Hundred Flowers Slaughter: Confusing a Gentleman’s Heart

Chapter 69: Go back to the cemetery


Bai Nianling smiled slightly facing the wind: "So what if there is the Broken Cloud Art, he can't really display the power of the Broken Cloud Art if he doesn't have the Cloud Broken Knife for a day. In fact, the result of fighting between you is already obvious, so why bother?" Woolen cloth?"

"The battle of gentlemen, the words have been spoken, how can we take them back?" Zimeng looked at her, "I also hope that he can show his true level. I think you should know where the Broken Cloud Knife is."

Bai Nianling looked at him strangely, it was beyond Bai Nianling's imagination that he respected his opponent so much. If it were someone else, Chen Huanyu would not be allowed to practice even the Broken Cloud Jue in order to win. Zimeng gave her a very different feeling, and she shook her head slightly: "The battle of gentlemen! You said it very well. But there is one thing you may not know." She paused, "The Broken Cloud Knife is not famous because The knife is so magical, but because it is attached to the soul of the ancient fire bird. The bird soul only recognizes this knife, and only this knife and Zhan Ling can awaken its power. That is to say, even if Chen Huanyu gets the knife, it may not be It can unseal the bird soul in the knife."

When Bai Nianling said this, she was thinking of the fire bird that Chen Huanyu was wearing, and she tightened her hands a little bit, she knew that given time, Chen Huanyu could wake up the bird. Maybe Chen Huanyu's real weakness is not the soul of broken cloud, but the knife! However, she glanced at Zi Meng who was full of anticipation. She didn't want these two people to fight. She, a little girl, didn't understand the battle between gentlemen. She only knew that someone would get hurt in a fight.

"Fire Bird!" A smile appeared on the corner of Zimeng's mouth, "It seems very interesting, but things have to be done bit by bit, so how about we find the Broken Cloud Knife for him first?"

Bai Nianling looked at his sincere face, she really didn't know what to say. Maybe this is the dignity of their man, she really has no reason to say anything. She nodded: "At first I thought that the Broken Cloud Knife would be in Nanrong Villa, but..." She shook her head slightly, because if the Broken Cloud Knife really had a villa, it is impossible for the soul of the knife not to feel it, but the soul of the knife is there. Chen Huanyu has worn it on his body for so many years and has not responded to the master at all, which shows that the knife itself is not in the village.

"If it's not in Zhuangshang, I think it's only possible to be in one place." Bai Nianling took two steps forward, looking at the clear blue sky, she frowned slightly, "Zhan Ling and the knife have been together for a lifetime, and the knife and people have long been combined One, it will not abandon its master, and others cannot take it away."

"You mean..." Zimeng looked at her in surprise, with envy on his face, "If that's the case, I really hope that I will live a hundred years to meet Zhanling, how can a hero be a hero?" It would be a pity to miss it.”

Bai Nianling's heart tightened a little bit, she wished that it wasn't that cold knife that followed Zhan Ling closely for a hundred years, but herself, even if she turned into loess, she would have no regrets. She smiled slightly at Zimeng: "In my heart, you are also a hero. If you really want to, let's go get the knife together tonight. I believe that Zhan Ling has a spirit in the sky, and I don't want the Broken Cloud Knife to follow him forever underground. A good knife will always have a day in the world, maybe today is really the time."

Zimeng nodded reluctantly: "Well, that's it!"

"Palace Master." Xuan Ruo came back from the outside, with a worried expression on his face, "I think your guess is correct, I will stare at the first seat and that surnamed Bai, these two..."

Ming Yueyao was applying makeup to the mirror, she asked calmly: "What's wrong?"

"This subordinate can't tell you that feeling." Xuanruo looked at Ming Yueyao helplessly, "In short, this subordinate has never seen the first seat smile so happily. Even if it is, even in front of the Palace Master, I have never seen it. Pass."

Ming Yueyao's hands paused slightly, and the beauty in the mirror frowned slightly. She let go of the rouge in her hand and ran her fingers lightly between the pearl hairpins, repeating Xuanruo's words in her mouth: "I have never smiled so happily... Pass?"

