Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 24: ashore


In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the villagers, half an hour later, the temporary camp began to move.

Wei Xingshan took out the map and asked Lin Shuo for advice:

"Mr. Lin, look, where should we camp?"

Lin Shuo pointed to Jia Linda on the map: "You guys better go back."

"Don't be kidding. We haven't written anything about this yet, how do you want us to go back?" Wei Xingshan said.

"If you stay any longer, you will die." Lin Shuo said, "Did you hear what happened this morning?"

"I heard." Wei Xingshan nodded, and then said seriously, "Mr. Lin, I have also seen this way. You are hard-spoken and soft-hearted. You take our brother's life very seriously. But ah, we are here this time. , I got this money and did this job, please understand."

Lin Shuo looked up at Wei Xingshan, sighed inwardly, and clicked on a hilltop on the map: "It's okay here."

This mountain top is where Lin Shuo observed the Black Water Dragon King before. It is the highest place within a hundred li radius and has an excellent view.

There is mountain spring water on the mountain, and the Wuming River is two kilometers away, so there is no need to worry about the water source.

"Then let's go here." Wei Xingshan grinned, "Actually, let me tell you the truth, my brothers were a little uneasy before because we didn't know what we were facing. But this morning Dr. After Bian came back, he told us about the Black Water Dragon King, and we became more confident. Isn’t it just a big snake? No matter how big it is, it is still a snake. Bigger is better for aiming!"

Lin Shuo shook his head: "Our goal this time is not the Black Water Dragon King."


"For the specific reason, you can ask Ms. Anne." Lin Shuo didn't bother to explain, and continued, "Our target this time is stronger than the Blackwater Dragon King. And as far as I know, the effect of the bullet is very average."

The relocation process of the camp was not complicated, because the rubber boat provided by the Chinese side arrived the day before yesterday.

This time 182 people went missing, more than half of them were Chinese citizens. China's attitude is very clear: live to see people, die to see corpses.

At the same time, the Outer Xing'an Mountains are close to the national border, and the geographical location is sensitive. The Russian military is inconvenient to operate, so it can only entrust the International Biological Research Institute, a third party, to handle the matter. In addition to settlement costs, Russia also provides equipment assistance.

However, the Outer Xing'an Mountains are too far away from the central area of Russia, and transportation is extremely inconvenient. Until the International Society for Biological Research sent people to the scene of the incident, more than half of the equipment list was still not in place.

After understanding the progress of the incident, the Chinese side proposed that in addition to weapons, other equipment and materials should be provided by China.

Russia just agreed to this plan the morning before yesterday, and the night before yesterday, five rubber boats from China were in place and docked at the pier in Jalinda, loaded with various supplies.

Lin Shuo and his party, who were already in the mountains, were unaware of these changes. Wei Xingshan received the notification before dawn yesterday, and hurriedly sent a small team to Jialinda to drive the five rubber boats back.

When the rubber boat arrived at the nearby waters, Lin Shuo and the others were being fooled by the envoy of the Dragon King.

Afterwards, Wei Xingshan and the others spent a day building a temporary camp, slept only one night, and were surrounded by villagers with shotguns.

There is no way, the matter has come to this point, we can only move.

Fortunately, the old and new camps are close to the water, and the waterway is connected. These five rubber boats help with transportation, which saves a lot of trouble.

Before dark that day, the new camp began to take shape.

The top of the mountain was too windy, so the site for the new camp was still halfway up the mountain, next to a small stream, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Although the lighting equipment was already in place, when it got dark, everyone still habitually lit a bonfire.

Except for a few guards at night, most people sat around the campfire.

Sufficient material support has brought high morale. Everyone was enjoying the fire while eating the rice cooked in an iron pot, not to mention how happy they were.

The five people, Lin Shuo, Anne, He Zihong, Wei Xingshan, and Liu Qing, didn't stay by the campfire after dinner, but got into the tent to discuss the next thing.

Yang Tuo didn't participate. He broke his leg this morning. He was excited in the morning and didn't feel pain. In the afternoon, his complexion didn't look good. Now he took medicine and fell asleep.

"Things are a bit difficult now." Inside the tent, He Zihong spoke first, "We came this time to solve the problem of strange creatures on the north bank of Heilongjiang, but now, according to Mr. Lin's deduction, there are actually two strange creatures here. A black water The Dragon King, a hooked snake. As for the strange creature hooked snake that caused the disappearance of the 182 people, we have no new clues."

"Continue to ask the villagers about the situation, I think it's impossible." Wei Xingshan scratched his head, "It's not bad if we don't fight today."

"Yeah, without the support of the local people, this matter is very difficult." He Zihong answered, glanced at Lin Shuo, his lips moved but he didn't speak, and finally turned his attention to Anne, "Miss Anne, what do you think? ?"

