Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 116: Mouth and belly


Wei Xingshan never expected that Lin Shuo would not win this meal.

After all, it is real mutton, and even a person with a strong digestive ability will need time, and even a person with a large appetite will not be able to eat much by relying on the stomach alone.

So Fan Ping'an and Li Yizhen were two people, one punched half of the meal to add to the fun, and the other gave himself an injection halfway through the meal.

The two old gentlemen worked very hard, and together they ate fifty catties of mutton.

When the fifty catties of mutton went down, the expressions of the two people were a little bit wrong, and their eyes became straight.

While eating, Lin Shuo observed the state of the two seniors.

After eating forty-nine catties, he put the knife away, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his mouth, and said calmly, "I'm full."

On the plate in front of him, there was only one or two pieces of meat left, just one bite.

Lin Shuo pushed the plate in front of Wei Xingshan: "Don't waste it, eat."

Wei Xingshan rolled his eyes and put the small piece of mutton into his mouth, thinking that it was too fucking obvious that you put the water in.

But if you think about it, the two old guys on the opposite side seem to be shameless people. If they can't win a one-on-two, they will lose a lot of money.

If it really gets on the head, it will kill people if it is eaten like this.

Lin Shuo still has a sense of proportion, one against two, only lose one or two flesh, not ashamed.

But Wei Xingshan never expected that Lin Shuo pointed at him at this moment, and said with a slight smile, "He ate this piece of meat for me. The four of us are two against two, a tie."

Wei Xingshan's eyeballs were all round.

Since when did your EQ become so high, Lin Shuo

This not only gave the other party a step down, but he didn't admit defeat, and by the way, he also gave Wei Xingshan, who had been sitting at the dinner table with a low sense of presence, a face.

Now Wei Xingshan understood that Lin Shuo was usually not so smooth, not because he couldn't, but because of his temperament, he didn't bother to bother about it.

If you really pay attention to it, the descendants of the family of the head of the hunting gate are all in one set.

When Fan Ping'an and Li Yizhen heard what Lin Shuo said, they were taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help nodding their heads, as if they appreciated Lin Shuo's response.

The two did not speak, but looked at each other.

So this meal is over. I didn't mention the matter of appetite competition.

Because their goal was achieved, they had a deeper understanding of Lin Shuo's strength.

Killing this person, the two join forces, is not bullying.

And this meal really couldn't be eaten anymore.

For Lin Shuo, a young man, his character, ability, and tolerance are all top choices.

At this age, both of them will have a heart of love for talents, and if they continue to eat with Lin Shuo, they will have feelings for each other, and when they turn around, they will not be able to kill.

So Fan Ping'an shouted loudly: "At home, serve tea!"

After the meal at Aruna's house, Lin Shuo and Wei Xingshan followed Aruna to the police station.

Sitting in the car, Aruna seemed to have opened up.

This female police officer, who has always been used to being silent, unexpectedly told Lin Shuo and Wei Xingshan about the situation at home:

Fan Ping'an was seriously injured on the grassland thirty years ago, and was rescued by Aruna's grandfather, and then Aruna's mother took care of him.

Lao Fan still has such a majestic appearance in his old age, and he was even more mighty when he was young. In modern terms, this kind of man is called walking hormone.

So, Aruna's mother took care of her and set herself up.

Afterwards, they got married and conceived in October, which was a matter of course.

The tiger father has no dogs. Although Aruna is a girl, she can walk in three months and can carry a fifty-kilo milk bucket at the age of three. From then on, Lao Fan began to teach her boxing.

This teaching lasts for seven years, and Aruna's current abilities are the foundation laid during these seven years of childhood.

But twenty years ago, when Aruna was ten years old, Lao Fan disappeared.

It was a few days ago that the father and daughter met again.

Family ugliness should not be publicized, this is human nature, so when Aruna said these things while driving, Wei Xingshan was flattered.

He believes that there are only two situations in which a woman can confide her life experience to a man.

The first type is that the background is fake, and the woman wants to cheat the man of money.

The second type, the background is real, the woman wants this man.