Xuan Ruo stopped talking. Ming Yueyao got up and walked to the window, she sighed softly: "Yeah, since that time, I haven't seen him smile at me again. No, it should be said that I never saw him smile at anyone."

A fierce light flashed in her lowered eyebrows, and she clenched her hands slightly: "Bai Nianling!"

"Yao'er." Suddenly Zi Meng's voice interrupted her, she looked back in surprise, Zi Meng was standing at the door as usual, Xuan Ruo had already left.

Zi Meng stepped forward, only showing the respect and admiration of his subordinates to his master, Ming Yueyao couldn't even see the slightest smile on his face. Her heart tightened slightly, and Zi Meng cupped her hands: "Xiao Nian and I want to take action tonight, so I'm here to tell you."

Ming Yueyao knew that in Zimeng's heart he had never regarded her as the palace lord, although he was loyal to her, he couldn't treat her as the palace lord. When Ming Yueyao heard Zi Meng called Bai Nian and Ling Xiaonian, her heart tightened even more, but she deliberately squeezed out a smile on her face: "Okay! I've always been at ease in your actions, so why bother to tell me again."

Zimeng glanced at her and turned his head away, he said flatly, "Then I'll go down."

Ming Yueyao couldn't find a reason to keep him, it seemed that the conversation between the two had always been like this for so many years.

There is a cold moon hanging in the night sky, and the starless night always looks extraordinarily cold. The wind passes through the body, and the chill is like ice water splashing on the bones.

Both Bai Nianling and Zi Meng added coats, but they still felt a little cold. The two sneaked into the cemetery of the Baili family, a place that Bai Nianling had visited the first moment he woke up. It's just that she didn't pay much attention to this place at that time, and she didn't want to come to this place because the people who used to laugh with her and cry with her were all lying here now.

Looking at the devastation under the moonlight, ruined walls, abandoned wells and tombs. The feeling of the cemetery is sad besides eerie. Especially in Bai Nianling's eyes, she gently caressed her tombstone with her hand, she couldn't tell what it was like, she sneered: "It's a pity that it's a tomb of clothes."

Zimeng's hands were also cool, and he patted her lightly: "Since God wants you to come back, he has his own arrangements." He scanned the cemetery, and his eyes fell on the side of Bai Nianling's tombstone, Zhan Ling's tombstone : "Speaking of which, it doesn't feel deserted here. It seems that there are still people sweeping the graves every year. Who could it be? Also, logically, Zhan Ling's tomb should not appear in your family's cemetery."

Bai Nianling knelt in front of Zhan Ling's tombstone and shook her head. Her thoughts seemed to go back to a hundred years ago. That man's smiling face became her eternal nightmare. At this time, Bai Nianling couldn't hear what Zi Meng was saying. Sighing in vain, everything turned into a pile of loess.

"I knew the world was impermanent, so why did we meet in the first place." Bai Nianling's finger moved across Zhan Ling's tombstone bit by bit.

"What is written in the small characters above?" Zimeng knew that her mood was not relevant, so she lowered her head to look at the tombstone. Bai Nianling had seen the small characters below the tombstone when she first came here. She said lightly, "It's Nan Rong. The names of the owners of the various generations of the family."

"Could it be that the person who comes to sweep the tomb every year is the owner of the Nanrong family?" Zi Meng was startled, and the words came out of his mouth.

After saying this, even Zi Meng himself was startled, and Bai Nianling was also startled. She had never thought about it this way. In her opinion, it is possible for anyone to sweep the grave, but it is absolutely impossible for the Nanrong family. She stood up and stared at Zimeng for a long time unable to understand it. What Zimeng said is not unreasonable. If it wasn't for the Nanrong family coming every year, why is the name of Nanrongcheng from a hundred years ago to the name of Nanrong Qingyuan now

Then if it is really the Nan Rong family who are sweeping the grave, then why? Why sweep the tomb, why do you want to leave your name. And only on Zhan Ling's tombstone