Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 47: First explore the cave


A week later, news came from the south bank of the Heilongjiang River. As the drill continued to penetrate, Anne and the others discovered a huge cave 30 meters underground.

He Zihong and Yang Tuo used probes to sample the air in the cave, and determined that the composition was close to that on the ground, and there was no obstacle for humans to enter.

Wei Xingshan notified Lin Shuo as soon as he heard the news.

So on September 1, 2004, Lin Shuo brought all the members of the trip to the edge of the pothole on the south bank of the Heilongjiang River.

This circular pothole is the latest masterpiece of Chinese oil workers. It is less than 20 meters away from Heilongjiang, with a diameter of 5 meters and a depth of 30 meters.

Because of the strange creatures involved, most of the Chinese people have been evacuated after the hole was drilled, leaving only a 20-member frontier guard to guard the safety of the hole.

Lin Shuo and his party descended to the bottom of the pit one by one along the rope ladder on the wall of the cave.

An underground fissure in the shape of a date pit appeared in front of their eyes.

This crack is about four meters wide and more than one meter high, and people can enter it while squatting.

Yang Tuo used a probe to measure the temperature in the crack before, and it was around minus five degrees Celsius. If you go deeper, it may be even colder.

After everyone arrived at the bottom of the cave, the first thing to do was to add clothes.

The military coats, hats, and masks donated by the Chinese side were placed on the edge of the crack. Everyone first unpacked the goods and put on everything they could wear.

"I have measured this cave with ultrasonic waves, and it is tens of kilometers, very deep." Yang Tuo said while wearing a military overcoat, "Unfortunately, the orientation of this cave is on the Russian side. Otherwise, there will be another tourist near Mohe." Attractions can be developed."

"Hey, isn't that blind? There are not many people in the Far East." Wei Xingshan put antifreeze stuffing in his helmet and complained.

Lin Shuo was standing in front of the crack, twitching his nose.

A gust of cold air in the cave was sucked into his nose, and he frowned slightly.

"Mr. Lin, the activity of olfactory cells is affected by temperature." He Zihong said, "The temperature here is very low. Your sense of smell should not be as sensitive as before, right?"

Lin Shuo nodded.

"It's better to wear a mask." He Zihong reminded, "Although the mask will filter some odor factors, at least it can keep warm and keep the activity of olfactory cells."

Lin Shuo gave a "hmm" when he heard the words, bent down and took out the mask from the equipment box, and put it on his face.

But he was covered with an extra mask.

"Old Lin, you should wear more, so you don't get frozen when you turn around." Wei Xingshan said while picking up a military coat from the box and put it on Lin Shuo, "Come on, stretch your arms!"

Lin Shuo turned his head and looked at Wei Xingshan, with some helplessness in his eyes.

He didn't wear this kind of thick overcoat because he wanted to keep his body flexible, and he could take care of it in time if there was any accident inside.

And, he knew it wouldn't be that cold all the time.

But Wei Xingshan's enthusiasm couldn't be resisted, so Lin Shuo had no choice but to stretch his arms and put on the sleeves of his coat.

"That's right. Listen to people's advice and have enough food." Wei Xingshan said, "Old Lin, let me tell you, if there is someone inside, we will take a few guns to deal with it. If there is anything strange It depends on you. If you turn out to be as cold as a grandson, trembling and unable to draw your bow, then our group will be finished."

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you should wear more." Liu Qing also stepped forward, with a smile on her face, and wrapped a woolen scarf around Lin Shuo's neck, and wrapped it around a few times.

Anne also walked in front of Lin Shuo at this time, this girl looked up at Lin Shuo, blinked, with a suppressed smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to button Lin Shuo: "Yes, don't freeze."

Lin Shuo didn't know how the tacit understanding of this group of people came about. Everyone worked together and quickly wrapped themselves into a zongzi.

In Lin Shuo's eyes, although this kind of behavior has an element of concern, it is more like teasing him.

But after getting along for a while, everyone's hearts are full of flesh, and now they can't pull their faces off.

There is no way, let others manipulate it.

At this moment, Lin Shuo heard movement above his head, and when he looked up, he saw Lord Zhui being sent down from above the cave.

The giant recurve bow was too heavy for the rope ladder, so the crane had to be lowered from it, and at this moment one end just touched the bottom of the cave.

Wei Xingshan took two steps ahead and supported Master Zhui.

Seeing this, Anne was about to stop her. She had met Master Zhui before, and the feeling of palpitation was like being choked by someone, which was very uncomfortable.

But she soon discovered that Wei Xingshan's expression was normal.

The giant man was leaning against Lord Chaser with his whole body, he seemed to be supporting it, stretched out his hand to shake off the hook, and said in his mouth: "Come on, Lao Lin, put Master Chaser on his back again."

Lin Shuo looked at Wei Xingshan without moving his feet.

"Hey! Old Lin! You are not righteous!" Wei Xingshan was in a hurry. The weight of chasing the master is there. Standing like this now, Wei Xingshan can support him for a while, but he can't last long.