Right now, Wei Xingshan thinks it should be the second type.

But the problem now is that he is not the only man in the car.

So he looked at Lin Shuo with a complicated expression.

Lin Shuo ignored him, because after Aruna finished speaking, she said to Lin Shuo:

"Actually, I have secretly investigated my father's whereabouts over the years. In fact, it is not difficult. It is difficult for a person with such obvious physical characteristics as him to really hide. Mr. Lin, I want to ask you a question."


"Is what my father has done for the Cao family in the past twenty years really important?" Aruna asked.

Lin Shuo pondered for a while, nodded and said, "It's very important."

"Is it important enough to abandon your wife and children for this?" Aruna asked again.

"Of course not." Lin Shuo shook his head, "However, Officer Aruna, you may be thinking in the wrong direction."

"Oh? Please advise."

"Mr. Fan hasn't heard from you for these years. I believe he doesn't really want to leave you mother and daughter." Lin Shuo said, "Once people in our family are involved in business, we will know life and death. As long as we see life and death, we will If there is hatred, if there is hatred, it will harm the family. I don't know the specific situation, but I can tell you one thing. That is, whether it is my father or I, in the past twenty years, I have never heard of Cao's No. 1 Fan Ping'an, a master, has family members in the northwest. Even we don't know, and the other people in the door must be hard to know. Officer Aruna, you are a smart person, and you should understand what I mean by this point. "

After hearing Lin Shuo's words, Aruna was silent for a while, and then said softly, "Thank you."

While speaking, the female police officer stretched out her hand and twisted the rearview mirror in the car.

Originally, Aruna was driving, and Lin Shuo and Wei Xingshan were sitting in the back seat, and they could see each other's faces through the rearview mirror.

When Aruna twisted the rearview mirror, Wei Xingshan couldn't see Aruna's expression.

However, from the constantly trembling shoulders of this female police officer, it can be known that this woman's heart is far less peaceful than in the carriage at this time.

After a while, Wei Xingshan felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, and said to Lin Shuo, "That's right. That person named Li Yizhen is also very good, isn't he?"

"Not under Fan Lao." Lin Shuo commented, "In the sect, he is a top figure."

"Oh." Wei Xingshan suggested, "Then, can we call the two of them in this operation? Anyway, they have already entered the blockade, and they can't get out. Isn't it a pity for their abilities?"

"Let's have a look again." Lin Shuo didn't express his opinion, but casually said something perfunctory.

In Lin Shuo's mind, Fan Ping'an appeared in the northwest, which was a bit strange, but it might be a coincidence.

But Li Yizhen also appeared in the northwest, which is a very dangerous signal.

Lin Shuo had heard about Li Yizhen.

Their Li family is in the Xiaoshan area and shoulders a certain family mission. As the head of the family, Li Yizhen usually guards Xiaoshan.

Li Yizhen shouldn't be here with Fan Ping'an at this time.

Reminiscent of Li Yizhen suddenly wanting to compete with him just now, Lin Shuo appeared calm on the surface, but in fact he was secretly vigilant.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon. Lin Shuo can't confirm why these two people came here, but he must guard against it.

Therefore, Lin Shuo disagreed with Wei Xingshan's suggestion.

It's just that Aruna was present, so he couldn't just express the suspicion in his heart.

So he said: "It's a happy event for Mr. Fan to wash his hands in the golden basin this time. It's called getting out of the body, which is very rare in the door. It's better not to bother them unless it is absolutely necessary."

After saying this, Lin Shuo closed his eyes and began to doze off.

In the meal just now, what was on the lips may not be the truth, but what fell into the belly was all benefits.

Right now, a large amount of meat is being rapidly digested by his stomach, turning into streams of heat that flow through his whole body.

These calories will be firmly locked in every muscle in his body by his sleep, and then poured out at a certain time, becoming his greatest reliance in battle.

Outsiders and external forces are borrowed after all, they may not be reliable, and they have to be repaid.

Only my own body is under my control.

Tomorrow, we will go into the mountains again.