Hundred Flowers Slaughter: Confusing a Gentleman’s Heart

Chapter 7: A person who reaps the benefits


"What are you talking about?" Nanrong Jinyun stood between the two of them, angrily saying, "Don't discuss such a profound issue in front of me."

Chen Huanyu's eyes narrowed, and he pulled Nanrong Jinyun away with a playful look and said with a smile: "Second Miss is right, such a profound question should be left to the higher-ups to think about. It is Nan Rong who saved the second lady. The benefactor of the Rong family is also my benefactor, Chen Huanyu. Martial arts believe in making friends through martial arts, and today I see a woman like Miss Bai who dares to single-handedly break into the evil palace, how could I miss this good opportunity?"

As Chen Huanyu said, the big knife on his back was already shining coldly, ready to move. He reached out with one hand and regarded it as a challenge. Of course, Bai Nianling knew that when Chen Huanyu talked about making friends with martial arts, he actually wanted to test her martial arts skills, but could she refuse such a challenge

What's interesting is that Nanrong Jinyun was excited when Chen Huanyu said that he was going to fight, clapping his hands and jumping around in front of the two of them: "Okay, okay. I also seem to know whether Brother Huanyu is the best or Sister Xiaonian is the best. "

Bai Nianling looked at Chen Huanyu with a trace of challenge in his eyes, she didn't ride a tiger because she also wanted to know whether Zhan Ling was the best or Chen Huanyu was the best. Perhaps this fight will be fought sooner or later. Chen Huanyu didn't use his sword, but when his figure flashed towards Bai Nianling, it was a shadow of a sword...

Nanrong Jinyun hurriedly dodged to the side to prevent them from harming Chi Yu. Chen Huanyu's unexpected onslaught made Bai Nianling retreat to the corner of the wall and put his feet on the wall: "Slash." Since Chen Huanyu is the one who uses the knife, he can only use the knife connect. Among the six deadly moves, only slash is received with the hands in the shape of a knife. But this move is also Bai Nianling's always weak move.

Bai Nianling also knew that fighting Chen Huanyu with the fatal six moves would definitely arouse the opponent's suspicion, but Nanrong Jinyun already knew that he knew the six moves, so he couldn't hide it if he wanted to. What's more, apart from the Six Forms of Bai Nianling, there is only the Flower Gu Technique, so she can't use the Flower Gu Technique to catch Chen Huanyu's tricks.

Bai Nianling's slash did not hit Chen Huanyu's vitals, but Chen Huanyu was indeed shocked by Bai Nianling's sixth form and took two steps back. He looked at Bai Nianling in surprise, and then looked at the side Nanrong Jinyun watching the battle. He only came to one conclusion: this Bai Nianling is indeed not a simple person.

In any case, it is better to solve it now than to become a threat later. Chen Huanyu reached out to hold the handle of the knife on his shoulder, and a wisp of cold air wandered around the room. He's ready to strike!

The murderous intent in Chen Huanyu's eyes was unreservedly reflected in the eyes of the two girls, Nanrong Jinyun was a little surprised: Chen Huanyu actually wanted to do it for real? Bai Nianling didn't expect that Chen Huanyu would kill her here. After fighting Chen Huanyu for a few moves just now, she knew very well that although Chen Huanyu is not as good as Zhan Ling back then, he definitely will, sooner or later he will grow into Zhan Ling. A peerless sword master like Ling.

Back then, Bai Li Nian couldn't beat Zhan Ling. Today, Bai Nian Ling is evenly matched against Chen Huan Yu, but if they really fight to the death, who knows the final outcome

He only heard the sound of a knife, and saw a ray of dazzling white light attacking his face. Bai Nianling couldn't even block his face with his hands, let alone block him with moves. In the confusion, Nanrong Jinyun yelled: "Brother Huanyu, you are not allowed to draw your saber at Miss Xiao Nian, she is my lifesaver."

Yes. How could I forget Nanrong Jinyun. Maybe she is the only one who can stop Chen Huanyu's murderous intentions! But Chen Huanyu's knife point was already pointing at Bai Nianling: "Of course, a master's move must be done to the fullest to be enjoyable. It's not even a fight if you don't even have a knife. Miss Bai, do you think I'm right?"

Chen Huanyu said this so that no one could hear the murderous danger in his words, Bai Nianling didn't answer because the knife was approaching. This time, I was afraid that Chen Huanyu would not be able to deal with the six moves alone. Bai Nianling dodged the first and second blows...but she never took the move. Chen Huanyu has never killed anyone, so neither of them can tell what the pursuit means. In the cold light of the sword, Chen Huanyu's gaze changed from murderous to gentle and strange.

