Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 80: not qualified


Manpower is sometimes poor, and there are specialties in the art industry.

Among the people in the water, Haike is the most skillful, followed by water husbandry in Mumen.

People in the door have been the best in all walks of life since ancient times, but they are separated like mountains, and if they want to go to other people's jobs to get food, it is a matter of courting death.

Therefore, the water area has always been a restricted area for hunters.

Even the hunters of the six major families are limited by this.

In the water, there are two completely different environments from the land. When the surrounding air is replaced by water, everything changes.

Lin Shuo's sense of position by hearing the wind would fail, and the muscle groups in his body that had been trained for land combat for a long time would also be greatly reduced.

Anne's ability to listen to mountains and recognize pictures will fail, because water is a liquid, and the vibration of objects is quickly absorbed, and whether she is arranging a picture prison or making a large cut close to her, her movements will become relatively slow due to the resistance of the water. It will not be able to keep up with changes in the situation in the water.

If faced with ordinary things, such as the hairy crab before, Anne might be able to save the day by relying on her water skills far better than ordinary people.

But once, she faced the hooked snake.

So with Anne's leap, Lin Shuo knew that what he was facing was very likely to be a farewell.

He had to suppress the constantly boiling emotions in his heart and the constantly changing scenes in his mind, and forcefully pulled himself out of the bits and pieces of getting along with Anne, his teeth clenched his lower lip tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the front .

For the first time, he felt that concentrating was such a difficult thing.

He also knew for the first time that this junior from the Su family who had a foreign name, was too beautiful, and only flattered all day long had already occupied such an important position in his heart before he knew it.

Just a few seconds ago, he thought that he could harden his heart, follow the rules of the hunter team since ancient times, and let her lure the enemy to death.

Unexpectedly, this time I really overestimated myself.

His current state of mind, because of Anne's leap, has already been shattered and riddled with holes.

But that's it.

Lin Shuo could only force himself to concentrate.

He has already dereliction of duty once, and now he cannot make a second mistake.

Because once the Su family creates an opportunity for the Lin family, but the Lin family fails to grasp it, this will be the biggest negligence of the Lin family.

More than a thousand years ago, a certain ancestor of the Su family died because of a dereliction of duty by the ancestor of the Lin family.

This also gave birth to the Lin family Phoenix like Xiaoba.

The reason why Xiao Ba, a strange creature, was cultivated by the Lin family, and eventually became a war pet. The most important reason at the beginning was to avoid casualties of the Su family.

This was one of the reasons why Anne, the last hunter of the Su family, was so respectful when she saw Xiao Ba.

Not only to respect Xiao Ba's master Lin Shuo, but also because she knows how many lives of her ancestors have been saved by Xiao Ba's family.

Now that Xiaoba is not here, Anne personally serves as the bait.

Lin Shuo could not disappoint Anne's decision, and had no right to disappoint!

He must calm down, wait for the opportunity to appear, and firmly grasp it.

As long as I shot fast enough, maybe Anne could survive!

At this time, the surface of the lake was full of ripples.

Anne was swimming slowly on the lake.

She can't be too fast, she must keep her strength and be ready to respond at any time.

On the opposite side of this water area is the hooked snake that is sleeping.

And the bottom of the water is another unknown world. Anne doesn't know how deep it is, because in the water, the effect of listening to the mountains is greatly reduced, and she can barely detect the surrounding situation of about five meters.

All she knows now is that the water here is at least five meters deep, and the water temperature is very comfortable, neither hot nor cold, probably due to geothermal heating.

The distance from the lake to the altar is about 200 meters.

At present, she has swum 50 meters, and the 150 meters ahead is bound to be even more dangerous.

But she was very peaceful at this moment, because she knew that Lin Shuo was watching her from behind her.

The man's gaze gave her almost infinite courage.

In fact, this trip to Xing'an Mountains was Lin Shuo's first trip out of the mountains in six years, and it was also Anne's first time hunting as a hunter of the Su family.

Her mentor seemed a little dissatisfied with the current six Liemen masters in China, and even sneered at the established Liemen rules, basically ignoring her knowledge in this area. Even if it is mentioned occasionally, it is in a critical or joking tone.

So naturally, Anne didn't pay much attention to these things, which also made her feel disgusted by Lin Shuo when she first dealt with Lin Shuo.

