Hunter of the Forbidden Region

Chapter 98: Shura field


The plane landed at Altai Airport in western Mongolia, which is more than three hours away from the incident site.

The person who picked me up was a Mongolian police representative, a woman named Aruna.

This prairie woman is less than thirty years old, nearly 1.8 meters tall, with a good figure, but with thick eyebrows and big eyes, she has a heroic vigor.

When shaking hands with Lin Shuo, Lin Shuo found that her hands were so big that they almost caught up with him, and the palms were rough, with calluses on the palms and backs.

Just from these hands, Lin Shuo knew that this woman was a practicing family.

If you are only engaged in general labor, it is normal to have calluses on the palms of the hands, but not on the back of the hands.

There are calluses on the back of the hand, and the joints are very flat when he makes a fist. This is because he has worked hard on boxing.

People who practice martial arts in Mongolia are generally good at wrestling, and it is rare to practice boxing, so this woman made Lin Shuo a little bit more careful.

Surprisingly, this Aruna is very good at Chinese, and there is no obstacle in communicating with Lin Shuo and the others, but the translation is omitted.

The four of them were taken out of the airport by the Mongolian female policeman. There was an off-road vehicle in front of them. From the paintwork of the car, they knew the police vehicle.

Lin Shuo habitually walked towards the passenger seat, but Wei Xingshan patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Shuo looked back at the man, and saw Wei Xingshan pouted in the back seat, which meant that Lin Shuo should sit in the back seat.

He also found a good reason, and said softly: "This time, Miss Anne is not driving. Why are you sitting in the front? Sit in the back."

Lin Shuo froze for a moment, then understood.

Turnips and greens have their own favorites, and the heroic style of this Mongolian policewoman is exactly the appetite of a giant like Wei Xingshan.

"We are here on business." Lin Shuo glanced at Wei Xingshan.

"Hey." Wei Xingshan sneered and said in a low voice, "Please help me."

Lin Shuo turned his head and glanced at Liu Qing. The female officer had a serious face at this moment, looking at Wei Xingshan like a knife.

"Just play it dead." Lin Shuo shook his head and opened the rear door of the off-road vehicle.

This off-road vehicle is a Toyota made in Japan. Its performance is not bad, and its cabin space is average.

The width of the rear seat was originally enough, but it couldn't support the size of the three people sitting in the rear row at the moment.

Liu Qing is a tall woman at 1.7 meters, and Anne is about the same. The two girls are protruding forward and backward, and their two huge peach-shaped buttocks sit on the seat, and there is not much room left.

Although Lin Shuo looked thin, he was also a man of over 1.8 meters. His frame was actually quite large. As soon as he sat in, the soft touch of Anne's side beside him felt oppressive.

The woman blushed, and moved her hips slightly forward, leaving more room for Lin Shuo in the row seat.

"Team Wei is experienced, so he's good at making arrangements." Anne turned her head and said softly to Liu Qing, "If he's this tall and sits in the back row, he really won't be able to fit in."

"Yeah." Hearing Anne's words, Liu Qing's face became brighter, and she responded.

Anne said these words very softly, her intention was not to let Aruna who was driving in front hear her, but also to calm Liu Qing's emotions.

But Aruna obviously heard it, and the tall woman said: "I'm sorry, our police station has poor conditions. Originally, I received instructions from my superiors that four people came to help us. I think one car must be enough, no Considering you're both pretty big."

"Help?" Liu Qing frowned, and said, "Officer Aruna, you seem to have made a mistake. On behalf of the International Society for Biological Research, we are entrusted by Mongolia to come here to take full responsibility for this case. We are not here To help, we are here to take the lead. Instead, you Mongolian police are responsible for assisting us."

Throwing away Liu Qing's words, the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly froze.

Anne was stunned, she didn't expect Liu Qing, who was always gentle and kind, to speak so aggressively today.

She was indeed telling the truth, but it was a bit inappropriate to just throw it out like this.

Lin Shuo naturally knew what was going on. During his trip to Xing'an Mountains, he had already seen that Liu Qing was interested in Wei Xingshan.