That dream haunted his mind again! The moment he saw his hatred piercing into Bai Nianling's body again, he clearly felt that he was very distressed.

He didn't understand why Bai Nianling didn't accept the move, and why his decision to kill this woman was shaken at this moment. Bai Nianling's dodging figure gave him an indescribable sense of familiarity. He didn't want to continue this competition. He wanted to close the knife and hug this woman to protect her. When this strange sense of mission came from his heart, he himself I was taken aback, why would I have such an idea

"Enough is enough, don't fight any more." Nanrong Jinyun couldn't stand it any longer, "Point to the gun." She circled between the two and pointed at Chen Huanyu—

Chen Huanyu's knife fell to the ground twice, and he looked at Bai Nianling who stood in front of him in surprise. What happened last second? Nanrong Jinyun's six-style attack came over to stop the battle between the two, but Bai Nianling used ghost steps to block Chen Huanyu, and also blocked Nanrong Jinyun's finger gun for Chen Huanyu.

Nanrong Jinyun knew very well that Chen Huanyu could escape her blow, but she didn't expect that Bai Nianling would block it for Chen Huanyu regardless of life and death. Nanrong Jinyun's finger hit Bai Nianling's shoulder forcefully. Watching Bai Nianling slowly fall between the two of them with eyes wide open in shock—

The moment Bai Nianling fell to the ground, Chen Huanyu came to his senses from the astonishment and hugged her, squatting along her body and hugging her tightly, Chen Huanyu felt a rush of blood rushing from his heart straight to the forehead—

He always felt as if somewhere; when; under what circumstances he had hugged her like this. It felt too clear and too chaotic; too real and too psychedelic—

"Xiao Nian..." A gentle voice sounded in Chen Huanyu's mind. With a flick of his eyes, he was sure that he heard the call of a gentle man, but he definitely didn't initiate it by himself. mouth, but the sound was indeed coming from within his own vocal cords. This... what the hell is going on? He held Bai Nianling in his arms, sometimes confused reluctance flashed in his eyes; sometimes suspicion and speculation flashed.

Bai Nianling heard it too, heard Zhan Ling's voice, heard Zhan Ling calling her. She coughed slightly and opened her eyes in Chen Huanyu's arms: in a vague consciousness; in the dim light she saw Zhan Ling's smiling face as before. Still such a gentle smile; such bright eyes.

"I'm sorry." Bai Nianling suddenly burst into tears, and slowly reached out to touch Chen Huanyu's face, "I owe you, I'm sorry." After saying this, Bai Nianling fainted in Chen Huanyu's arms.

Nanrong Jinyun just woke up from the scene just now, and the first thing he did after patting his frozen face was to push away Chen Huanyu who was hugging Bai Nianling tightly. She snatched Bai Nianling into her arms and stared at Chen Huanyu, saying, "It's all your fault, now that you're better, I hurt Miss Xiao Nian."

Chen Huanyu was stunned by Bai Nianling's last words, and he didn't want to quarrel with Nanrong Jinyun when he came back to his senses, he said anxiously: "Go to the door and watch out, I'll heal her, hurry up. "With a few short words, he had already pulled Bai Nianling into his arms again, and quickly carried him to the bed. Seeing that Nanrong Jinyun hadn't moved, he said, "What are you doing in a daze? Do you want her to die?"

Nanrong Jinyun was shocked by his yelling, but he didn't have time to get angry with him: saving people is more important now. He nodded straightly and ran to the door to guard.

For Mu Xue who has been watching the battle from the sidelines - this is definitely an opportunity, a hard-to-find opportunity. Originally, he was still thinking about how to subdue Bai Nianling and rob Nanrong Jinyun, but he didn't want Chen Huanyu to appear halfway. I thought that things would become more and more difficult, but I didn't expect that Nanrong Villa was also wary of Bai Nianling, and this situation made Mu Xue really say that God helped her!

She sat in the room looking at the flickering lamp heart, her eyes narrowed into evil slits: now Chen Huanyu is in the room healing Bai Nian Ling Yungong's wounds, and Nanrong Jinyun is guarding the door alone. In other words, Chen Huanyu didn't dare to come out in the middle of his luck even if something big happened outside. She sneered, all of this is really thanks to the unexpected meeting with Chen Huanyu!