But as she spent more and more time with Lin Shuo, Anne gradually realized the good intentions of these hunting gate rules, and also realized the sense of mission of her ancestors as hunters.

Liemen, since ancient times, has been eliminating harm for human beings.

Wherever there are powerful strange creatures doing harm to the world, there will be hunters hunting.

Liemen traded the lives of generations of elites in exchange for ordinary human beings to survive from ancient times and develop into today's scale.

In order to be able to hunt these extremely powerful beasts with different abilities, hunters must not only practice hard on themselves and hunt in groups, but also have strict requirements on themselves and the team. door rules.

In fact, Lin Shuo has been teaching her these rules, consciously or unconsciously.

Now, Anne felt that she was slowly leaving the army, because just now, she used the hunting rules to defeat Lin Shuo, leaving him speechless.

This is the first time that the rules of the hunting gate are used between the two of them.

Anne felt that only by doing so could she live up to her blood and the surname before her name.

Even if the price is his own death.

And when Anne swam a hundred meters away from the altar, death really approached her.

At this time, even if Lin Shuo had restrained his thoughts and concentrated his attention, he was actually doing two things at once.

He first had to keep an eye on the movement in the altar, and seize the moment when the hooked snake launched an attack.

Secondly, he also needs to pay attention to Anne's situation in the water to prevent her from being attacked by other things in the water.

Naturally, there is a difference in priority between the two. Lin Shuo must pay attention to the altar first, followed by Anne.

Because if he didn't pay attention to the altar, if he couldn't seize the opportunity, the hooked snake would kill everyone, including Anne.

And when Anne was halfway through the swim, Lin Shuo swept her down with his peripheral vision, and she suddenly jumped up from the water.

Unlike the previous time when the lotus was out of the water with ease, Anne's out of the water this time was obviously very embarrassed, as if she was suddenly attacked by something.

Lin Shuo's heart tightened, and he pulled out an arrow with his backhand.

And Anne on the lake, after that jump, fell back into the water, and then disappeared.

From this angle, the entire water surface reflects the light from the altar's hollow decoration, and Anne's falling into the water again makes the lake surface even more sparkling.

Lin Shuo couldn't see the underwater situation at all.

So he could only hold the arrow firmly in his hand, there was no way to shoot it.

Lin Shuo's heart kept sinking.

Just when he finally couldn't bear it anymore and was about to go into the water to find out, the lake in front of him made a "crash", and Anne jumped out of the water and returned to Lin Shuo's side.

The beautiful woman's chest was heaving violently, and her face was pale.

"There are people in the water."

After saying this, Anne coughed violently, and then spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

On the opposite side of the altar, there was also a person who jumped out of the water, ran to the top of the altar in two or three steps, then sat down and looked at Lin Shuo and Anne from a distance.

This person looked relatively young, not more than thirty years old. After sitting down on the top of the altar, he slowly took off the backpack behind him and took out a set of white underwear from it.

He changed his wet clothes unhurriedly, and said:

"Mr. Lin Shuo, right? I've admired you for a long time.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ding Yulong.

Please wait for me, I change clothes.

To kill someone like you, Mr. Lin, you must have a sense of ritual and clean yourself up.

In this way, for me, the experience of killing people will be very good, and for you, the death will be more decent, don’t you think

Miss Anne, the preparations for the meeting just now were too hasty, so I didn't let you die without pain. I'm really sorry.

Just a moment, please give me another chance.

Don't worry, I will work hard and everything will be fast and painless. "

After saying this, the young man named Ding Yulong changed his clothes and stood up on the altar.

Lin Shuo gently stroked Anne's back by the lake to make the seriously injured woman feel better, and asked, "Do you know this idiot over there?"

Anne wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand, looked at the young man who had sneaked up on her just now, and shook her head.

Ding Yulong laughed loudly, and then said: "It's okay. Mr. Lin doesn't know me, so I'll introduce it in more detail. My surname is Ding, and I'm a descendant of Shuimu Ding's family.

In our Ding family, a shepherd animal died in the hands of your Liemenlin family twenty years ago. I will collect this account today. "

"Shui Mu Ding's family?" Lin Shuo frowned.

"That's right, I am the sixty-fourth generation heir of the Ding family." Ding Yulong pointed to himself.

"I've never heard of it." Lin Shuo had a disgusted expression on his face, "You Ding family, are you qualified to let me know?"