In such a short time, the man's face turned red.

Lin Shuo took a few steps forward and gently pushed Wei Xingshan away.

Then he held the bowstring with one hand, flicked it lightly, and the giant recurve bow was slung across his back.

After finishing chasing Master, Lin Shuo took another look at Wei Xingshan: "Old Wei, you are not bad."

"Ah?" Wei Xingshan didn't understand.

"Master Zhui thinks highly of you." After Lin Shuo finished speaking, he fell into the crack.

Inside, it was pitch black.

This kind of darkness is different from the darkness of night. Without a light source, no matter how long the human eyes adapt, they will not be able to see anything.

Soon, the light source came, and Wei Xingshan and the others turned on the headlights.

After Wang Yong died, there were fourteen remaining mercenaries, including Captain Wei Xingshan and Deputy Captain Liu Qing. These people are currently loaded with live ammunition, guns in their hands, helmets on their heads, and headlights tied to the helmets.

Fourteen headlamps shone down, and the tip of the iceberg of this underground cave was displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone first realized that their breathing was bringing out white mist.

Suddenly entering an absolutely dark area, the surge of adrenaline made them unable to feel the cold for a moment.

At this moment, when the white mist reminded them, everyone shivered and began to look around.

Surprisingly, the walls of this underground cave do not have that strange rocky feeling, and are much smoother than expected.

At present, the hole is less than five meters wide and about three meters high. The length is unknown. At least the headlight shines through it. The light is like throwing a stone into the sea. There is no difference. The front is still dark.

"This is sedimentary rock, also called sedimentary rock. This kind of stone is usually on the surface, and there are very few underground." Yang Tuo looked at the cave wall, then at the dark place in front of the cave, and said slowly, "This cave, I suspect It used to be an underground river, but because of geological movement, the water disappeared and the river remained."

"En." He Zihong nodded, approving Yang Tuo's interpretation.

The old man is a biologist, but biology and geology are adjacent disciplines. The study of biological fossils must be based on geology.

"The oxygen content here is not bad." Yang Tuo looked at the oxygen meter in his hand again, "It's close to the surface level, but I suggest that you don't stay in place for too long, after all, the air here is not circulated."

"Let's go." He Zihong waved his hand.

Solovyovsk is a city in the Russian Far East, 120 kilometers away from Jalinda.

It is said to be a city, and its scale is about the same as a town on the coast of China, not even a county seat.

However, compared to Jialinda, which is a small town in name but is actually only a fishing village, the various supporting facilities here are more than one grade better.

Liu Shunfu, the envoy of the Dragon King, received treatment at the hospital here.

He lay on the hospital bed for a week. On the eighth day, when the blond nurse walked into the ward, he found that he was gone.

After searching the whole hospital for a long time, it was confirmed that he was diagnosed with severe internal bleeding seven days ago. The operation was too difficult and conservative treatment was recommended. Then he issued a critical illness notice, and the old man, who was waiting to die on the bed, ran away.

Liu Shunfu was riding a donkey on the mountain path at the moment, his face was still a little pale, but his spirit was much better than before.

"You stupid donkey, why did you come here?" Liu Shunfu muttered, and patted the donkey's head heavily with his hand, "I have been waiting for you on the bed for seven whole days, if it wasn't for my bones, I wouldn't be able to go far. Just run away."

"Those guys are chattering, and they don't know what they're talking about. If you come a few days late, they might even sell you for the medical expenses once they settle the bill."

"But it stands to reason that this should be paid by the public, right?"

"Forget it, don't care about these, anyway, I ran out."

"Hurry up and take me to Liao's Village. There is still a Dragon King Festival to be held there, and it is already a lot late."

"I said donkey, what do you think of Widow He in Liaojiazhai?"

"Speaking of which, our old Liu's family has been handed down to my generation, and it is almost extinct. My old Liu is in his fifties this year, and he doesn't even have a daughter-in-law. Hey!"

"I know Widow He has a lame leg, but she's a nice person, and she's pretty. When you went to the stockade, didn't she fill a trough full of beans and feed you well? You can't be heartless ah!"

"I know she's interested in me. That trough of beans goes into your mouth, but what you want to keep is my heart."

"I really looked down on her before. What is the background of our old Liu family, no matter how poor we are now, we can't be so picky, right?"

"What's more, she's still a widow. It's scary for me to do this kind of business now."

"But in the final analysis, I always want to leave a queen for our old Liu family, right?"

"This trip, I don't know if I can save Heishuilong City for that idiot, and even if I do, I don't know if that idiot will come back."

"But the inheritance of my Liu family for more than a thousand years, I can't do nothing."

"Donkey, donkey, after I leave, you can follow her."

"If she gave birth to a son and a half daughter for me, you have to take care of that child, you know?"

"I can't teach him anything myself. The shepherd has been passed down to my generation, so let's forget it."

"In this world, there is no way for us to survive."

"That child, it's good to be safe."