Humanoid Machine

Chapter 81: Ghost School Survival Guide


Her drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and Yuan Yuxue raised her eyes.

The danger assessment mechanism is activated.

Plans being formulated—confirmed—for rescue operations.

Yuan Yuxue stood up from her seat.

Almost everyone was in a state of nervous tension, and players like Zeng Bai were even more shocked by the malicious guess in their hearts. They were so shocked that they hadn't recovered yet. After a few seconds of delay, they noticed Yuan Yuxue's action.

At this time, Yuan Yuxue had already walked down the stairs and headed towards the entrance of the auditorium. Jie Zhouyan also stood up and followed closely behind him, like a silent black shadow.

He is Yuan Yuxue's shadow.

Zeng Bai stood up belatedly and asked, "Yuan Yuxue, what are you going to do?"

"Should we open the door for him?" Zeng Bai said helplessly, "It's useless... The surveillance video shows clearly that he can't get in."

When Yuan Yuxue heard Zeng Bai calling him, he replied briefly, "I have to go out for a while."

He noticed Jie Zhouyan's movements to follow him, so when he pushed open the closed door of the auditorium, he slightly turned sideways to look at him, blocking his steps, and their eyes met at that moment.

"Wait for me here. Don't follow me out."

The auditorium is an absolutely safe place. Yuan Yuxue's voice was gentle but firm, and her tone was cold, like a snowflake melting beside her ear: "I'll be back soon."

Jie Zhouyan paused slightly, his body stiffened, and his dark pupils moved downward, staring at Yuan Yuxue's eyes. After a long silence, he responded as if he was being obeyed: "...Okay."

He stood there.

Yuan Yuxue’s words didn’t make Zeng Bai think too much.

He thought that Yuan Yuxue's answer of "going out for a while" was the distance from the auditorium to the first floor gate. When he saw Yuan Yuxue's figure disappear at the door, he just sighed... Yuan Yuxue's heart seemed to be quite soft, probably because she was moved by the scene just now, so she wanted to make a final effort.

But the effect it can have is really minimal.

No one can change the predetermined fate.

The light footsteps coming from the end of the corridor no longer caused any waves in the hearts of the people at the door.

He curled up into a ball, speaking incoherent words that no one could hear. When Yuan Yuxue walked to the iron gate, he sat on the ground and opened one eye slightly with fatigue. He saw a pair of straight legs and a thin waist standing in front of him. The hand that appeared in his field of vision was pale in complexion, with slender knuckles, and was fiddling with the lock on the iron gate.

The door was opened again.

Perhaps because of the almost impossible delusion, he stretched out his hand to test it again, and the invisible wall of air appeared in front of him again.

"… "

The curled-up man changed his posture and stopped struggling. He just muttered to himself, "I can't get in. Don't you know?"


Yuan Yuxue's voice was cold.

These two short words immediately angered the person at the door.

He was stunned for a moment, then became furious like crazy, "Then what are you doing here? Are you pitying me? Or do you want to provoke me again and remind me how stupid and smart I am, so now I can only wait to die at the door and watch you—"