Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 100: The cause of death is suspicious


Mongolia Altay Tawan Bogdo National Park Police Station, meeting room on the second floor.

In addition to Lin Shuo and Aruna, there were also two Mongolian police officers who participated in the meeting.

The two police officers were old and young, the older one was in his fifties, dark and thin, with bright eyes and looked very capable.

The young one was a Mongolian man with big arms and round waist, less than 30 years old, with a thick back and waist, nearly 1.9 meters tall, slightly shorter than Wei Xingshan, but obviously a circle thicker.

Through Aruna's introduction, Lin Shuo learned that the senior police officer is the highest officer here, equivalent to the director of the domestic police station, and his name is Bileg.

The young one, who is Aruna's deputy, has just entered the police force, and his name is Suhebamon.

Aruna herself is the deputy director and the backbone police officer here.

The police station has just been expanded and has not yet been fully recruited. There are a total of twenty people in the team, and most of them are currently patrolling outside.

The police here are both forest rangers and sentries. Anyway, there are a lot of trivial things, and the management area is too big, so they are a little too busy.

After everyone was seated, Aruna first introduced the case: "In the last month, we discovered that two families of herdsmen, with a total of 34 people, were attacked by unknown creatures. At the scene, we found this group of footprints."

While talking, Aruna showed some photos and put them in front of everyone.

As she said, these high-resolution photos showed some footprints, obviously not human.

"Looks like a cat?" Liu Qing looked at these photos and whispered to herself.

"Please look at the ruler on the photo again, lady, have you ever seen such a big cat?" Aruna asked back.

Liu Qing was choked up, and felt a little unhappy, but now she was talking about business, she naturally knew the seriousness, so she quickly took a closer look at the photo.

This is a police profile photo. In addition to the footprint image, there is also a size as a reference.

Liu Qing found that the size of these footprints was indeed exaggerated.

It is about 40 centimeters wide and less than 50 centimeters long. Liu Qing compared the size with her hands on the table, imagining the size of this animal, and couldn't help but feel hairy.

She clearly remembered that Yang Tuo, who was traveling with her, measured the footprints of a Siberian tiger in the Outer Xing'an Mountains, and the length and width were less than 20 centimeters.

Later, she also saw that tiger, which was more than four meters long, and looked scary from a distance.

And this strange creature's footprints are more than twice the size of a tiger.

What kind of monster is this

Liu Qing had this question in her heart, but at this time, Lin Shuo and Anne actually didn't exist.

They knew the footprints of something.

However, the "Mountain Hades" kind of wild animal species only exists in the legends of Liemen. Even in "Kyushu Foreign Objects", there are no details about this kind of animal. It is only known that it exists, but no one has seen it.

In other words, everyone who has seen it is dead.

Seeing these footprints now, Anne was also secretly surprised.

Although she is not currently doing academic work, she is a doctor of biology after all, so she can tell that this is indeed the footprint of a cat, very similar to that of a tiger.

A feline animal that combines agility, strength, and explosiveness. Among them, the leopard genus of the cat family, the liger and leopard, has stood at the top of the food chain for millions of years, and is the most powerful animal on this planet.

They are not like snakes. The two snakes I encountered in the Outer Xing'an Mountains before, whether it was the Ba snake or the hook snake, although they had lived for a long time, they were not outstanding in intelligence. Unless they were controlled by the shepherd, they would act more instinctively.

Felines, that's a lot more cunning. As for the Hades of this mountain, there have been many talented people in the history of Liemen, but no one has survived after seeing this thing, and they know that this thing is cunning and extremely ferocious.

The situation this time is even more dangerous than that time in the Outer Xing'an Mountains.

Although the Hooked Snake is powerful, Lin Shuo has already grasped the information about it. One-on-one, Lin Shuo is absolutely sure to kill it.

As for the King of Hades on this mountain, no one dared to say that he was sure of it.

Even Zhang Guohua, the old patriarch of the Zhang family, who was recognized by the sect as the number one expert in the hunting sect before Lin Leshan's rise, died in the hands of Shan Yan Wang.

Lin Shuo felt lucky to be able to see the footprints of King Yama first this time.

He took out his mobile phone, and after obtaining Aruna's permission, he took a few photos and kept them.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the Lin family's "Kyushu Alien Objects" also has an electronic version. Lin Shuo plans to update it later, adding a few more descriptions of this beast.

In this way, even if he died in the hands of the King of Yama, the descendants of Liemen would have more information when facing this thing.

