Husband Across a Thousand Miles in the Seventies [Transmigration]

Chapter 103


I came here early in the morning just to wait for news about the murderer.

Now there was still no result, so the aunts went home together again.

After all, the family can't do without them.

However, the "family status" that they were so proud of in the past received an unprecedented impact today when they saw their niece and niece-in-law getting along.

Can a couple get along like this

It turns out that men can do housework too.

It turns out that you don’t have to give all the eggs to your husband and children.

turn out to be

Countless thoughts turned out to be swirling in the minds of the aunts.

On the way back, they rarely did not chat, but just moved forward in silence. After all, life must go on.

However, almost everyone was thinking that it was too late for them and perhaps they could educate the unmarried girls in the family to be more cautious when looking for a man in the future.

After Tian Mi finished her meal, she washed her own and the children's bowls and chopsticks before preparing to take the children out for a walk.

But the two little guys are at the age when they love to make trouble and play, and they are even more naughty.

After several attempts and confirming that grandpa was just like their grandparents and doted on them in every way, they immediately abandoned their parents and surrounded Tian Hongxing, calling her "Grandpa!" in a baby voice. After making the girl smile, they made all kinds of small requests.

For example, eat one more candy today, or one more piece of cake tomorrow, and so on.

Tian Mi was both angry and amused by what he saw, but he did not stop it. He thought that asking the two little devils to cling to their father would at least distract his attention.

"Sister, shall we go fishing in Chaoyang River? We can add some dishes for our family at noon." Tian Xue went to the cooperative early in the morning, but there were too few things she could buy and the demand far exceeded the supply. Even though she moved quickly, she could only buy half a pound of meat in the end, which was not enough to eat.

You know what, this made Tian Mi interested. Just as she was about to agree, she heard her husband say, "I'll go with you. The first time I saw you was also at Chaoyang River."

Sure enough, Tian Mi's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, then go to the kitchen and get a basket, and we'll go together."

"Okay!" Seeing his wife happy, Lou Luhui couldn't help but curl his lips.

It was only when the couple was getting ready to set off that they discovered that, except for the third sister who was writing furiously and Wang Linkun who was quietly accompanying her, the rest of the people had followed.

Lou Luhui was silent for a moment, and suddenly looked at his wife with some grievance.

This is different from what he thought. What about reliving the romance of their first encounter

Tian Mi felt her scalp tingling under her husband's gaze, so she quickly coaxed him in a low voice: "I'll go there alone with you later."

Hearing this, although Lou Luhui was still a little unhappy, he didn't say anything in the end. However, he cast a knife-like look at the fourth girl.

It must have been done by that little girl. I love her so much in vain.

Tian Xue hid behind her father with a grin. There was nothing she could do as she just wanted her father to relax with her.

Although I do feel a little sorry for my brother-in-law

Thinking of this, she poked her head out from behind her father again, clasped her hands together and bowed to her brother-in-law, then pointed at her second sister, motioning that she would not snatch her sister from him, and only then did she get a good look from her brother-in-law.

Tsk. Men are so stingy.

It's a sunny day today.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the temperature is pleasant.

The family went to Chaoyang River in a grand manner.

When we arrived at the destination, we found that there were already quite a few people there.

It is not the busy farming season, so some villagers who have free time and are good at swimming will go into the water to catch fish and clams to satisfy their hunger.

When they saw them coming over with baskets, they knew they were also here to catch fish, so they all greeted them with smiles.

Tian Mi had no intention of competing with everyone, so he took the initiative to lead his family to a farther place.

But they were really eye-catching, especially the men in military uniforms, which made people take a second look.

Just as everyone was paying attention to that side intentionally or unintentionally, they all thought it was the tall and long-legged soldier, or Tian Hongxing going down to the river.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the thin and weak-looking Tian Mi took off his shoes and socks and dived into the river.


The villagers didn't have time to be surprised.

The calm water surface began to splash. Tian Mi, who had been in the water for only half a minute, had already popped his head out of the water, and at the same time, he threw up a not-so-small fish.

The fish that everyone caught must have weighed several kilograms. Mi girl is so lucky!

However, when Tian Mi swam under the water for a few minutes again and felt that it was not so conspicuous, he caught a bigger fish.

