Hundred Flowers Slaughter: Confusing a Gentleman’s Heart

Chapter 43: want to***?


But the sky didn't follow people's wishes, Chen Huanyu came straight to Bai Nianling as soon as he came out of the owner. The next whole night he didn't leave, which also made Bai Nianling tragically break his promise to Yao Ling. When Yao Ling came to pick up Bai Nianling, she saw Chen Huanyu and had no choice but to back away silently.

Even so, Bai Nianling didn't have many regrets. She actually didn't want to help Yao Ling detoxify so early, because she was afraid that Yao Ling would not want to help her once she was free. Although this idea is a bit selfish, at least under the current situation, she and Yao Ling are asking each other for mutual benefit and mutual restraint. In fact, this relationship is the best.

Who can guarantee that once this balance is broken, Yao Ling will not regret it. What's more, she still holds Bai Nianling's most important secret!

Chen Huanyu didn't say anything more about what happened in the forest today, he just asked the girl to set up refreshments under the tree, and then sat with Bai Nianling under the moon. It is infinite emotion.

The moonlight is indeed bright tonight, and the stars are scattered on the ink plate. The breeze blows the willows Yiyi, bringing a little playful liveliness. In the quiet night, only the occasional chirping of insects could be heard, but Bai Nianling looked even more beautiful in the moonlight, which made Chen Huanyu, who was sitting across from him, lose his mind for a second.

"It's so beautiful." Chen Huanyu stared blankly at Bai Nianling while holding the wine glass.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Bai Nianling gently snatched his wine glass, if he drank any more, he would get drunk.

At the moment when she snatched the wine glass, Chen Huanyu suddenly reached out to hold her hand, Bai Nianling's heart tightened, Chen Huanyu tonight was really different. Chen Huanyu smiled lightly: "There has never been a woman who can really capture my heart. You are the first and will only be the last."

The corner of Bai Nianling's mouth moved slightly and she lowered her head, she actually knew the reason why Chen Huanyu would be tempted by her. She smiled: "Huanyu, you're drunk."

"Isn't it better to be drunk? We can't let us down when the night is bright, right?" Chen Huanyu suddenly got up and grabbed her, wrapped his arms around her slender waist gently, bowed his head, and whispered: "Speak, that monster Why did you only kill Fifth Mu Xue?"

Bai Nianling took a step back, but this attracted Chen Huanyu to take two steps closer. Although she had kissed him before, Bai Nianling still didn't want to get so close to him, she was a little scared. She was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave in the future, but she forgot that she had made Chen Huanyu pay so much, even if she was willing to leave, what would happen to Chen Huanyu

"Did the owner suspect me?" Bai Nianling knew that there must be a reason for Chen Huanyu to do everything. "Or you tell the owner that I know flower Gu."

Chen Huanyu leaned over her shoulder and blew lightly on her neck, which made Bai Nianling tremble all over. She wanted to push the drunkard away, but Chen Huanyu was too heavy on her so hard work was useless. Chen Huanyu smiled and said softly: "I didn't say it, because I don't believe Wu Muxue's nonsense, but... I have to believe a little bit about Qiandai's nonsense, Xiao Nian, you understand..."

"I know." Bai Nianling didn't move, but Chen Huanyu made more progress, "So, the owner asked you to find out the truth tonight, right?"

Chen Huanyu stood upright and looked at her, and suddenly pointed the tip of his nose towards her: "Looking at you drunk, you are even more beautiful. In fact, you make me a little unpredictable, but you make me irresistibly want to get closer Believe me, Xiao Nian, tell me, what is the real you? Is it true that you said to the owner that day that you would leave the villa sooner or later? Why?"

Bai Nianling looked at him: "Do you trust me?"

Chen Huanyu nodded: "As long as I believe what you say, I can ignore even if there is a question about Qiandai Nonghua, and I am willing to be righteous for you even if there is an order from the owner, but after Xiao Nian today, I feel that I really don't know you well."

