.

This is also the "consensus" that has gradually formed in the minds of players during countless years of rule reforms. Who would have thought that those ordinary citizens were once top players and were also the reflection of their own future.

It's so unreasonable.

So the development of the matter should be that although the players succeeded in the mission, they also failed in the trial. They came to the ghost domain, were bitten and devoured by tens of millions of angry ghosts, and then condensed new bodies in the ghost domain, merged with this small world, and joined this "big family".

All the players watching the live broadcast and those involved will pay the price through the anchor point and be successfully brainwashed and lose their memory. No one will notice that more than half of the players are missing from the leaderboard, and their successors will fill the positions in order.

But the unexpected thing was that they had Yuan Yuxue.

It happened to be this strange person Yuan Yuxue.

With an unreasonable stubbornness, he strictly followed his own principles and strongly resisted the path suggested to him by the copy rules.

Unreasonable rules should be broken.

Thanks to the advance warning arrangements, this city with a huge "population" did not suffer much damage in the initial disaster. Most people moved to shelters with peace of mind, found a safe place to curl up, and had simple food and water sources.

Even for those who were left behind accidentally, players led by Yuan Yuxue patrolled the ruins repeatedly and searched and rescued them until the end.

They survived.

And in the countless hardships that followed, Yuan Yuxue stood at the forefront. Even at the last moment when everything was on the verge of collapse, he fulfilled his promise -

While he was alive, he never gave up on anyone.