Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 79: Will you miss me?


Move the stone door away, and you can see everything in front of you.

As Anne said, here is a huge bottom lake, there is a clearing around the lake, and there is an altar in the middle of the lake.

The light source here is the huge altar in the middle of the lake. Various hollow patterns are carved on the altar, and a strong red light shines from it.

Lin Shuo held the bow in his hand, and instead of going out in a hurry, he discerned the smell here.

That's right, the hooked snake is inside this altar at this moment.

A strong fishy smell is seeping out from those hollow patterns, filling every inch of space here.

After clarifying that the crooked snake does not have the ability to control people's hearts, or at least this ability is currently ineffective against himself and Anne, this strange creature that has lived for more than two thousand years is less of a threat to Lin Shuo .

But its strong body and lightning-fast speed are still there, and it is still a very difficult target to hunt, and it cannot be taken lightly.

"Mr. Lin, do you need me to set up a painting prison at the entrance of the cave?" Anne suggested at this time.

"It's useless." Lin Shuo shook his head, "The hardness of this beast's scales is Moshi 9.5, while the hardness of your Su family's alien silkworm is Moshi 9.6, which is a bit higher, but it's too close. up.

And don't forget, once it starts to attack, at its speed, the attacking part will carry great kinetic energy. Even if your alien celestial silk can bear this kind of kinetic energy, the fixed structure of your hairpin and rock wall will definitely not be able to bear it.

Therefore, if you arrange a painting prison here, the effect can only leave shallow scratches on its scales at most, and then your hairpin will fall off the rock wall, and the alien silkworm silk will be broken and flying around, but it will hurt ourselves. "

"Hmm." Anne thought about it, and it was indeed the case, and she couldn't help admiring Lin Shuo again.

This man is not only extremely powerful, but also has a very good mind. He can clearly analyze the pros and cons at critical moments.

Lin Shuo looked up and down the space again, and found that the entrance of this passage was about one kilometer away from the altar in the middle of the lake.

This distance is within the killing range of Lord Zhui.

At present, he and Anne are at the exit of the passage, which is two meters square, and even if they want to enter with the size of a hooked snake, they have to smash the stone wall, so that Lin Shuo can have enough time to deal with it. Naturally it is safer.

It's a pity that the dome here is not high enough. Once the hooked snake sticks out of the altar, its vital point is already close to the dome.

The arrows shot by Lord Zhui fly extremely fast, but they are not lasers after all, and they have to follow a ballistic trajectory for a distance of one kilometer.

The space here does not support ballistics at this distance. The arrows shot by Master Zhui will definitely hit the stone dome.

Therefore, it is impossible to hide in the exit of this passage.

The distance between Lin Shuo and hooked snake must be closer.

Either he goes out and shoots arrows in the water, or he hooks the snake and lets him shoot in the water. There is no third option.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuo turned around and said, "You stay here." Then he walked out of the passage slowly by himself.

Every muscle in his body was accumulating strength, and his whole body was like a taut clockwork.

Every step he takes now is a near-death adventure.

The hooked snake's breathing was stable at present, and it seemed to be in a deep sleep.

However, the sensory system of this beast is different from that of humans. Once awakened, it does not need to make eye contact with humans at all. Its snakes can sense heat sources, just like radar.

The distance of one kilometer, in terms of its size, is actually a matter of human beings taking a step and then reaching out.

From when it starts up to when the attacking part reaches Lin Shuo's position, it takes up to two seconds.

And Lin Shuo's best time to bend his bow and nock his arrow was half a second.

He only had more than a second to complete the series of actions of aiming, launching, and then dodging the attack.

Therefore, every step he takes at this time must be cautious.

Thanks to Anne's meridian technique, Lin Shuo thought to himself that as long as he could catch his breath halfway, he should be able to shoot three more arrows today.

But at this time, in this scene, once he hooked the snake, he would not give him a chance to breathe, and no amount of arrows would be meaningful.

