Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 74: wait


Wei Xingshan and Yang Tuo were blocked in an alley in Longcheng by a group of woodcutters who woke up at the same time.

Although there is a gap in IQ between the two, even Wei Xingshan understood at this time.

This group of lumberjacks were lying unconscious all over the inner city, but at this moment they brought their guys towards him and Yang Tuo one by one. This is obviously not a normal situation.

It seems that Lin Shuo is right. The hooked snake seems to have the ability to control human thinking.

The good news is that he and Yang Tuo are still awake, which shows that the calming soul powder in their mouths is really effective.

When Wei Xingshan faced Lin Shuo, he behaved like a big quail. But after all, this giant man has a height of 1.98 meters, a weight of more than 200 catties, and is proficient in fighting techniques from various countries.

In the field of ordinary people, he wants strength and strength, and technology and skills. In things like fighting, he is a master of masters.

As long as he didn't move his gun, he didn't pay attention to these loggers.

"Dr. Yang, follow closely!" The giant man shouted.

Then, he turned and ran.

Wei Xingshan turned around and ran back, shaking Yang Tuo a lot.

Although the scholar's right leg has healed, after all, his strength has not yet fully recovered. If it weren't for the wall beside him to support him, he was almost shaken to the ground, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose were almost thrown off.

Fortunately, although this doctor is not very good at fighting, his mind is still clear.

He quickly understood Wei Xingshan's intentions.

When they left the house just now, they heard someone coming from the other end, so they turned to this side.

As a result, it was blocked by three people.

The lesser of two evils, instead of breaking through in front of these three people, it is better to go back, there is only one person over there.

Besides, that direction is closer to Lin Shuo and the others.

Yang Tuo adjusted his glasses, and quickly followed Wei Xingshan back.

Then he only heard Wei Xingshan in front shouted loudly, kicking the oncoming lumberjack holding a shovel into the darkness.

The strength of Wei Xingshan's kick is completely different from the previous kick in the house.

At that time, the kick was not so much a kick as a push with a support, and the strength was soft. Right now, this flying kick is called a hard one!

The lumberjack on the opposite side seemed to be hit by a train, and disappeared in an instant.

The corners of Yang Tuo's mouth twitched when he saw it, thinking that you shouldn't really kick him to death.

But he didn't say this, because he knew that Wei Xingshan was far more reliable than him in dealing with this situation.

Wei Xingshan kicked away the guy who blocked the way, put the dagger in his hand into the scabbard, and picked up the shovel that fell from the woodcutter's hand.

This move made Yang Tuo's heart fall to the ground.

Although the two said just now that self-protection is better than saving others, Yang Tuo actually wanted to rescue these loggers alive.

In order to find these people, he has worked hard and is willing to take risks. Right now everyone is alive, only the last shiver is left, so naturally they don't want to kill these people.

So Yang Tuo drew his gun and put on a show to embolden himself.

If he really shoots, he won't be able to do it.

He didn't know what Wei Xingshan was thinking, but since the two were in this situation, they must help each other.

He didn't want to argue with Wei Xingshan, but he was also afraid that the mercenary leader would really have murderous intentions.

If Wei Xingshan wanted to kill someone, there was nothing wrong with it in this situation. Self-protection is always greater than saving lives, but this is somewhat regrettable for Yang Tuo.

Seeing that Wei Xingshan used a shovel instead of a dagger, Yang Tuo felt relieved.

Although the dagger is shorter, it is actually more deadly. Wei Xingshan obviously had a sense of proportion in his heart.

But when Wei Xingshan copied the shovel, Yang Tuo saw that something was wrong again.

Wei Xingshan picked up the shovel, which weighed only a few kilograms, and seemed to be having some difficulty, so he grunted.

Only then did Yang Tuo remember that on the way to Longcheng, Wei Xingshan played with Lin Shuo's 60-jin spear all the way.

It was very prestigious at the time, but now the sequelae are coming.

His arm should be half-stretched at the moment, no wonder he kept kicking people with his feet just now.

In a hurry, Yang Tuo could only think of so much with his brain power. He followed Wei Xingshan and ran along the alleyway, and he was about to run out of this alleyway.

Outside this alley is a street, not far along the street is the inner city wall, where Lin Shuo and Anne had stayed before.

At this time, Yang Tuo didn't dare to look back, he could only run as hard as he could.

Then he found Wei Xingshan stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Running to his side and taking a look, Yang Tuo gasped as calm as he was.