"Then do you believe that I really love you?" Bai Nianling understood that Chen Huanyu liked her but didn't know how to deal with her between the owner and her. Anyone would doubt what happened today, Chen Huanyu just didn't know how to question her, so he wanted to get drunk, Bai Nianling was really touched by his thoughtfulness, but there are some things that he really can't tell him.

Chen Huanyu nodded, and Bai Nianling suddenly hugged him: "Then what do you doubt? The flower Gu technique has been destroyed for nearly a hundred years, how can I do it? Who knows what Qiandai makes flowers mean, Huanyu... "She moved her mouth gently, actually she didn't know how to explain it to him, but she knew he would not refuse the kiss. He will believe her!

Originally, Bai Nianling just wanted to tiptoe lightly on the good lips, but he didn't expect this action to attract Chen Huanyu's more intense kiss back. He hugged her so tightly that he almost didn't rub her into her mouth. The inside of her body is in the air, the tip of her lips and tongue desperately search for the sweetness in Bai Nianling's lips, entwining and sucking each other. Even though he was a little breathless, he didn't want to let go of each other, Bai Nianling's hand unconsciously groped back and forth on his neck, and suddenly seemed to have caught something, she pushed him away in surprise, what just scalded her hand

Chen Huanyu still hugged her: "What's wrong?"

Bai Nianling stared at Chen Huanyu's neck: "What is hanging around your neck?"

Chen Huanyu smiled, pulled out a pendant from his clothes and dazzled Bai Nianling's eyes, Bai Nianling held it in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully, her eyes were startled suddenly, this pendant was by no means ordinary, it was shaped like a teardrop, and lying in it was a pendant. a flamingo. It's like amber, but it's not as hot as when Bai Nianling touched it just now in the palm of his hand.

"Broken Cloud..." Bai Nianling called softly, she looked up at Chen Huanyu, she knew her intuition was right, this man's blood unsealed her, so he decided to have a relationship with Zhan Ling relationship, now that she sees Suiyun, she is more certain.

"How do you know its name?" Chen Huanyu looked at her in surprise, "This is given to me by the owner. I have been wearing it since I was a child. How is it? Is the bird in it lifelike?"

Of course it is lifelike, you must know that Suiyun is a real bird, and it is Zhan Ling's sword soul! She looked at Chen Huanyu: "You said... the owner gave you this? Then... did he give you the knife?"

Chen Huanyu shook his head: "No, what's wrong?"

There is only a soul but no sword, so where did Zhan Ling's sword go? Bai Nianling was puzzled, ordinarily Zhan Ling's things should indeed be in Nanrong Villa. But Broken Cloud belonged to Zhan Ling, as the owner of the villa, he would not know it, but why did the owner give it to Chen Huanyu? Does the owner know that Chen Huanyu's status is unusual? Then why only send the soul of the sword and not the sword

Thousands of thoughts passed through Bai Nianling's mind, but the only thing that surprised her was that Suiyun was still alive. If she hadn't mistakenly sensed it, the hot feeling just now was Suiyun telling her: It's time!

Bai Nianling lowered his eyebrows: "No, by the way, you will soon be confronting the head of the Matriarch Palace, are you fully prepared?"

When Chen Huanyu heard this, he relaxed her. After the moment just now, most of his wine was sober, so he couldn't help picking up the wine again and pouring it while saying: "I have already asked the owner to let me go with you to catch the monster. The owner saw it with his own eyes this time so he believed it." 80% agreed to it."

"But I said that even if you can catch this monster, you may not be able to beat Zimeng, he is so powerful..."

"Sooner or later, I will be able to beat him one day." Chen Huanyu interrupted her, he doubted Bai Nianling just now, but a passionate kiss made him believe in Bai Nianling, he couldn't find any reason to doubt Bai Nianling, because He really loves her.

Bai Nianling suddenly said: "Then I'll drink a little more wine with you, so that you can relieve your worries when you're drunk."

Chen Huanyu scolded her: "You are not afraid that I will have sex after drinking." Thinking of the kiss just now, he really couldn't guarantee that he could stand up to temptation.

Bai Nianling held his hand: "That's even better, then I'll marry you, and then Yun'er won't have to chase you all day long."