Humanoid Machine

Chapter 566: End of text


The rules are in chaos.

Of course, it knew Yuan Yuxue's identity better than anyone else—although it didn't know how Yuan Yuxue got mixed into the group of players. But as the one in charge of the rules, it had sensed the other party's inhuman identity before that.

He is lying!

In the face of the rules, he actually dared to lie!



The core identified with him.

… What Yuan Yuxue said is true.

He meets the requirements to master the rules and is the final and most qualified person to pass the trial.

All this information that was beyond cognition and completely reversed, while breaking it again and again, also made the rules extremely unstable - the ghost realm woven by it fell into distortion again, and darkness swallowed everything.

This is impossible.

[… fraud.]

Its voice seemed to be quenched with the most sinister poison in the world, full of hatred, [You are a liar who cheated the rules - it was Jie Zhouyan, it was Jie Zhouyan who helped you do this, right?]

Yuan Yuxue frowned slightly.

In the ghost realm woven by rules, he was forcibly separated from everyone under the operation of the highest law.

Yuan Yuxue could sense that they were still here, but the tentacles—

It was empty.

"Yuan Yuxue." It was Jie Zhouyan's voice.

He was very calm. Even though his voice was slightly trembling, it was suppressed by force. "Come towards me."

Yuan Yuxue walked into the darkness without hesitation.

Some images gradually emerged around him - Yuan Yuxue didn't care, but the sounds and images forcefully invaded his mind.

Those scenes are as if you are actually there, and they all record one’s own past.

But it is a past that is not worth remembering.

Most of the scenes were in the laboratory. The sacrifice of his fellow creatures, the resistance and disgust of humans, he was abandoned on an abandoned planet, counting his death second by second, and then he escaped from the insect nest dragging his damaged body.

There are also scenes after arriving at the dungeon, all of which are desperate and exhausting battles. He is covered in blood, his energy is exhausted, and his eyes tremble and close at a certain moment, as if waiting for death.

[Don't you feel resentful?]

Yuan Yuxue took a while to react—


It turns out that these images are showing his suffering

"Why do you feel resentful?" Yuan Yuxue rarely responded to him, her tone calm, "You haven't finished releasing all your memories, the latter part is more..."

Yuan Yuxue thought of a more fashionable description and confirmed, "The latter part is sweeter."

The fact that he is still standing here is the best proof.

Yuan Yuxue said calmly, "The more you let go, the more I feel that I am living a happy life now."

The darkness around me twisted violently again.

Yuan Yuxue had to admit... he had learned some bad things from humans.

Have some bad intentions.


Although the rules were choked by Yuan Yuxue and did not respond, on the other hand, they revealed its anger.

For example, the scenes around him changed into extremely bloody scenes, in which Yuan Yuxue died miserably in various ways.

Yuan Yuxue knew that those things were not real. But as he walked forward, he seemed to have accidentally entered those illusions. His consciousness was constantly changing, and the boundaries of his memory were constantly blurring. The truth and the falsehood were intertwined, and he could no longer distinguish the truth from the falsehood. It was as if Yuan Yuxue had really experienced those things, over and over again, and constantly died miserably.

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