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that there were more fish on Mi Yatou's side

Then, when Tian Mi threw up a fish every few minutes, the faces of the nearby villagers gradually became numb (⊙⊙).

So, why is it that after soaking in the water for half a day and only being lucky enough to catch one or two palm-sized fish, others can catch five or six big ones

This fish? You still have to choose the dish based on the person? It's totally unfair.

"Okay, girl Mi, let's stop catching. This is enough for two days." Tian Hongxing knew that his daughter was good at catching fish, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. In just a short while, the bamboo basket was full. If she caught more, it would attract attention.

If seen by some petty-minded people, they might even report you for the crime of taking advantage of capitalism.

Tian Mi in the river was about to stop, but when he heard the words, he cried out "Ah!" and picked up dozens of big snails and threw them on the shore before coming out of the water.

Lou Luhui immediately went up to them, took out the towel he had prepared in advance, helped his wife dry, then put on the clean clothes he brought with him. After greeting the other villagers, he took his arm around her and walked home.

Although the current temperature is around 27 or 28 degrees, which is not cold, it is always better to be careful.

Tian Hongxing followed her daughter and son-in-law, holding her two babies.

As for the full basket of fish and snails, Tian Xue and Xiang Yang carried it together.

No one noticed.

After they left, someone immediately swam towards the place where Tian Mi had just caught the fish.

I don’t know if he was lucky or what, but after a few dives, he really caught a big one.

Suddenly, more people came over.

This is indeed a great place to catch fish!

The group returned with a full load.

After getting home, Tian Mi went back to her room to wash up and change her clothes.

Tian Xue and Xiang Yang went to the kitchen to get buckets of water so that they could keep the leftover fish.

Tian Hongxing took the two children to the main room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she reached the door, she saw the young man named Lin Kun staring at the third girl.

At his age, and with a pair of sharp eyes developed from his job, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Could it be that Lin Kun has fallen in love with his third daughter

"Uncle! You're back? Did my sister-in-law have a good harvest?"

Tian Hongxing came back to his senses, put away the doubt in his eyes, and said with a smile: "We have a harvest. We caught several big fish."

"That's great. We're in for a treat at noon today." Wang Linkun had seen his sister-in-law's abilities underwater, but he didn't expect her to be so good at catching fish.

On the other side, Tian Xin, who heard her father's words, immediately closed the book, put away the pen, and said very diligently: "I'll go kill the fish first."

As he spoke, he had already taken two steps out.

Seeing this, Wang Linkun nodded to Uncle Tian, then followed him with a smile: "Let me help too."

Tian Hongxing stared at the backs of the two men.

This boy really has feelings for the third girl?!

And it's so obvious

Aren't you afraid of beating him up


The three girls brought the people back.

Could it be that they are in love with each other

No, no.

He had to find out what the specific situation was with this man.

After the father-in-law's antenna was raised, Wang Linkun's status in Tian Hongxing's eyes plummeted, and he was directly addressed as "this man".

So when Tian Mi got herself ready to go to the kitchen.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the old father who was playing with his children looking at me sternly.

Tian Mi paused, "What? What happened?"

Tian Hongxing looked back at the gate, and then waved to her daughter after making sure that there was no one there.

Tian Mi came over with a smile and said, "Dad, you really don't look like a people's policeman."

Tian Hongxing ignored her daughter's teasing and asked immediately after she walked in, "Is Wang Linkun the third girl's boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Tian Mi was surprised: "Who said that? It's not true?"

Tian Hongxing frowned: "No? But I see that boy..."

After all, apart from being more restrained in front of the slow-witted Xin Xin, he really didn't hide anything in front of other people: "Wang Linkun wants to date Third Sister, he's a nice guy, and we know his parents well, but let Third Sister decide for herself!"

How can you let a child decide such an important matter on his own? Tian Hongxing subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when the words came to my lips, I remembered that kids nowadays are encouraged to date freely.

In the end, he swallowed the dissatisfaction in his mouth with difficulty.

But as a father, he still has some concerns: "Can the third girl tell good from bad with her temperament? Don't let her be coaxed away by a few words. You sisters should check more."

Tian Mi comforted him: "Dad, what are you thinking? If his character is not up to standard, he would never appear by Third Sister's side, let alone come back with us, okay?"

