Hundred Refinements To Become a God

Chapter 65: Someone wants to challenge Li Heng


Eight hundred miles away, there is a mountain called Wutong Mountain.

According to legend, there was a huge tree several hundred meters high on this mountain, but something happened later. The huge tree gradually dried up and was finally cut down.

However, there are still traces to be seen on Wutong Mountain.

Down the mountain, dozens of miles away, there is a place where groups of individuals gather. It is an ancient town with simple architecture, stone roads covered with moss, and dry wells everywhere.

People dress plainly, with dark complexion, and full of authentic people.

Li Heng originally wanted to go back, but when he heard the three words "Wutong Mountain" halfway through, he couldn't help but come curiously.

When I stayed in the ancient town, I spent several days inquiring about Wutong Mountain.

"That mountain has long been deserted."

"Isn't it! In the early years, there were people who came to make pilgrimages. Later, there were fewer people. It is said that some strange things happened on the mountain." Someone said.

"What's the matter?" Li Heng asked.

"Big fierce cannibals." The man took a deep breath and said in a very low, low voice, his eyes became solemn, and after the four words, he turned and left.


Isn't it Phoenix Nirvana

Wutong Mountain, why is it still deserted

Li Heng felt that what they were saying was too exaggerated. At noon, he decided to go to Wutong Mountain to find out.


It was really deserted, with weeds everywhere, bushes and bushes, not even a decent trail.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the top, he was blocked by an inexplicable force when he reached out to inquire about his spiritual knowledge, like a powerful taboo.

"It is said in the book that the phoenix is not inhabited by phoenix trees. If the phoenix really returns from nirvana, this mountain will definitely become a place where movement and violence erupt." Li Heng considered it seriously.

He wanted to stay here to see the situation, but his father had to go back on his birthday.

At this moment, the Medicine King in his body also said: "The phoenix is not a phoenix tree. Who told you that?"


"Which book?" Yao Wang couldn't help asking.

"You know a hammer in a single piece of grass." Li Heng cursed directly, thinking that the phoenix is not a phoenix tree, which is common sense in another world, and everyone knows it.

It's almost the same if I want to come here.

If there is a return of the Phoenix from Nirvana, this Wutong Mountain will definitely become the focus of attention.

He narrowed his eyes.

Medicine King: "..."

Although Wutong Mountain is deserted, there must be something hidden deep in the mountain. Li Heng has a strong feeling, but he is short of time and it is not convenient to investigate.

That's it!

When the old man's birthday is over, he will come again.

If you can refine the phoenix, hehe...

Already made up his mind, Li Heng stopped hesitating, turned around and left.


Under Chaotianmen, because of the birthday of the god emperor, this area did not know how many powerful people gathered, and for a while, the whole area also became lively.

Especially the place where the four princesses lived. Among the three princesses of the god emperor, only the four princesses were single, so young people who came from afar always liked to come here as guests.

Everyone understands that layer of mind.


Li Moran came here and chuckled softly: "Sister Si, do you like it?"

The four princesses gave her a white look, and said in a faint tone: "I'm so bored, these people come here every day to play with their talents, those piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etc., I just look at it.

Ha ha!

Li Moran laughed: "No one will discuss alchemy with you?"

Four princesses: "..."

In the Pure Land of the Terran, everyone is the master of cultivating and expanding their powerful force to protect themselves, or their relatives and friends.

Under the influence of this ethos, who would make alchemy

Moreover, there are too many alchemy pathways, and the time consumption is long, and it may not be able to break through a realm in decades. The force value is still low. The most important thing is that the elixir is hard to find!

This kind of profession can be said to be thankless.

Of course, if you can step into an advanced alchemist, you will definitely be able to eat fragrant and spicy food.

"Don't worry, Dad's birthday, there is no shortage of young geniuses who come to the pilgrimage, the four sisters can choose slowly." Li Moran said.

"Sister, I think it's nice to be alone." She raised her eyelids and became nervous.


After saying these words, Li Moran suddenly sank, and she said solemnly: "You are not young anymore, do you really have to wait until you are old and yellow before you go to find the Taoist couple?"

That's the case, but fate is really inaccurate.

She didn't refute it.

"Under the whole world, is it the Pure Land of the Human Race, and within this pure land, how many families are comparable to Chaotianmen?" Li Moran sighed and lowered his voice: "People, just suitable, not everyone will look like old. Dad is so good."

"It's okay like my brother." She blinked.

Hearing this, Li Moran's mouth twitched.

At this moment, there was a noise outside the door, and a maid stepped in hurriedly: "Your Royal Highness, someone is clamoring to challenge the Seventh Prince."

Two women: "..."