Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 117: You Are Responsible to Me (Chapter Three)


"His Royal Highness, a woman came outside and said she knew you." A soldier came to report. After a pause, he added two more words: "Monster."

Li Heng raised his brows and said, "Boom out."


The soldier glanced at him and left immediately.

Ten minutes later, the soldier came here again with sweat on his forehead: "She has to say that she knows you, and she doesn't go away crying."

There are such people

Li Heng jumped up and strode out. From a distance, he saw the white figure, and he immediately recognized the person.

The daughter of the demon race.

Not long ago, I met in the area of a Saudi tribe.

It was one night.

He looked at the woman in front of him with interest, with a face in her early twenties, a slim figure, a fair complexion, an egg-like face, and big eyes, but the eyes were light blue and looked like It reveals a bit weird, and a bit pure and innocent.

At this moment, many soldiers were surrounded here, and the woman was crying, sobbing intermittently, with a rather pitiful expression.

"Your Highness is down." I didn't know who it was, and said a word.

The soldiers quickly backed up a few steps, keeping a distance from the woman. After all, this woman had something to do with their Royal Highness, and they didn't dare to go beyond.

"It's all gone!" Li Heng could tell at a glance that the woman was pretending to cry and had no emotions.

When the soldiers were gone, he frowned and said faintly: "It's OK, it's almost done, don't cry here."


She wiped away the tears and stared at Li Heng with big eyes: "You are responsible to me."

Li Heng: "..."

"I don't care, you are responsible to me anyway."

"Come here, blast this crazy woman out." Li Heng directly issued the order.

After hearing the sound, several soldiers ran over quickly, but after hearing the order clearly, they walked away leisurely.

Li Heng's face became stiff, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "A group of people eat things inside and out."

Of course, this does not mean that he will take care of this woman, and Li Heng left without waiting for her to say anything.

She would cry if she wanted to cry, and if she liked to make trouble, it would be right if she didn't know her, let alone any responsibility.

You look good, that's your business.

Lao Tzu doesn't like that with demon.

Li Heng returned to the military tent, thinking that he could get rid of the demon woman, but who knows, she also followed, aside from speaking, and occupied his wooden bed.

Li Heng: "..."


"Who is that woman?"

"do not know!"

"Tsk tusk, it looks so good-looking, our highness is too mighty."

"I don't know what race it is, hehe!"

The soldiers whispered and laughed inexplicably.

Historically, it is not that there are no examples of the combination of human race and monster race, but such examples are rare. Moreover, different race combinations cannot give birth to offspring.

The most important thing is that between the two races, they will dislike each other, so there are always few examples.

Well now, their great Royal Highness has hooked up with a girl of the demon race.

This is a big deal.

Whether or not you can give birth to an heir is not a problem, it is the key to get it done.

Ahem, a man after all!

In the military account.

Li Heng didn't bother to look at her, lay down on the chair and fell asleep.

In a daze, it seemed that a soldier was calling him, and then, he slapped his face with a slap.

He was furious and stared at the person in front of him: "What are you doing?"

The woman said pitifully, "They call you again."

"His Majesty, the matter is not good, a large group of monster soldiers came to the west." A voice came from outside the door.

They reported back and forth seven or eight times, but did not dare to step into the military account, because the girl of the demon race was here.


Li Heng yawned, squinted his eyes and walked out. He thought that the enchantress behind him would also follow, but this time, she was cleverly left in the military account.

It's tricky.

He glanced behind him, still moving forward.

To the west is a desolate land where no grass grows. A few dozen miles away, there are still a few high mountains, and a little bit of life takes root tenaciously.

Li Heng went to see it.

But, in such a direction, how could a large group of monster soldiers appear

He is curious.

A few minutes later, I finally saw the group of monster soldiers, who were still quite a few, about three thousand or so, who were also from the Saudi tribe.

They are sturdy and burly, with an average height of about two meters.

"You are the commander of the human army?" The monster standing in the front is a seventh-order great monster. He watched Li Heng's arrival with a ridiculous expression in his expression.

Li Heng nodded: "What's the matter?"

"My lord said, hand over that woman, otherwise, dampen all of you." The big demon's tone was cold.

The Blood Alliance did not care that a group of human races came here. They didn't have the spirit of defending the territory to the death, as long as this group of people didn't involve them or touch their interests.

Li Heng raised his brows: "What woman?"


The big demon sneered: "Don't pretend to be garlic here. Did a woman break into your barracks just now?"

Oh oh oh

Li Heng suddenly realized: "I understand, you mean, that demon girl?"

The big demon nodded: "Yes, if you know him quickly, hand him over, otherwise..."