Humanoid Machine

Chapter 86: Ghost School Survival Guide


"… "

Yuan Yuxue was slightly stunned, and felt the warm touch of human body temperature on her knees.

This unexpected, strong and unfamiliar emotion made him struggle a little uncomfortably, and the trivial wounds were affected by this movement, cracking slightly, and fresh blood rolled out. Suddenly, there were some quite exaggerated "hissing" sounds around him, as if those wounds were on their bodies, which was frightening.

"Don't move." A nervous voice of dissuasion came, and the person in front of him spoke in an even more nervous and dry voice, "Does it hurt?"

Finally, there was a question he could answer.

Yuan Yuxue said: " won't hurt."

It really doesn't hurt. In order to adapt to fighting in various situations, Yuan Yuxue's sense of pain is very dull, almost non-existent. Of course, there will be no feedback from this level of injury.

However, given that his credibility seemed to be bankrupt, no one around him believed Yuan Yuxue's words. Some even showed expressions of disapproval and looked at him with some condemnation.

Yuan Yuxue: “…”

Monitor the other end of the connection—

Most of the surveillance footage was destroyed, with blurry white signals in the corners, but the information presented on the screen was still sufficient to keep everyone's eyes fixed on Yuan Yuxue.

They watched Yuan Yuxue rush into various dangerous ghost tides to rescue those students who were trapped and unable to move.

These actions were extremely exhausting, and although his face was pale, he did not hesitate at all in his movements.

Yuan Yuxue once said that his goal was to protect all the remaining people... and keep them alive.

That is indeed a perfect but apparently unrealistic ideal situation.

But he did it.

Yuan Yuxue never retreated. She ran forward with all her might, as if she was using herself as fuel, without looking back or stopping.

There are many powerful people. They make people fear and retreat, admire and respect them, and they leave various marks in the world.

But powerful and compassionate people are so rare that once you meet one in your life, you will have no regrets.

The auditorium was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, but it was not the dead silence that came from losing everything before, but a kind of silent shock and respect for him.

"We can be humble as dust, but we must not be twisted like maggots."

Even though they could not be as fearless as Yuan Yuxue, and could not face fear and threats to achieve that unrealistic ideal situation, this did not hinder their surging excitement at this moment.

Or perhaps it is precisely because I cannot become that kind of person that I am particularly dazzled by that light, my heart is overwhelmed by its heat, and I am easily moved by its sincere enthusiasm.

We are unwilling to look down on others, nor will we allow others to distort and slander us.

Zeng Bai stared at the screen blankly. The desktop under his finger had been slightly sunken by his confusion. From the initial self-mockery, to the cautious scrutiny, to now... his thoughts were floating away.

He actually didn't understand why it was such a coincidence that Yuan Yuxue saved him when he was bewitched by ghosts when he and Yuan Yuxue were just strangers who were wary of each other. Zeng Bai even regarded this kind of contribution without any exchange of interests as help from friendly NPCs, and he was unwilling to believe that there were such people in the world... But in fact, Yuan Yuxue had never changed.