Humanoid Machine

Chapter 59: Ghost School Survival Guide


Yuan Yuxue came back carrying a box of water.

The young boys who had just finished exercising saw the box of water and somehow felt their mouths dry and their throats tight. They looked at Yuan Yuxue awkwardly.

Yuan Yuxue opened the bottle of mineral water and took a sip. After waiting for a while and seeing that nothing happened, she passed the water out and let them take it themselves.

The group of boys felt a little embarrassed. They were the ones who were supposed to treat the meal, but how come the god treated them to water instead

But they were all quite honest, lining up to say thank you, which seemed quite polite.

The youngest boy even leaned over to look and asked, "Where's that school girl?"

Yuan Yuxue said calmly: "Let's go."

Zhou Meng stood aside, watching from a distance and felt a little depressed, "I invited him! Why did he share it with that group of people?"

The younger brother whispered beside him: "But the school girl didn't return the money... Brother Zhou, if you invited him, you should just give him the two hundred."

Zhou Meng: "... Damn, I forgot."

While feeling depressed, he rounded it up and thought that the water could be considered as Yuan Yuxue treating them... It was the same treatment as the others over there, so it was fine.

The rules of the playground appeared, and Yuan Yuxue certainly would not stay any longer. But the group of boys were still in high spirits, and after drinking water, they were very enthusiastic to keep him, wanting to invite him to play a few more entertainment games - but after thinking about it, they thought that fighting with Yuan Yuxue's skills would not be entertaining, so they changed it to asking Yuan Yuxue to be the referee on the sidelines. Yuan Yuxue could only make a gesture and point to the side.

"My friend is waiting for me."

Jie Zhouyan had indeed been waiting for a long time. He was standing at the edge of the playground, quite far away.

Jie Zhouyan was not actually interested in human sports. After all, the power of humans was too weak for him, and he had no interest in watching such a level of power struggle. As for the excitement brought by the competitiveness of sports, Jie Zhouyan, who had lived in the abyss for a long time, was used to seeing bloody fights, and this level of competition did not meet the standard of competition for him.

But because Yuan Yuxue was on the court, he stared at the field for an hour and never took his eyes off that figure.

Even the simple rule of throwing the ball into the basket seems to have become a very interesting game.

When Jie Zhouyan heard others cheering for Yuan Yuxue, it was obvious that he could do those movements without any difficulty, but Jie Zhouyan just felt that... Yuan Yuxue's figure was so neat and beautiful, every movement was beautiful, and even the subtle expression when she lowered her eyes was imprinted in Jie Zhouyan's mind very attentively.

He heard those people praising him, and when Yuan Yuxue scored a goal, he would suddenly shout "So cool". So he also quietly learned new words, and when Yuan Yuxue scored the next goal, he followed suit and shouted in a reserved manner: "So cool..."

At this time, the group of young boys had already changed their moves and were praising him, "What a magical jump shot! Brother YYDS!!"

Jie Zhouyan: “…”

He pursed his lips slightly, realizing that he still had some skills to learn.

But Yuan Yuxue, who was surrounded by the crowd and being watched by everyone, was indeed very beautiful.

Jie Zhouyan stood there, not moving a muscle.

It was only after Yuan Yuxue reminded others that they noticed such a person.