Humanoid Machine

Chapter 565: Rule 13


Yuan Yuxue would never lie.

His identity should be a secret, Yuan Yuxue would not reveal that he was a humanoid weapon from a laboratory, but when he was questioned like this, there would only be two answers -

Keep silent.

Or, “No.”

But when Yuan Yuxue came back, he was instantly enveloped by darkness. The hand holding him was slightly empty, and the fingertips trembled slightly in the air. He couldn't reach anything, and his soul seemed to be pulled away, and he was dizzy and trembling violently—


Yuan Yuxue found herself in a strange third perspective.

He returned to the laboratory.

From memory, he already had a perfect, strong body of a young man, soaked in a light green nutrient solution. Through the transparent cabin, he could see his pale and beautiful face, with skin as smooth as jade and almost glowing.

He opened his eyes.

Eyes that were cold, devoid of any emotion, and seemed mechanical and numb.

This is him.

Yuan Yuxue almost found it a little novel.

The face of the person in front of him was very familiar, but he felt... well, not very similar.

Was I like this before

The mission will be launched soon.

He completed the task with excellent results, but the person in charge of debugging in the laboratory did not seem very happy.

They re-record data, adjust facility equipment, replenish energy and repair damaged aircraft.

"It's still a little... Tsk."

"No way, this is already good enough - after all, it's No. 001, the first generation of war robots."

"The robots created later will probably be even better."

Yuan Yuxue thought, this was the case before.

But if it were my current companions and Jie Zhouyan...

Yuan Yuxue didn't feel sad, he just felt a little embarrassed.

They will definitely praise themselves and say thank you sincerely.

He was a little spoiled.

"There is another problem. The human mission executor who is traveling with us has developed a strong love for No. 001."

"We can't help it. After all, its appearance is too..." Another person muttered, "Let's add a new program to make it pay attention to concealing its appearance. This kind of thing can't happen again."

"Also, pay attention to controlling the propaganda and public opinion, popularize the dangers and uncontrollability of the war robot series. They are just machines controlled by programs, and the real achievements belong to humans. Absolutely... Absolutely do not let any human have a positive emotion towards 001."

Yuan Yuxue lowered her eyes slightly.


He didn't care about the previous words, but Yuan Yuxue thought, but other players liked him very much.

Why can't I have positive emotions towards him

As if he had heard Yuan Yuxue's question, the researcher almost sighed and complained, "There's nothing we can do. If we develop feelings for it, we won't be able to fully utilize and promote it. This is inhumane."

“Don’t follow in Dr. Yuan’s footsteps.”

Who is Dr. Yuan

Yuan Yuxue didn't know why he cared about this name, but while he was thinking about it, the scene suddenly changed and he came to an interstellar battlefield.

Yuan Yuxue remembered that was the place where he carried out his last war mission.