Historically, the Hunting Gate has always dealt with this kind of beasts and alien species in the beginning. It used human life to continue trial and error, to find out the characteristics of these things, and then target them.

Lin Shuo has the confidence to kill this thing completely and avoid future troubles forever, but at the same time, he also has the consciousness to die in defeat and pave the way for future generations.

I only heard Aruna continue to say: "Except for these herdsmen, all their livestock, including 225 sheep, 36 cows, 30 horses, and more than 20 shepherd dogs, are all die.

The causes of death of these people and livestock are very similar. According to our on-site forensic examination, they all died of cardiac arrest.

Because the two cases happened one after another, too many people and livestock died, and our police force was limited, so we have to wait for the autopsy report from the forensic doctor for the specific cause of death of the corpse we just collected. "

Lin Shuo said at this time, "The cause of death of these people and livestock, if nothing else happens, should be that their hearts were eaten."

"What did you say?" asked the young Mongolian police officer Sukhbamon.

Most of the tourists in this national park are Chinese, so the police here can speak some Chinese.

It's just that Suhebamon, a Mongolian man, has a weird pronunciation when speaking Chinese, which is far less natural than Aruna.

In fact, his Chinese level is quite normal here. He can understand Chinese, but his speaking is not standard.

On the contrary, Aruna's fluent Beijing dialect is a bit strange.

After hearing Lin Shuo's conjecture, the Mongolian police officer felt very surprised at this time, thinking that his Chinese was not good enough and he had heard it wrong.

"I said the cause of their death was that their hearts were eaten." Lin Shuo repeated slowly.

After confirming that he heard it right, Suheba smiled: "Oh, friends from China, are you kidding us? These shepherds and livestock corpses were restrained one by one by me personally. Their appearance They are intact, no wounds on the chest or back. Under such circumstances, you tell me that their hearts have been eaten? This is ridiculous."

After Suhebamon finished speaking, Aruna frowned and said, "Is your International Society for Biological Research making conclusions so hastily? If so, I have to criticize your ability to handle this case." , questioned."

Apparently, Lin Shuo's inference made the female police officer's accumulated goodwill towards Lin Shuo disappear all of a sudden.

This is the case with speaking at the conference table. You can not say it, but you can't make a mistake.

Once you say something wrong, your ability will be underestimated.

And the people here are straightforward and not used to hiding, so they just came face to face.

The old police officer Bileg twitched his mouth, raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "We will drive here first, you go to rest first, and when our patrol car returns, Aruna will take you to the scene to have a look." .”

Afterwards, the old police officer turned his attention to Lin Shuo: "Young man, as an old policeman, I have some experience to share with you. When you encounter something, don't jump to conclusions, and investigate more."

After saying these words, Bilge picked up the thermos cup on the table and announced the end of the meeting.

Seeing the situation, Wei Xingshan gave Lin Shuo a kick under the table, poked his head over and asked softly, "Old Lin, what's wrong with you today? Such a big aircraft carrier, is it overturned in this small ditch? Press Your usual level is not enough."

Lin Shuo glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Just as Bilag took the lead and was about to leave the meeting room, the door of the meeting room was knocked open from the outside.

Lin Shuo twitched his nose and smelled a bloody smell. He looked up and found a girl standing outside the door.

The girl was only in her early twenties, wearing a white coat and goggles.

She was wearing a pair of latex gloves with both gloves, half-raised on both sides of her body, and there were streaks of blood on them. The smell of blood that Lin Shuo smelled came from here.

It seemed that this was a young forensic doctor who ran over in a panic after halfway through the autopsy, and smashed open the door of the conference room.

The female forensic doctor's eyes were a little straight, and she looked at Bileg: "Director, hell."

"What's the situation?" Bileg asked with some displeasure on his face.

"The heart is gone." The female forensic doctor murmured.

Her words seemed to be talking to herself, her voice was so soft that Bilge couldn't hear clearly: "What?"

"The heart is gone!" The female forensic doctor's voice suddenly became high-pitched, "I dissected five corpses, and the hearts are all gone!"

" is this possible?" Billeg yelled, turned around suddenly, and looked at Lin Shuo.

Not only the old police officer, Aruna, Suhebamon, Wei Xingshan, and Liu Qing also had their gazes fixed on Lin Shuo.

Only Anne was normal. She suggested to Lin Shuo, "Mr. Lin, shall we go to rest first?"

"Okay." Lin Shuo ignored other people's gazes, stood up together with Anne, and walked out of the meeting room door one after the other.