Life and death are just a matter of that moment.

He has only one shot.

Lin Shuo walked forward slowly until he reached the shore.

This huge underground lake is still as quiet as before.

Except for the sound of water dripping every minute on time, there is nothing unusual.

The hooked snake hid in the altar without moving, and Lin Shuo had to stop on the shore.

At this time, it is the worst policy to rush into the water.

First of all, he didn't know what was hiding in the water. Secondly, all his abilities are practiced for fighting on land. Once in the water, his strength will drop by 60 to 70%.

It's no problem to shoot a bow in the water, but trying to avoid the attack of the hooked snake is just a dream.

He doesn't have the idea of dying with the hooked snake, and Xiaoba is not there now, and the shape of the hooked snake is unknown. Once it launches an attack, it will be very difficult to aim on land. If you consider the refraction of the water surface, it is not possible things.

So once it enters the water, it is the best plan to die together. This is an event with a very small probability.

The overwhelming possibility is that Lin Shuo peeled off one of the scales of the hooked snake, and then Lin Shuo died thoroughly.

And as long as Lin Shuo dies, everyone here will lose their lives.

Just when Lin Shuo was hesitating, there was a soft sound beside him.

It turned out that Anne jumped lightly from the exit of the passage and jumped to Lin Shuo's side.

Lin Shuo's gaze was still fixed on the altar, but his brows were already furrowed, and he reproached softly, "You're disobedient."

"Mr. Lin, it's not that I'm disobedient, but that you've neglected your duties." Anne stood beside Lin Shuo and said calmly.

Lin Shuo was startled for a moment, then fell silent.

"Before you told me and Team Wei that there are two things that hunters are most taboo when accepting business, one is to save face, and the other is to be emotional." Anne narrated calmly, "I don't know what kind of situation you are in, let me Stay at the entrance of the passage and not come over.

My surname is Su, and I am the last inheritance hunter of the Su family.

We hunters of the Su family, our duty in the hunter team is to scout and lure the enemy.

Isn't the current situation the right time for our Su family hunters to play a role

Mr. Lin, the Lin family is the leader of the hunter team. If you don't assign me this job, it will be your dereliction of duty. "

Lin Shuo listened silently, he knew that what she said was right.

In the hunter team composed of six families, the duty of the Su family is to detect and lure the enemy.

They want to create good opportunities for the Lin family to make shots as much as possible.

But this is conditional.

The premise is that the hunter of the Su family can protect himself.

Usually, this is not a problem, because the Su family has "big cuts".

But today's hooked snake is too big and too hard, the Su family's "big cut" is ineffective.

So asking Anne to lure the enemy is actually pushing her to die.

In many hunting operations in history, the Su family often died because of encountering similar prey.

But no matter what, they will still perform this duty. Just like Zhang's family standing in front of other hunters.

For the Su family, it would be a great humiliation if the captain of the hunter team did not give him this job.

Originally, Lin Shuo thought that Anne was an overseas branch of the Su family, and her parents died early, so she probably didn't know about this rule.

Anne is the last hunter of the Su family, and Lin Shuo doesn't want her to be here.

But now, obviously she knew.

Now that he knew, Lin Shuo, as a member of the Lin family, couldn't refuse such a proposal.

So Lin Shuo took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I accept your criticism, it's my negligence."

Anne nodded slightly when she heard this, took off her shirt, then brushed her long hair, and there were eight black-gold hairpins in the black gloves.

Before entering the water, Anne turned her head and took a deep look at Lin Shuo, as if she wanted to engrave Lin Shuo's appearance in her mind:

"Mr. Lin, if I don't come back this time, will you...will you think of me in the future?"

Lin Shuo's eyelids trembled, and the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably.

He suppressed the intense emotions that kept churning in his heart, and from the deepest part of his voice, he pressed out a word:


"Then I have no regrets."

Anne smiled and jumped into the water.