On the street outside the alley, there were forty or fifty people standing.

These people stood there, like wax figures in the darkness.

And when Yang Tuo saw them clearly, these people seemed to come alive, and slowly raised the weapons in their hands.

At this moment, Wei Xingshan's heart also turned cold.

Although these forty or fifty people were not considered experts, as lumberjacks, their bodies were much stronger than ordinary people.

And he knows that these people are currently under control, they don't feel pain, and they don't hesitate to use their hands.

If he was in his prime, Wei Xingshan could at least break out of the forty or fifty lumberjacks with shovels and hoes.

But now, his two arms are actually half useless, and behind him is Yang Tuo, whose combat effectiveness is negligible.

Even if he was killed, what would Yang Tuo do

There are only nine bullets in his pistol, even if he can hit a hundred shots, he will not survive.

Wei Xingshan's eyelids trembled, and he took off his shirt with one hand, revealing his whole body.

Then he bit it with his teeth, and the jacket was torn in half.

Three times and two times, Wei Xingshan wrapped his hands and the wooden handle of the shovel with these two pieces of cloth, so as not to let go of his hand for a while.

While wrapped, the giant man said in a deep voice: "Old Yang, this is not far from Lin Shuo, we will wait for him to come to help. With your back against the wall, I can protect you for a while. If I really can't do it, you Just shoot."


Lin Shuo leaned against the inner wall of Dragon City, and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

Not far from him, Anne had already started fighting with the controlled loggers.

Lin Shuo could clearly hear the sound of the wind when Anne started.

After every sound of the wind, there was the muffled sound of fists and feet, and the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

Lin Shuo didn't open his eyes to watch her move at the moment, and even the sound in his ears was blocked by him on purpose.

Because he knows that the five senses of human beings will distract each other.

Turning off some senses you don't need can sharpen the senses you really need.

This is the reason why blind people often have very good ears.

What Lin Shuo brought to the extreme at this moment was his sense of smell, which was far superior to that of ordinary people.

It was an extremely thin and ethereal smell of blood, coming from the wound of a severed finger, even Lin Shuo in this state could hardly catch it.

This wound was obviously bandaged extremely tightly, and the smell of blood was being covered up by the owner of the wound.

But precisely because of the existence of this wound, the severe pain is constantly stimulating the owner of the wound.

This pain is making her sweat, and her body odor is stronger than usual.

This is called trying to cover up.

So at this time, Lin Shuo actually locked her position firmly.

Lin Shuo spoke highly of this female assassin's skill.

In the previous contest, Lin Shuo wanted to protect someone, so he didn't use his own three martial arts, but the Zhang family's non-sword that hadn't been refined. She wanted to sneak attack, so it was a kitchen knife that was not in hand.

The skills of both sides were discounted at that time. Lin Shuo thought that he didn't have the strength to spare. He was able to break one of her fingers because Lin Shuo recognized her way earlier than she recognized Lin Shuo's way.

The family of assassins has been passed down since ancient times. Lin Shuo knew that among the existing Assassin families, three were the most troublesome.

The family names are Jing, Nie and Zhang. The ancestors of these three families are Jing Ke, Nie Zheng and Zhang Liang.

These three families have their own strengths. The Jing family is good at lurking and attacking, and the Zhang family is good at planning and planning. However, the Nie family assassin Lin Shuo met this time has two distinctive features.

One is the willpower, once the target is locked, either you die or I die, and you will never give up halfway.

The second is the powerful killing power, and the one move of Baihong Guanri has been famous all over the world for thousands of years.

Therefore, since the opponent was the assassin of the Nie family, Lin Shuo dared not be careless.

The endless darkness here gave this female assassin the greatest advantage. Under such circumstances, even Lin Shuo couldn't force her way.

He could only wait for her second assassination.

She was getting closer and closer to Lin Shuo.

When she walked, there were almost no footsteps, and even if there were, people outside the Liemen Su family could not hear them.

But her smell was drifting almost vertically down the sky, the origin of this smell only showed one possibility.

In fact, she was right behind Lin Shuo, and there was only a wall between them.

And at this moment, a gunshot was heard not far away.

The direction of the gunshots was exactly where Wei Xingshan and the others were.

Lin Shuo's originally calm state of mind immediately had a slight ripple.

He remembered a sentence he said to Wei Xingshan before: "If you see something wrong, shoot, then I will know that you are about to die."

Wei Xingshan is dying.