Anne raised her head and said, "At present, what we saw at the scene is the Black Water Dragon King. According to Mr. Lin's description, the hooked snake will only be bigger than the Black Water Dragon King. Since such a large strange creature is here How could there be no witnesses? This confuses me."

"That's right." Liu Qing's eyes lit up at this moment, and said, "This can't be a scam, can it?"

"This..." He Zihong pondered, "but what about the hook snake scale and the smell of the hook snake that Mr. Lin smelled at the scene?"

"It may be artificially arranged." Liu Qing said, and then looked at Mr. Lin, "Mr. Lin, is it possible that the smell you smell has been tampered with?"

Lin Shuo thought for a while and said, "The smell left by the hooked snake at the scene is very faint, and I can only feel it vaguely, so I can't rule out the possibility that it was artificially arranged. But I have carefully checked the scale of the hooked snake. It’s very fresh, it’s been less than a month since it’s been away from the living body, so I’m sure that the hooked snake is still alive.”

"But isn't it right here?" Liu Qing asked back, and then seemed to have figured out something, "Could it be that someone borrowed our hands to get rid of the Black Water Dragon King?"

"No." Anne shook her head, "If the hooked snake wasn't here, the Blackwater Dragon King's injury would be unexplainable."

"That's right." Lin Shuo nodded and said, "It's not without reason that the envoy of the Dragon King revealed this information to me. This Blackwater Dragon King smells bloody in his breath, and he obviously suffered serious internal injuries. Similar hooked snakes, I can't think of any other possibilities."

Everyone fell into silence for a moment.

"By the way." He Zihong seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Mr. Lin, according to your understanding, does the snake hook have the ability to make one hundred and eighty-two people disappear at the same time?"

Lin Shuo shook his head, hesitated, and said, "Not sure."

In fact, what Lin Shuo wanted to say was "can't", but he thought of the thunderstorm night six years ago, so he added two words after "can't".

The ability to hook the snake has already been clearly written in "Kyushu Foreign Objects": the physical body is unparalleled in the world.

But six years ago, it showed another brand new ability, which was so weird and unbelievable.

Lin Shuo had already thought of a way to deal with the hooked snake, but he didn't want to explain it to others, so he could only say this.

"Oh, there are so many doubts." He Zihong said with emotion.

"It's better to kill the Black Water Dragon King first." Wei Xingshan said, "Such a big guy will be a disaster sooner or later."

"No." He Zihong shook his head, "There are good and bad strange creatures in this world, and they should be treated differently. We, the International Biological Research Association, never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Besides, it's not easy to kill it." Anne said, "Leaving aside its strength, how can we find it now?"

"As long as it doesn't go ashore, no one can find it." Lin Shuo shook his head, "The same goes for the hooked snake."

"Then what should we do now?" Wei Xingshan asked.

"Let's wait and see." Lin Shuo said lightly.

In the dead of night, Lin Shuo sat in his tent.

The tent he was in was on the westernmost side of the camp, and it was also the place closest to the Wuming River in the camp.

Lin Shuo has now made it clear that both the Black Water Dragon King and the Hooked Snake rely on the rivers here for their activities.

Therefore, if something unexpected happens at night, the source must be in the water.

Staying here by yourself is the best way to deal with it.

Xiaoba is not here tonight. The bird said it was going to find out information. It is estimated that only it knows whether it is true or not.

For some reason, Lin Shuo felt a little tired tonight, and his head was a little groggy when he was sitting.

Dimly, he saw a woman's face.

This woman's face looked both strange and familiar, young and old.

This face was engraved deepest in Lin Shuo's memory. It was this face that he saw when he opened his eyes for the first time after he was born.

He couldn't pronounce her name, but he knew who she was.

She looked at Lin Shuo affectionately, with tears in her eyes.

"Mom..." Lin Shuo murmured and woke up, only to find that tears were streaming down his face.

Lin Shuo wiped his tears with his cuff, and before he had time to recall the face in his dream, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart!

Master Zhui beside him, that giant recurve bow, was constantly trembling, making a warning sound of "buzzing".

Then, a familiar fishy smell entered Lin Shuo's nose.

Hook snake!

The hairs all over Lin Shuo's body stood on end, he picked up Master Chase as quickly as possible, took out an arrow from his quiver, and rushed out of the tent in two or three steps!

The bonfire had long been extinguished, and the moon had already set. Right now, it was the darkest hour before dawn, and you couldn't see your fingers outside.

The camp behind Lin Shuo was still silent, but the night in front of him was as thick as iron.

And just two kilometers ahead, along the nameless river, the trees along the river began to fall.

The loud noise of falling trees kept coming, and the camp was getting closer and closer!

That hooked snake actually landed!