Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 114: Going to Crusade (Chapter 5)


The night is quiet, and above this high mountain, there is only the voice of a woman crying, seeming to have suffered some great grievances.

And Li Heng on the side was very speechless, thinking, I didn't bully you either!

After half an hour, she finally stopped crying, took a deep breath, calmed down a lot, and said to Li Heng: "Go on!"

Li Heng: "..."

"Anyway, I can't live anymore, so I will hand over my body to you." Her eyes were muddy, and she hid many stories.

Li Heng on the side was silent.

For a long time!

She asked with a trembling tone: "Why don't you do it?"

Li Hengbai glanced at her: "I don't like being with demons, so what."

Upon hearing this, the woman blushed and said with a slight anger: "Don't bluff people here, your human race is the most shameless and there is no lower limit. Don't tell me the difference between monsters and humans here. If you want to go, you will go, forget it!"

She was wronged.

Obviously he had already plucked up the courage to utter this sentence, but in the end he was disgusted by this guy.

Thinking of this, she buried her head and couldn't speak anymore.

very quiet.

Only the sound of cold wind blowing.

She didn't know how long she had passed, she raised her head subconsciously, but where was there someone on the mountain

he's gone.

The woman opened her mouth slightly and was even more aggrieved: "Could it be that I am not good-looking enough?" She is dying. Before she died, she couldn't satisfy even a single wish.

In the darkness, Li Heng left the Yaozu area.


tenth day.

The morning sun rises and everything recovers.

On the ground outside the fortress, there were 16,000 soldiers of the Fifth Legion standing, all dressed in uniform, resolute faces, and quiet scenes, filled with oppressive killings.

This is the legion that has repeatedly resisted the attacks of the monster army.

Under the leadership of Li Heng, their realm advanced by leaps and bounds, and their average strength was in the realm of the god king.

Such a corps can be described as strong.

"Soldiers!" Li Heng stood above, raising his throat, his eyes scanned all of them: "From today, our task is no longer to guard the border, but the vast expanse of land."

He pointed to the direction abroad.

"It has been tens of thousands of years. They are still attacking and killing. They regard the Pure Land of Human Race as a battlefield and wantonly massacre Human Race.

"But we can't help it. Humans are weak, so we can only defend!"

"But, are you willing?"

"Unreconciled, unreconciled, long live the emperor, kill them all."

"Long live the Emperor, kill them all..."

Loudly, ups and downs again, it took a full five or six minutes to calm down.

Li Heng took a deep breath and his eyes became deeper and deeper. At this moment, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, leading the human race army to fight the monster world.

What a great thing that is!

"It’s right to be unwilling. I’m not reconciled. The entire human race is not reconciled. Therefore, we can only take the sword in our hand and kill it and tell all the monsters who have invaded the human race that we... will rule the world and become a real As the overlord of the race, we will overlook all the monster races and become the supreme existence."

"From today, remember this moment..."

"The Fifth Legion, follow... Li Heng, that is, the new generation of emperors, go to war." The last two words, Li Heng roared, and the blood quickly boiled.

The sound was very penetrating, spreading throughout the sky and the earth of the fortress.

"Go to battle!" Liu Feng raised the sword in his hand, his expression left only fortitude and determination. There was nothing to say. Since he chose this path, he could only move forward.

No matter how many powerful enemies there are in that strange world.

The army began to march, without taking away any of the luggage, those are not important, their realm is their powerful weapon.

It took a full two days to traverse the overseas battlefield and reach the ground outside the Saudi territory.

The Fifth Army was stationed.

"What should I do now?" Liu Feng couldn't help asking.

16,000 soldiers, no matter how powerful their strength, they are about to face a powerful monster in the world of monsters.

The Saudi Demon Race with an area of tens of thousands of miles.

This was the first stop and the first battle of the Fifth Army with a sword.

Liu Feng knew that no matter how many people came from Saudi Arabia, how many powerful monsters came, they had to bite their teeth, otherwise, this vigorous expedition would become a joke in the human race.

Of course, he didn't know whether the news was sent back.

"Don't worry, settle down first, brothers." Li Heng smiled: "If you camp, you can go to death."


Liu Feng was stunned and didn't quite understand this sentence.

Li Heng explained: "In this barren land, build a city belonging to the human race."

Liu Feng understood, but he didn't know what the intention was, so he nodded and started to make arrangements.

After a few days, the soldiers were busy building the city.

Of course, in such a barren land, it is impossible to build a city with a shape. You can only chop wood and simply build it.

Fortunately, during this time, no monsters passed by here, so I don't know that they have come to this place.

The tenth day.

Several demon races from the Saudi tribe just passed by here, staring at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

Liu Feng's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to kill someone, but was stopped by Li Heng: "Don't care about them, let them pass the news into the Yaozu."