Hundred Flowers Slaughter: Confusing a Gentleman’s Heart

Chapter 21: Nanrong Villa


For the entire Nanrong Villa, this was a chaotic day.

Nanrong Qingyuan, who has been busy for a day, is now the owner of the Nanrong family. When he heard that Nanrong Jinyun was back, he immediately went to Mangxuan. Mangxuan is the residence of the third lady of the Nanrong family. .

Third Miss's medical skills were excellent, and it was a small test for Nanrong Jinyun's flesh wounds, but seeing Bai Nianling lying there with a white face, Third Miss Lin Ruoxi frowned in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I don't know..." Chu Tianye looked at Chen Huanyu sadly, "I didn't know you had real feelings for her, but at that time... I really didn't have time to think about doing it right No, Huanyu?"

The two stood leaning against the wall outside Mangxuan, Chen Huanyu kept his head down with a very deep look. Hearing Chu Tianye's words, he shook his head but didn't look up at him: "No, I would do the same if it was changed, the most important thing is that Yun'er is fine."

"Where's Yun'er? Where's Yun'er? Tell her to come out." The owner of the villa yelled into Mangxuan with a serious face, and the two guardians outside the door hurriedly followed the owner to salute and followed into the house.

Nanrong Jinyun, whose wound had just been bandaged in the house, heard his father's voice, grimaced at Lin Ruoxi and looked for a hiding place, but the owner had already come in: "Where do you want to hide? You know?" How big of a mistake did you make? Why don’t you come and kneel down for me.”

Nanrong Jinyun pouted and held the injured arm, then walked slowly to the owner, she knelt down obediently, maybe this kind of thing has long been commonplace for her: "Father, I'm injured , you really have the heart to punish me?"

The corners of the owner's eyes trembled and he pulled her arm to check. When he found that it was only a minor injury, he said with a straight face: "I won't count your crimes one by one. Now go back to the room with me to think about your mistakes behind closed doors. You will be fined within a month." You are not allowed to leave the room, does a girl think you are decent?" Finally, the owner of the villa still scolded me.

"One, one month?" Nanrong Jinyun's eyes widened. Seeing that her father had no intention of backing down, she cast a pitiful look at the two guardians behind the owner, but Chen Chu, who always loved her and loved her The two of them turned a blind eye to her begging eyes, she pouted, "I, I don't agree."

If she was not to go out for a month, it would be better to cut off her legs.

At this time, Nanrong Jinpeng, the eldest son of the owner of the villa, stood up and looked at Nanrong Jinyun with a look of complacency and sadness: "Oh, my sister, you see that you didn't play well when you went out to play, and you were caught Isn't it tiring to chase after that family in the hands of this family? But when you come back, Dad will punish you, do you think your trip is worth it?"

Nanrong Jinyun knew that he had nothing good to say, so he glanced at him maliciously, and Nanrong Jinpeng continued: "You don't know how much crisis you have brought to our village this time, if you want me to tell you Thinking about father behind closed doors is already the lightest punishment, you are still not convinced, you want to replace me..." Nanrong Jinpeng glanced at Zhuangshang's gloomy face and didn't say any more, but just turned to Nanrong Jin Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Nanrong Jinyun got up from the ground and rushed to the bedside to hold Bai Nianling's hand tightly: "I knew that your heartless brother must add fuel to the fire, anyway, I don't care, I can promise you a short time I won't go in and out of the village at will, but I want to stay in Mangxuan to help sister Ruoxi take care of my savior, father, you can't take away your request, right?"

Hearing what Nanrong Jinyun said about the villa owner Nanrong Qingyuan, he remembered the strange woman who rescued Yun'er in the Mother Palace. The identity of this woman had already been ordered to let her go when he asked Chen Huanyu to pick up Yun'er. Chen Huanyu checked, after all, everything must be handled specially during the critical period.

Nanrong Qingyuan turned his head to look at Chen Huanyu, Chen Huanyu nodded and said, "I checked everything according to the owner's order, and I didn't find any suspicious signs on the little... Miss Bai."

Nanrong Qingyuan nodded and walked towards the bed. Generally speaking, he was more at ease about entrusting the two guardians, at least he was much more at ease than entrusting his son.