"That's right! Dad is overthinking. By the way, you just said you know Wang Linkun's parents? What does their family do? Are they easy to get along with? They won't bully the third girl, right? Also, I see he's wearing a military uniform with four pockets, so he's also an officer?"

"Yes, Lin Kun is also a college student and is now the deputy head of the regiment. I heard that he will develop into a political commissar like his eldest brother-in-law in the future. As for his family, they are all very nice. It was Lin Kun's parents who fell in love with the third sister first and thought about her for two years, which led to their current fate." Whenever she thought of how Lu Wang disregarded his reputation and fought for her several times, she found it funny and was moved by how difficult it was for him as a father.

After hearing what his daughter said, Tian Hongxing finally looked relieved: "It's good that he's easy to get along with. According to what you said, his parents are also soldiers?"

Tian Mi cleared his throat and said, "Yes, Wang Linkun's father is the highest leader of our army, the brigade commander."

Tian Hongxing.

Tian Hongxing was so shocked that he lost his ability to speak. It took him a long while to find his voice again. He said in a difficult tone, "Is it too different?"

He had been a soldier, so he naturally knew what a brigade commander was like.

Tian Hongxing really hopes that her daughter can marry well and help her younger brothers and sisters in the future.

But it doesn't need to be that good.

This... they are not a good match. If she really marries him, how can San Ya hold her head high in the future? Will she be bullied to death

Hiss. No, no!

The more Tian Hongxing thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and subconsciously he wanted to back out.

But before he could say anything, he heard his second daughter say calmly, "Dad, the most important thing is character. It has nothing to do with the other party's family. Huihui's dad is the commander of a military region. He is very well-mannered.

Tian Hongxing: ".What did you say, you little bitch?"

Oops, the secret was let slip. Tian Mi smiled at his old father and ran away.

Today's lunch was prepared by the three sisters.

The fish has been cleaned up neatly by Tian Xin.

Tian Mi was very strong, so when he came over, he took over the job of chopping the fish and asked his third sister to make the fire.

"Second sister, when you have time, go to the police station to see Wang Hongyan!" During the past few days when my grandparents were in trouble, whenever my father was alone, he would either smoke in silence, stare blankly and wipe away tears, or run to the police station frequently.

If my sister and brother-in-law hadn't been here today, my father would definitely have rushed to town again.

Knowing that he was worried about not being able to find evidence and would have no choice but to release Wang Hongyan, Tian Xue made a suggestion to her second sister.

Tian Mi was chopping fish and asked in confusion: "Me? Why?"

"Although I haven't spent much time with Wang Hongyan in the past few years, I still have a good idea of what kind of person she is. The person she hates and envies the most in this world should be you."

"Are you serious?" Tian Mi put down the work in her hands, turned around to look at her fourth sister who was washing vegetables, and asked a question that was difficult to explain.

It’s not that she didn’t believe what the little girl said, but she was confused. If her memory was correct, she had never even met this person named Wang Hongyan, right

Tian Xue didn't really understand Wang Hongyan's logic. She came to this conclusion based on the rumors she spread about her second sister and her various self-destructive behaviors over the years. "I can't really explain why, but I have this intuition. She must hate us sisters and can't stand seeing any of us doing well, especially you. Not only does she hate you, she's also jealous of you."

After hearing what the fourth sister said, Tian Mi couldn't help but recall that before going to the island, Liu Xiangdong seemed to have cheated her once with Wang Hongyan.

So, it's not all about taking advantage? Is there any intention to press me to death

Thinking of this, Tian Mi nodded and started chopping fish again: "Okay, I'll go there this afternoon."

"Bring your brother-in-law along."

"Of course I have to take him with me." Then he showed his clingy personality and would not follow me wherever I went.

Tian Xue was speechless: "That's not what I meant. I meant, let your brother-in-law accompany you to see Wang Hongyan. I think it will double the stimulation. Maybe she will confess out of excitement."

Tian Mi understood that if Wang Hongyan was really jealous of her as her fourth sister said, then the better her life was, the more she could not bear it.

Hmm. "How about bringing some for the twins as well?"

Tian Xue hesitated, "Would it be bad for a child to go to a detention center?"

Tian Mi: "Forget it!"

Today's meal is very rich.

Although half a pound of meat is not a lot, the fat part can be refined into oil and then stewed with beans in a large bowl. The beans dyed with lard taste as good as meat.