Wei Xingshan didn't know if he really didn't know or he was just pretending to be confused, so he didn't respond much.

Today, Wei Xingshan took the initiative to sit in the passenger seat of the heroic Mongolian female police officer, and some people felt uncomfortable.

It was a good car to pick up the airport, so it became a Shura field.

This officer Aruna was actually quite wronged.

Lin Shuo rolled his eyes, pretending he didn't hear anything, closed his eyes, and began to doze off.

Anne originally wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but seeing Lin Shuo's appearance, she also felt that it was not appropriate to say anything at this time.

Through the rearview mirror in the car, she gave Wei Xingshan a hard look, then tilted her head on Lin Shuo's shoulder, and also began to doze off.

"Actually, it's all for the sake of handling the case well. In fact, it doesn't have to be so clear who is in charge and who is in charge." Wei Xingshan was stunned for a while, then stammered, "It would be nice for everyone to cooperate sincerely."

"I hope so." Aruna held the steering wheel with her hand on her face.

Wei Xingshan sneaked a glance at the female police officer's profile, and when he saw this expression, his heart turned cold.

He didn't just think about picking up girls. He felt that Mongolian women should like his majestic figure, so it's better to take care of public and private matters, and sit in front to find out what this female policeman has to say.

If you have the opportunity, do your part. If there is no chance, you can also take this cooperation between the two parties to lay a good interpersonal foundation.

As a result, when Liu Qing sang such a song, Wei Xingshan was like a chicken and egg, and it was all over.

The road was very quiet, and no one in the car spoke.

Lin Shuo pretended to be dozing off, but the car jolted on the mountain road and really fell asleep.

Not only him, Anne fell asleep too.

Originally, the woman tilted her head, and she seemed to be leaning on Lin Shuo's shoulder, but she wasn't touching it, but she fell asleep and leaned on a piece of porcelain.

When Lin Shuo woke up, he found that his shoulders were cold. He turned his head, and then he understood one thing.

It turns out that beauties drool when they sleep.

"Ah!" Anne was startled awake by Lin Shuo's movements, she woke up and let out a soft cry, quickly covered her mouth, and looked at Lin Shuo's wet shoulders, her face turned red up to the base of her neck.

She hurriedly opened the zipper of her backpack and took out a pack of tissues.

When she did this action, she was completely in a stress reaction after suddenly waking up, her hands and feet were involuntary, her face was so embarrassing that she was about to cry.

"Don't worry." Lin Shuo couldn't bear it, reached out and patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, "It's okay."

While talking, Lin Shuo took the coat that was thrown on the car from the back window, and said softly, "Put it on in a while, and they won't be able to see."

Anne seemed to be reminded by this sentence, and the shyness on her face disappeared instantly. Instead, she bit her lower lip, tapped Lin Shuo's thigh lightly with her knuckles, and said softly, "It's as if you got some benefits." of."

Lin Shuo laughed angrily: "I won't wear it for a while?"


"Okay, I listen to you."

USA, Long Island, New York, Miao Guangqi's private laboratory.

Miao Guangqi is in his fifties this year. According to biologists, this is the prime of life, and it is a good time to produce results.

In the professional field, he has an excellent reputation, especially in the field of genetics, which is comparable to that of He Zihong, and his main direction of attack is more radical than that of He Zihong, specializing in human genes.

Even in the United States, research on human genes is taboo, so his laboratory, located 30 meters underground in Long Island, New York, was built with a huge sum of money, and it is top secret to the outside world.

At this moment, Miao Guangqi looked gentle, holding a white bathrobe in his hand, and carefully putting it on for a woman.

This woman came out of the culture fluid.

It was as if she had just finished bathing, her whole body was wet and naked, and every inch of skin on her body was a scenery that made people linger and forget.

But the way Miao Guangqi looked at her showed no lust at all, only sincere appreciation for a perfect thing.

There was pampering and even admiration in his expression, and he greeted softly in his most gentle tone:

"Yuexin, are you awake?"