Humanoid Machine

Chapter 7: Tricky game


From the initial malicious rejection, to the beginning of a slight affection in their hearts. Only at this point did they treat a player who was playing with them as an equal.

Players like Yuan Yuxue are actually quite popular in the dungeon.

Players temporarily team up when clearing the level, but this kind of cooperation is extremely unstable. In times of crisis, not pushing others to die is considered a high moral standard. In a generally indifferent environment, everyone would be more confident to entrust their backs to a player who would lend a hand to a temporary companion - Yuan Yuxue seems to fit the bill.

Or maybe it was because the newbie hadn't realized the cruelty of the dungeon, and his character hadn't changed because of the long-term horror training. In short, although he looked aloof and cold, he was much more likable than many people.

With these subtle favorable impressions as a premise, their evaluation of Yuan Yuxue was even higher: even though he was a newcomer, and a newcomer who looked so weak that he had no ability to protect himself, but the excellent memory and textbook-like calmness he demonstrated in the game of hiding from ghosts had already shown a survival value that was worth exploring.

Even if you are physically weak, as long as you experience a few more worlds and earn enough points, you can redeem the points for special items to protect yourself, or even directly exchange them for supernatural powers to strengthen your power system.

Of course, you have to live until that time first.

Many intelligent newcomers die cruelly in early dungeons before they can even grow strong.

Yuan Yuxue was luckier than them. At least he seemed to have survived the first level.

Curly has been cursing Andre to Rabbit since the beginning of the recording, complaining about Andre's cunning and treachery: the information level between the two sides is too opaque, and he actually released so many monsters to hunt them down. If there is a complaint mechanism for the dungeon, he will file a complaint and get Andre fired first... He doesn't care at all about the possibility that his words might lead to retaliation from the NPC if they were heard.

When he saw some of Yuan Yuxue's outstanding performances, he was suddenly hit by a club, and after a long while, he managed to squeeze out a few brief comments: "Not bad", "Above the average level of newcomers", "Good reaction ability". Rabbit was both angry and amused when he heard it, and interrupted him: "You have high requirements."

Curly didn't even realize that was a sarcasm towards him. He nodded in agreement and said modestly, "That's right."

But when Yuan Yuxue came back and walked in front of him, Curly suddenly fell silent again, as if the person who was so satisfied just now was not the same person. It was so quiet that even Rabbit glanced at him in surprise, wondering why Curly suddenly became so obedient.

Yuan Yuxue was quite far away from Curly Hair, so when he came over, he was naturally heading for Curly Hair.

The pure white nightmare watch was still tightly fastened on Yuan Yuxue's wrist. His skin color was even paler than the watch, forming a two-level color difference that was not very obvious. The watchband formed a slightly thin arc, casting a light blue shadow, and it looked like a beautiful ornament on his hand. Yuan Yuxue extended his hand forward, stretched it to the point where Curly's eyes could see, and thanked him: "Thank you for the props..."

Curly said awkwardly, "This thing is only useful for this."