I cooked two more fish, one for stewing and one for braising.

There was also a plate of fried eggs and two vegetarian dishes.

A family of nine gathered together, eating and drinking, and they were very happy.

Children, in particular, are carefree and easiest to satisfy.

After being fed two mouthfuls of meat, he immediately smiled with his small teeth showing.

Tian Hongxing was so happy that she forgot all her sadness and her observations of Wang Linkun and focused on taking care of her two grandchildren.

Seeing that his father didn't even touch the food with his chopsticks, Tian Mi sighed inwardly, stood up, picked up several pieces for him, and urged him to eat.

"I'm an adult now. Besides, I don't like eating this. Let the children eat it." As he said this, he wanted to share the meat in the bowl with the children.

"That's enough, little ones. You eat yours. They will get stomach upset if they eat too much." The older generation is like this. They want to save all the good things for the younger generation. But Tian Mi is not like that. When there are good things at home, she will not let her children go without them, but she and her husband will also eat them.

The little ones are very good at reading people's expressions. When they saw that their mother's tone was not very good, Pearl immediately cooperated by patting her belly and coaxing in a baby voice: "Grandpa, eat. Pearl is full!"

Tian Hongxing was delighted by the clever look of the little one, and she kept saying: "Guaiguai is so smart!" "Guaiguai is so sensible!"

After dinner.

Tian Hongxing took her two grandsons out for a stroll to help digest their food.

Tian Mi threw the dishes and chopsticks to her sisters, pulled her husband back to the room, and rummaged through the clothes they brought back, trying to find the one that looked the most expensive.

"What are you doing?" Lou Luhui folded the clothes his wife had thrown on the bed one by one.

"Which one do you think looks better, this one or that one?" Tian Mi held a piece of clothing in each hand and looked at her husband and asked.

In fact, she didn't plan to bring many clothes with her this time, after all, she would have to rush back after staying for a few days.

But her mother-in-law felt that it was a rare opportunity for her to return to her parents' home, so in addition to bringing gifts to the elders, she also had to save face.

Of course, this was not for any other purpose, it was just to give face to his parents, which was why he brought more than a dozen sets of clothes.

Fortunately, it is early autumn and the clothes don’t take up much space.

Lou Lu looked back at the two clothes in his wife's hands. They were of similar style and color. He was stunned for a moment and thought, aren't these two the same

But after several years of married life, although the man still has a straight male aesthetic, he already knows how to answer.

Why is he like this? After observing left and right for a few seconds, he raised his chin and said, "The one on the left hand looks good."

Hearing this, Tian Mi looked at the left and then the right, hesitantly said: "Why do I feel that the one on the right is more exquisite."

Lou Lu returns.

If he had not experienced this before, he would definitely agree with his wife and say that the right side is more beautiful.

But today's Lou Luhui is no longer the straight man he used to be, at least he doesn't show that.

So he insisted seriously: "It's just a matter of personal taste. Anyway, I still think the one on the left is better looking. Why don't you try both? Then you can wear the one you like?"

This answer got full marks. Tian Mi nodded with satisfaction and started changing it excitedly.

Finally, when his wife came out wearing a pink dress, Lou Luhui did not feel strange at all. Instead, he did not hesitate to show his amazement. He strode forward and held her in his arms. He bent down and kissed his wife's lips, which were even more rosy after she put on lipstick. Then he asked in a hoarse voice, "You look so pretty in this dress? What are you going to do?"

It’s rare to see my wife wearing such bright colors on weekdays. She looks so beautiful and her skin looks as white as mutton-fat jade.

It’s not that she doesn’t like it, but she’s afraid it will be too eye-catching.

"Hey? Don't smudge my lipstick!" Tian Mi pushed her husband away and hurriedly took out a mirror to look.

Well, it turns out that the pink one is the most valuable! This color is rare, and it will definitely piss off Wang Hongyan.

With nothing to do, she applied a thin layer of lipstick in front of the mirror to make sure she looked beautiful from all angles. Then Tian Mi put the small mirror in her pocket, turned around and walked to her husband, took his hand, and said with full fighting spirit: "Hui Hui! Let's go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Come with me and show off!"

Lou Lu Hui.

(End of this chapter)