Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 39: You Two Together (Chapter Two)



The little dragon really woke up, making a milky voice, which made Li Heng stunned for a while.

"There is a task, help me find someone." Li Heng said solemnly after he recovered.


The fluffy little guy, blinking like a beanie, didn't know what he wanted to express.

Li Heng's face was full of black lines: "Can you do it?"

Jiaolong: "Wow."

"I'm screaming at your uncle." Li Heng was a little angry, his eyes staring: "Can't you? Give it a go, no, I'll figure it out by myself."

For such inexplicable words, he really has no patience to listen.

Wen Yuqing came over curiously: "What is this? Wow, it's so cute."

"Stop it, don't touch it." Li Heng shouted.


The fourth princess shuddered, and said with a stern face: "What Sister Yuqing wants to do is what we want to do, how? Is there any problem with touching it?"

Li Heng's complexion became stiff, his lips curled, his face full of grievances, and he thought to himself, who is your brother

"It's so cute, what's its name?" Wen Yuqing smiled.

"No name." Li Heng didn't want to answer, but the old sister's eyes were met, and he was forced to speak helplessly.

"Then..." Wen Yuqing blinked and chuckled softly; "Shall I give it a name?"


"What did you just say?" The fourth princess squinted over.

Li Heng immediately changed his words: "I mean, you are free." His face was full of love.

Wen Yuqing thought for a while, and said: "It's so white, then call it Xiaobai!"

Sure enough, exactly the same as in the legend, this woman named her pet, it's all damn little black and white, without innovation.

Although I was dissatisfied in my heart, I didn't dare to refute it, for fear that the old sister would slap it again, he was also the son of the god emperor, and even a powerful emperor!


It seemed to be very happy, its small body squirming constantly.

Li Heng said: "I warn you, don't come here to sell cute garlic, and, just now, is it okay?"


With a wave of his hand, Li Heng threw the damn dragon out, and then galloped in the opposite direction: "Keep up and keep up." In his mind, he would be invincible anyway, he has a powerful practice, and With a powerful weapon, he felt that he didn't need a pet at all, even if this pet was related to the dragon clan.

Of course, if you don’t need to raise it, you still have to consider it.

Wen Yuqing quickly ran over and picked it up.

The fourth princess came over, patted her on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Sister, it's okay. There will be a sister to support you in the future. If this kid dares to bully you, the old sister will slap him to death."

She looked blank.

Li Moran smiled slightly and thought, although the old man is not very good, but the girl I was looking for was okay, she was beautiful, slim, and still a divine body.

The more she watched, the more she liked it.

Late at night.

Li Heng finally found some clues. He squatted down and stared at a grass mustard for a long time. Then he said: "Break it, see it, this grass is broken, what does it mean?"

Several people gathered around.

Li Heng said again: "It is either a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, but I think it is impossible for a natural disaster to cause a grass to bend the waist, so this should be a man-made disaster, then..."

"Speaking of people." The fourth princess glared over, with murderous aura.

"Ahem... I mean, this grass should have been stepped on like this, and from the perspective of folding, it shouldn't be too long." Li Heng raised his head and stared at the front: "Brother An , Don't block me."

An Yusheng gave an "Oh" and raised his foot to the side.

And under his feet, there happened to be a grass mustard.

Li Heng's face condensed, but he quickly came over, and he walked forward blankly.

Fortunately, the favor of the goddess of destiny, after the fifth hour, they finally discovered something, a huge pit, a battlefield that just happened.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the smell of the monster race.

Several people stood up in awe.

"The breath of a white tiger." An Yusheng whispered: "The direction is correct, but from here, there are two paths."

Yes, across this battlefield, there are two trails in their sight, not only that, the breath fluctuations and bloody smell on the road are exactly the same.

The strong of the Baihu clan may have left alone, or they may only walk one of them.

Because of the time, their breath and bloody smell gradually dissipated, thus forming the confusion in front of them.

"I suggest that the soldiers are divided into two groups." The fourth princess said: "As long as you find someone, immediately notify the other party."

"I agree." Li Moran nodded, and then swept over Li Heng: "Brother, you have a higher realm, so you and Sister Yuqing are together, and we are walking together in a group, is there any problem?"

"Yes!" Li Heng said without hesitation: "Sister, look, it's so late, and there are desolate scenes everywhere. To be honest, I'm very scared!"

"Okay, it's settled." Li Moran said with a light smile: "You and Sister Yuqing, you go to the left, and the few of us go to the right. Once you find their tracks, we will notify them immediately."

Li Heng: "..."

They didn't give Li Heng a chance to speak at all. They all seemed to be conspiring, and disappeared here in an instant. Under the quiet night, only him and Wen Yuqing were left.

This atmosphere is a bit weird.

From the moment he entered Chiyang Pass, he felt that the two sisters and Wen Yuqing were weird, but he just couldn't say anything.

It's all right now, it's even weirder.

Li Heng turned sideways: "How about? Let's take a break?"

Wen Yuqing pointed to the front and said seriously, "Left."


Sure enough, all women in this world are the same.

Inexplicable, unreasonable making trouble, not understanding the boy's mind at all, it's so late, why don't you rest? Who are you looking for

Li Heng swelled forward and strode forward.

Covered by dark clouds, the cold wind was blowing, and dust was flying all over the quiet land. I don't know how long I walked, and there is still no trace.

Li Heng was a little tired. It was not physical and mental fatigue, but his patience was polished. He thought, it has been so long, and he hasn't found it yet, Liu Feng must be over.

It's better to take a good rest and think about how to avenge Liu Feng tomorrow.

Thinking of this, he simply lay down.

Wen Yuqing walked over and frowned: "Why don't you leave?"

He glanced at Wen Yuqing, and pulled her over. Unexpectedly, she hit the ground and lay beside Li Heng. The two were very close.

With her eyes wide open, she was a little panicked, her white face flushed, her chest undulating, drumming, and confusion in her head.

It's over, what is he doing

Is he going to do that to me

Oops, Wen Yuqing, what are you thinking about? You are not Zhoushan's lady, with a dignified body, a powerful young genius, how can you


What if he really wants to treat me? what do I do

Am I going to resist