Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 27: On the Road Together


After leaving Huoyan Mountain, the shock of several people towards Li Heng gradually subsided, and they began to get used to his strength, and defined this baseless outbreak as a hole card given to him by the god emperor.

All in all, he is right to have a good dad.

"I want to go back." Wen Yuqing said.

The situation on the battlefield abroad has become more and more complicated, and she cannot stay for a long time.

Li Heng smiled slightly: "The Taibai Sword God colluded with the demon clan. A few of us learned about it. Do you think you can go back alive?"

The first two levels were nothing, but the last one was guarded by Taibai Sword God, and she was afraid that she would not be able to walk through it alive.

That is a saint!

Wen Yuqing opened her mouth slightly and sighed in her heart, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Yeah! Why doesn't Miss Wen follow us? After we have dealt with the things here, we will go back together." Li Moran said earnestly. In words, she secretly pushed Li Heng, the meaning couldn't be more obvious. .

Li Heng was depressed, and said: "Don't go, let's go on the road together."

"Is this all right?" Wen Yuqing stared at him closely.

"What's wrong?" Li Moran said, and then looked at Li Heng: "Brother, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, what my sister said." Li Heng said quickly.

"The Taibai Sword God colluded with the Demon Race. If he betrays the Human Race, his purpose is obvious. He should be the God Emperor." An Yusheng made a judgment: "In the Human Race, except for the God Emperor, it is the Taibai Sword God. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, he wants to be the only one."

Heart is very big.

Collusion with the demon clan to kill the god emperor.

Although several people don't know what his secret plan is, they obviously don't have too many choices now.

If they go back, it is equivalent to giving themselves to the Taibai Sword God. Even if they pass the Moling Fortress, they probably won't be able to walk through Chaotian Gate.

Li Moran raised her head, pointed in one direction, and said, "Chiyang Pass, Fifth Legion, Commander Liu Feng, is my father's disciple." After a pause, she said again: "But there is a big problem. , The location of the Huoyan Mountain is far from Chiyang Pass, and there is a huge battlefield in between. Not only that, in this battlefield, there are many scavengers, even the monster army."

An Yusheng smiled and said: "Don't be afraid of San'er, our realm is still low, it is difficult to cross this battlefield, but Brother Heng's realm is high! As long as you don't encounter a large group of those, it should be fine."

Wen Yuqing looked at him.

To be honest, Li Heng is a bit speechless, and his sister is also the daughter of the god emperor anyway, where can't go in this world

Afraid of a hammer.

The fourth princess came over and said, "That's right, my younger brother is also a king of gods, and besides... hehe!" She raised her brows and stared at the little beast on Li Heng's shoulder.

It is the Primordial Dragon Elephant. To be precise, it is the Primordial Dragon Elephant taking the Purification Pill, and its body is greatly reduced.

As for why it followed Li Heng, there was only one reason, Li Heng had a shovel in his hand.

Hearing these words, Li Moran An Yusheng and Wen Yuqing suddenly started to think of the Primordial Dragon Elephant on his shoulder. This guy is a Tier 6 spirit beast!


Several people laughed.


For two days, the entire Chiyang Pass was filled with a tense atmosphere, and the monster army camped in the sand dunes had not been moving for a long time, which made Liu Feng very uneasy.

Is this the peace before the storm

The soldiers stared in that direction and remained silent for a long time.

"Report!" The voice of good news, as always.

The guys in the scout team hadn't changed in ten thousand years. After a good afternoon, they were abruptly nervous by this sound.

All the soldiers looked at him, and Liu Feng stared at him closely.

"On the left side of Chiyang Pass, five young people came from a few miles away." The soldier reported: "This is a girl. Let me give it to you."

A red token is only as big as a palm. It seems to be no different from an ordinary token, but in fact, this token has a lot of origin.

It comes from Chaotianmen.

Liu Feng's heart was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, staring at the soldier firmly, and shouting: "Where is the man?"

"It's over there!" The soldier's tone trembled slightly. The young men were well-dressed, and they should be disciples from some big families or some places of cultivation.

But no matter what, with Liu Feng's identity, he shouldn't have such an expression.

Who are they

If Liu Feng didn't say a word, he wanted to gallop away, but at this moment, Li Heng and his party walked over. Looking at him from a distance, he did not recognize Li Heng, but recognized the third and fourth princesses.

He breathed stagnantly, his body was trembling, and he shouted with a trembling tone: "Chi Yangguan, Fifth Legion Liu Feng, see the two princesses."

After the seventh guarding battle, Chaotianmen finally came. Liu Feng was moved in addition to being moved. Chaotianmen did not give up on him. The god emperor had been paying attention to the battlefield.

He choked and bowed a big gift.

The soldiers behind him were all startled, not knowing what happened.

"It's them, they are the daughter of the god emperor." A soldier exclaimed. He had the honor to have been to Chaotian Gate that year, so he had seen the daughter of the god emperor.

"What? The daughter of the god emperor?" The soldiers were moved.

Thirty thousand people looked at them together, sluggish, short of breath, excited, and trembling indescribably.

It took about two full minutes before they calmed down, and then all knelt down together: "See Your Royal Highness."

Li Moran stepped out and said loudly: "The offshore battlefield is the last defensive line of the Pure Land of Human Race. Over the years, it has been hard for you to guard this place."

"It's not hard to fight for Humans."

"Okay!" Li Moran smiled: "I am in front of the heavens. I am lucky if I have you. If the Human race has you, I am more worried that there will be no peace?"

The soldiers were silent, but their hearts were boiling.

Why did they guard the Chiyang Pass for many years? Isn't it just to keep this human race's last defensive line? Isn't it just to get the approval of the god emperor above Chaotian Gate

Decades of battlefields, decades of wind and frost and heavy rain, they all survived, and finally they waited for what they wanted.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was still no sound. The soldiers were still kneeling. Li Moran had already put away his smile, let alone making them stand up.

This picture lasted a full ten minutes.

Li Moran took a deep breath and said, "I know that Chiyang Pass is very difficult now, and the situation is not optimistic. There are still more than 100,000 monsters outside the country looking forward to it, but it doesn't matter, since I'm here, this monster army will just stop thinking Half a step into this, Chiyang Pass is still ours, the defensive line of the entire human race, and your Fifth Legion will become the supreme Glory Legion."

"Long live the princess, long live the god emperor..." The boiling voice, one after another, shouted until the soldiers were hoarse and their throats dried up.

It was another ten minutes before the soldiers gradually calmed down.

Li Moran waved a big hand: "Get up!" She turned to look at Liu Feng: "General Liu Feng, please tell us about the battle."