Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 111: brand new species


As soon as Yang Tuo arrived, he immediately suggested a meeting.

After learning about Yang Tuo's identity and the weight of the research report in his hands, Aruna, the new director, dared not neglect and vacated the meeting room quickly.

And Di Lan, a glamorous woman, became the focus of this meeting at this time.

Because Yang Tuo gave her the right to interpret the research report.

Lin Shuo was right next to Yang Tuo. At this time, Di Lan was explaining the biological research report, but Yang Tuo poked his head over and asked softly, "Did you know each other before?"

"It's hard to explain." Lin Shuo told the truth, and then asked, "Why did you bring her here?"

"Coincidentally." Yang Tuo said, "After I finished the genetic analysis of the samples, I thought I should consult an expert on zombie fungi, so I called Di Lan, and it turned out that she was nearby, so I met her gone."

"What is the origin of this woman?"

"Her father is a Chinese biologist and one of the elders of the International Society for Biological Research." Yang Tuo replied.

What a coincidence, Lin Shuo couldn't help sighing in his heart, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong, so he asked, "It's more than that?"

Lin Shuo knew in his heart that if Di Lan only had this background, Anne would have no reason to be so frustrated in her relationship.

After all, Anne's mentor, Miao Guangqi, is also one of the elders of the International Society for Biological Research. She is also the person in charge of the Asia region, second only to the elders in terms of authority. In fact, Anne is stronger in their backgrounds in this regard.

Yang Tuo seemed to have been reminded, and said softly, "Her mother is a member of the royal family of a European country, and the right to inherit the throne is very high."

Now Lin Shuo understood that this woman was still a princess.

The volume of the conversation between the two was very low, but the two were also the focus of attention in the venue, and this kind of whispering was still very conspicuous.

Di Lan, who was speaking, stopped and looked at Lin Shuo and Yang Tuo, as if waiting for them to finish.

Yang Tuo retracted his head, adjusted his glasses calmly: "I'm sorry, please continue."

Di Lan gave Yang Tuo a bad look, which meant that I heard what you said, and then said:

"As I just said, zombie fungi are such a species. They parasitize their hosts, control their brains, affect their behavior, and finally kill the hosts, and then complete their own reproduction in the form of infecting new hosts .

The behavior of this fungus sounds scary, but so far, they have only been found in the tropical rainforest of Brazil.

The hosts they affect are only insects such as ants and crickets. So it has no effect on our human life.

But this time, based on Professor Yang's findings, we have reason to think that there may be a whole new species of zombie fungus that behaves like a zombie fungus near the Altai Mountains in Asia.

The genetic map of this species is completely unfamiliar to us and does not belong to any species currently known.

And the host that this creature can control is much more advanced than the insects that zombie fungi can control, and it can even control mammals.

Let's take a look at this picture. "

While talking, Dilan took out a picture from the folder and put it into the projector, and then said:

"This is a genetic map. The samples taken are the soil around the footprints of unknown creatures discovered by the police in Outer Mongolia. In these soils, Professor Yang isolated the skin cells of the footprint owner and completed the genetic analysis.

This picture shows that the owner of this footprint is a Xinjiang tiger, also known as the Lop Nur tiger.

At present, the biological community generally believes that the Xinjiang tiger has become extinct fifty years ago. It is very lucky to find such an individual this time.

Of course, from another perspective, it may also be unfortunate.

Because the genetic map shows that it is no longer a pure Xinjiang tiger.

Its gene that controls the size of an individual has mutated, so its size is very large, which has exceeded the size range of a tiger.

In addition, there are some genes that our biologists have not clearly expressed the meaning of, but are sure to affect the central nervous system, and have also mutated.

We don't know what the consequences of these gene mutations will be, but we only know that it affects biological behavior.

According to our biological theory. Gene, in the case of natural evolution, inheritance and variation exist at the same time, where inheritance is a common phenomenon, and variation is an accidental event.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for so many mutations to appear in a single organism in a short period of time.

Therefore, rather than saying that the gene of this Xinjiang tiger has mutated, it is better to say that the gene has been rewritten.

But rewriting so many genes is an impossible task even for the most advanced biological laboratories in the world.

And this Xinjiang tiger has achieved these mutations under natural conditions.

This phenomenon is actually very scary. "

After Dylan finished speaking, he paused, as if he was waiting for the people present to digest the information.

Everyone who participated in this meeting had different expressions at this moment.

The object of Lin Shuo's attention is Zhang Jin.

Because the Zhang family and this "Mountain Hades" can be said to be feuds. Zhang Jin must have heard a lot about the "Mountain Hades" from his grandfather and father.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Zhang Jin's understanding of "Mountain Hades" was the most among the people present.

Therefore, although Lin Shuo didn't expect him to speak, at least he wanted to see an expression.

That's the "oh, that's it" look.

If he has such an expression, it means that Yang Tuo and Di Lan's current suspicion is correct, and it is also consistent with the information that Zhang Guohua exchanged his life for before:

"Mountain Yama" is a zombie-like fungus that can affect the genes of other organisms in a parasitic way and control their behavior.

This piece of information is very important to Lin Shuo.

This not only provides an idea to deal with the "Mountain Hades", but may also hint at the truth of the Kunlun Mountain incident six years ago.

Because it involves mind control.

But Lin Shuo was disappointed. Zhang Jin, who was sitting opposite him, had the same handsome face as before, with no expression on his face, and even his eyes were a little distracted, appearing absent-minded.

Only then did Lin Shuo remember that this kid had never been to school and was illiterate.

Dylan's explanation just now involved some common sense of biology. For Zhang Jin, these simple biological knowledge are as difficult as a heavenly book, and he may not understand even a single word.

Lin Shuo sighed secretly, thinking that he would have to give this kid a good tutoring lesson in culture.

Otherwise, once the wild beasts are extinct, Zhang Jin will starve to death.

As these thoughts swirled in Lin Shuo's mind, Di Lan here had already started to continue:

"Professor Yang has extracted the gene of this unknown creature from the victim's body and done a map analysis.

This is a completely new species, not belonging to any type of life we currently know.

We humans are currently the species with the largest amount of information in the known genome. The amount of information contained in our genes is converted to 3.2Gb.

As for this biological individual, although its gene expression is not yet clear, Professor Yang calculated that its information volume is 3.6Gb, which is higher than that of our humans.

This means that it itself, in terms of biological evolution, is very advanced and may possess extremely high intelligence.

And since it has been able to rewrite the tiger's gene, invade the tiger's central nervous system, influence and even control the tiger's behavior.

So, can it control us humans

In front of it, do we human beings have the qualifications to call ourselves the spirit of all things? "

After Dylan finished speaking, he closed the folder in front of him, and glanced at the people participating in the meeting.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was very oppressive, and everyone was silent.

For the police in Outer Mongolia, this woman who has recently brought misfortune to the police station has delivered even more unfortunate news.

This is their jurisdiction, something big is going to happen!

As far as Lin Shuo, Anne and others are concerned, if this thing is really what Di Lan said, then the characteristics of this strange creature have no precedent in the history of Hunting Gate.

No wonder "Kyushu Foreign Objects" is vague about this thing.

It's no wonder that with Zhang Guohua's ability, he spent ten years chasing and killing this thing, and finally he was defeated and died.

It's no wonder that Yang Tuo is obviously very busy, and once he got the research results, he would come over in person.

"Mr. Lin."

At this time, Dylan looked at Lin Shuo: "I have already reported the situation. So what should we do next?"