But this time Chu Tianye looked at Chen Huanyu with disapproval. After all, he knew very well that Chen Huanyu had personal feelings for Bai Nianling this time, and the matter might not be as simple as Chen Huanyu said.

When Nanrong Qingyuan stood by the bed and saw Bai Nianling, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and then the entire eye sockets were filled with bloodshot eyes. He frowned and clenched his hands tightly, as if he was not seeing a dying person. The patient is like a corpse that has been dead for thousands of years.

Nanrong Jinpeng just glanced at Bai Nianling and snorted coldly before turning his head away. To him, there must be something wrong with Bai Nianling and he must throw her out of Nanrong Villa.

"Miss Bai was seriously injured and poisoned by the poison dart frog. If... if there is no antidote, I'm afraid she will die in hell. Father, look at this..." Of course, Lin Ruoxi also knew the mysterious identity of the character Bai Nianling who appeared in Nanrong Villa. Whether or not she could be saved actually required Nanrong Qingyuan's words, so she had no choice but to ask Nanrong Qingyuan for advice at this time.

"Save? Save for what?" Nanrong Jinpeng glared at her, "I said this person must be a conspiracy of the Matriarch Palace, and he can't be saved. Dad might as well just throw it out."

Chen Huanyu didn't care what they were talking about, his eyes and heart were fixed on Lin Ruoxi's wrist, Lin Ruoxi wore a brass bell on his wrist, and the crisp brass bell would ring with a slight movement. Ringtones are wonderful. But he remembered that he also saw a copper bell exactly like Lin Ruoxi's on Fifth Mu Xue's wrist, and that copper bell was used to control poison dart frogs.

After pondering for a long time, I heard Chu Tianye snarl: "Stop making noise, do you take the owner seriously?"

At this time, the owner and Chen Huanyu woke up at the same time. Seeing the sudden silence in the room, and seeing the red faces of Nanrong Jinyun and Nanrong Jinpeng Er, they knew what happened just now.

The owner waved his hand and stared at the two of them: "Get out of the way."

The owner sat on the side of the bed and looked at Bai Nianling's appearance carefully again. He shook his head and there were almost tears in his eyes. He looked up at Chen Huanyu: "Did you really find out about her?"

Chen Huanyu was stunned for a moment, he really didn't put in the effort to find out, but his intuition told him that Xiao Nian would not be a bad person. He nodded calmly: "Yes."

The owner sighed and looked at Nanrong Jinyun meaningfully for a long time before turning his head. He looked at Lin Ruoxi: "What did Ruoxi just say? I didn't hear it."

Lin Ruoxi hurried forward: "I mean, I don't have the antidote for the poison dart frog, so I don't know how to save her."

Surprised, Chen Huanyu hurriedly took out the bag that Chiyo Nonghua gave him: "Miss San, but this?"

Lin Ruoxi opened it and saw a little green snake sticking out its tongue and looking at it, she was overjoyed: "Exactly, the poison of the poison dart frog can only be detoxified by this kind of snake fighting poison with poison."... ...

While Lin Ruoxi and Chen Huanyu were busy with how to use snakes to detoxify, Chu Tianye kept staring at the owner, and the owner looked at Bai Nianling, as if he couldn't understand that face no matter how much he studied it.

After a long time, the owner stood up and said, "Ruoxi, I will leave Miss Bai to you. Yun'er can stay and take care of her if she wants, but you can't do it again, or I will waste your three-legged cat's kung fu."

Nanrong Jinyun stuck out his tongue, but finally he didn't have to stay in the house all day.

Before leaving, Nanrong Qingyuan said again: "We must save her."

The two guardians and Nanrong Jinpeng left with the owner, but the owner of Mangxuan stopped and said to them, "Let's do our own thing. I'm tired and go back to the house to have a rest."

Everyone took orders to leave, but Chu Tianye stood still, the owner looked at him, and said, "The owner...knows Miss Bai?"

The owner of the villa was taken aback, knowing that Chu Tianye had seen his gaffe just now, he sighed: "I don't know him, but I have seen it before. It's just right, Tianye will come with me to my room."