Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 26: Cannot Fall


The sky was a little gloomy, a strong wind was blowing up on the sandy battlefield, and the bloody smell coming from a distance drifted in the air, suffocating.

The third defensive line, Chiyang Pass.

Similar to Moling Fortress, it is said to be an ancient city, but not a city. It is said to be an ancient town, but it is bigger than the ancient town. The only difference may be that there are not so many ordinary cultivators living here.

The army guarding here has a number, the Fifth Army.

It is not to say how many legions there are in the Pure Land of Terran, but... there were five Terran legions guarded here, and finally defeated in the battlefield overseas, and then the new legion naturally became the numbered **.

Therefore, it is called the Fifth Army.

This legion did not grant the jurisdiction of Shenzhou, nor did it have anything to do with the Taibai Sword God. They directly obeyed Chaotianmen and belonged to the legion of the god emperor.

The third defensive line is also the first defensive area. It is quite important. Every year, the killings that erupt here are countless. Outside the area, the bones are piled up and they are almost piled up.


Under the gloomy sky, a low horn sounded in Chiyang Pass, and after a while, many figures gathered on the high hills.

Wearing uniform armor and holding spears, they stood quietly on the hills. They never made a sound, but filled with a suffocating sense of killing.

Looking far here, they are more like the death army coming out of hell.

Silent, but so oppressive.

At the front of the army, there is a tall black horse. On the horse's back is a middle-aged man about forty. His name is Liu Feng, the commander of the Fifth Army Corps, and one of the few disciples of the God Emperor.

When Liu Feng was sixteen years old, he worshiped the god emperor as a teacher, followed the god emperor for twelve years, and then came to Chiyangguan for appointment.

That year, when he was only twenty-eight years old, he led the army to fight for the first time, fighting against the monster army, bleeding from his body, and when he returned, he told them in a terrified tone that he had killed 37 monsters. Family powerhouse.

This record, for many practitioners, is already very good, but in the history of the legion commander, his record can only be the bottom.

At that time, there were great disputes within the legion, and many people began to impeach Liu Feng, thinking that he was not suitable for worrying about the position of commander.

But these opposing voices were all suppressed by the god emperor.

In this way, Liu Feng stayed here for twenty years, and the young man who would tremble when he saw the killing had already become a mature and stable commander.

In the twenty years of killing, he didn't know how much blood of the monster race he had stained, how many powerful monsters he killed, and how many times he blocked the attacks of the monster race army.

His achievements even surpassed any commander in history.

In the Pure Land of the Human Race, there is also this sentence: "There is Liu Feng in Chiyang Pass, and it is difficult for the demons to step into this place in this life."

But what no one knows is that in these short months, the Yaozu attacked Chiyang Pass seven times, and their Fifth Legion almost fell.

Not any of the seven times, but every time.

This is a terrible signal.

Liu Feng's heart was very heavy. He wrote down letter paper many times and told Chaotianmen that the credible paper would never be returned, like a stone sinking into the sea. After several months, there was no response at all, and the person who sent the letter did not come back.

He realized that someone had cut off his back.

"Report!" A soldier came hurriedly, got off his horse, and knelt here with a thud. He said urgently: "A large army of monsters appeared around the sand dunes. Because the distance is too far, Master Ma has not yet made a judgment. However, it can be predicted that this time the number of the monster army might be..."

"Say!" Liu Feng said in a low tone.

"One hundred thousand." The soldier's voice trembled: "Master Ma said, this is a preliminary judgment, and the number of the monster army is likely to be more."

One hundred thousand!

This is a heavy news.

The Fifth Legion in Chiyang Pass had blocked the Monster Race's seven attacks, and every attack by the Monster Race Army was more terrifying than the previous one.

Liu Feng took a deep breath and looked deep.

A general behind him said: "My lord, the enemy is few and we are few. This is a disadvantage. I am afraid that Chiyang Pass will have to..."

It's going to fall!

But this sentence, the general did not dare to say it.


Liu Feng directly drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Since Chiyang Pass was established, it has been hundreds of years. Four legions were born here and were also annihilated here. Do you know why this is?"

The general trembled.

Liu Feng said again: "The Legion can be destroyed, we can also die, but Chiyang Pass cannot fall." He looked behind him, and said coldly: "Send someone to the second pass to borrow troops."

"My lord!" On the right, a general shouted loudly, with a deep tone and a sad expression. He said: "We have borrowed three times."

We borrowed soldiers three times. The first time the other party gave the reason that we were also short of people, the second reason was that they were recruiting soldiers, and the third reason was that there were soldiers, but their realm was too low. You need to exercise, and you can't rush into the battlefield, otherwise it will only waste resources.

To put it bluntly, just don't borrow.

All the generals of the Fifth Army knew that they had been isolated.

"Bastard." Liu Feng was furious, picked him up, and shouted: "What is not borrowed? Why not? Who is the commander of the second pass? Tell him if Chiyang Pass is lost, I, Liu Feng, will kill him."

The general trembled, but he didn't speak anymore.

Borrowing soldiers three times, if you are willing to borrow, you have already borrowed, if you are afraid of you Liu Feng, afraid of the emperor behind you, they will not refuse!

General, why don't you understand

"Report!" Another soldier hurriedly came here: "My lord, the number of the monster army has been confirmed. There are 150,000. Currently they have stopped and camped in the sand dunes."

Two news, one good and one bad.

The number of the monster army is beyond imagination, five times more than them. The good news is that they camped and did not rush to attack Chiyang Pass on this day. Otherwise, the defeat of the Fifth Army would be their last ending.

And now, they still have time to prepare.

Liu Feng became silent.

"The third team, everyone will follow me." The general who had just been picked up by Liu Feng shouted in a certain direction.

Dozens of soldiers walked out, and after a while, they left the hill and galloped towards the second checkpoint behind them.

Liu Feng took a deep breath and shouted: "Meeting."

A few months ago, the Fifth Army had 80,000 soldiers. The average state was in the open sun state, about 20% of the concentrating state. After seven defensive battles, they were only left with 30,000 soldiers.

Most of the generals died in battle. The newly appointed officers had not yet reached the standard and did not know how to lead soldiers. This was Liu Feng's biggest headache.