Husband Across a Thousand Miles in the Seventies [Transmigration]

Chapter 54


Abalone likes to hide in the crevices of reefs and mostly live in groups.

Tian Mi had a clear goal. He shuttled among the seaweed reefs and soon found a nest.

Then I was shocked by the dense protrusions on the reef.

In real life, it was the first time that Tian Mi saw such big abalone, and so many of them gathered together.

How big are they exactly? It's no exaggeration to say that several of them look bigger than her face.

How much does this cost

How delicious is this

Tian Mi circled around the reefs and seaweed with his eyes shining.

Then I got even more excited.

Because she found an unexpected surprise. There were not only abalones, but also many sea cucumbers and sea urchins under the seaweed.

However, compared to the prickly sea urchins, Tian Mi first extended his evil hand to the sea cucumber.

Tian Mi had no idea about the size, medicinal and nutritional value of sea cucumbers, but she used to like to pick big bananas and apples, so most of the sea cucumbers she picked up were around ten centimeters.

However, compared with the large abalone that densely attached to the entire reef, there were much fewer sea cucumbers. After picking them up, the total amount only filled half a snakeskin bag.

She tied the mouth of the snakeskin bag containing the sea cucumbers and threw it onto the reef.

He took out a knife from another snakeskin bag, approached the largest bulge on the reef with bright eyes, and started to pry it open while suppressing his excitement!

If it were in the past, Tian Mi would have definitely pried away all of them, regardless of size, because they are abalone!

But this time, she divided the fish into different levels, and left all the abalone that were smaller than her palm untouched.

Who would care about those who are smaller than a plate? It's just so superficial.

When people are emotionally excited, they work more efficiently. Tian Mi pried more and more vigorously, and the more he pried, the higher he got.

By the time she came back to her senses from her excitement, all five snakeskin bags were full.

Sadly, however, only a little more than half of the large abalone are left on the reef.

For a moment, Tian Mi even had the idea of taking off his short-sleeved shirt and taking the Husky for a walk.

There was no way, these abalones were just too big and too tempting. Just by looking at them, her mind would unconsciously conjure up all kinds of delicious food.

Braised, thick soup, steamed with shallots, sizzled.

I can’t think about it anymore. If I think about it again, I’ll be even more reluctant to leave.

I already have five snakeskin bags of abalone and half a bag of sea cucumbers. I picked out the biggest ones and used them as gifts. It would be decent enough.

As for the rest, Tian Mi gritted her teeth and said, "At best, I can come back at this time tomorrow."

Hmm. I almost forgot. It seems like tomorrow is the day when family members will have ideological and political classes

Then come the day after tomorrow!

After figuring it out, Tian Mi swam towards the sea with a sack in one hand.

As soon as my head emerged from the sea, I saw my husband looking around not far away.

Lou Luhui obviously saw her as well and strode towards her.

When he got closer and looked at his wife who looked relaxed, he felt relieved: "Finally you came up, is everything ok?"

Although I know that my wife has magical powers, I am still worried about what I should worry about, as there are dangers at the bottom of the sea.

Tian Mi handed the snakeskin bag to the man. He took it and held it up from below. "What's the problem? I'm an unbeatable swimmer. If I really encounter something powerful, I can run away even if I can't defeat it."

Lou Luhui couldn't do anything about her, and when he pulled all the things ashore, he curiously asked, "What's inside?"

Tian Mi raised the snakeskin bag in her other hand and said, "These are all abalones. They are New Year gifts for my parents and my elder sister-in-law."

Lou Luhui was surprised: "Both bags are full of abalone?"

The general outline of these abalones could be seen from the outside of the snakeskin bag. They were just like the lobsters he had eaten two days ago, and their size was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Tian Mi couldn't help but smile proudly: "Not only that, wait a minute, there are four snakeskin bags below."

As he spoke, he created a small wave and dived back into the sea.

Seeing his wife disappear in the blink of an eye, Lou Luhui was still shocked even though he was mentally prepared.

He stared at the sea for a long time but saw nothing. He could only shake his head helplessly and go to the shore carrying two snakeskin bags.

Putting the bag in his hand on the ground, he turned back.

It took three consecutive trips to transport all the abalone to the shore.

Lou Lugu had no time to marvel at the number and size of the abalone, nor was he curious about what was in half of the bag.

Focus on taking care of his wife who has already come ashore.

After he had packed up the person, he half embraced and half carried the person back to the shore, and he did not forget to suggest: "Or, try to avoid going to the sea in winter. It's painful every time you go out to sea."

Tian Mi disagreed: "It only takes a minute, it's okay, we don't come here every day, let's go to the sea to catch more the day after tomorrow, we won't go to the sea before the New Year."

"You're coming the day after tomorrow?"

"Well, I've only pried out half of the abalone nest I found. Let's go back and deal with these. Oh, and there's also half a bag of sea cucumbers. Freeze them and bring them to my parents. My dad will try to get some dried ones. Have you asked anyone who has returned to Beijing recently?"

"I asked, and there are two in our group. They will go back the day after tomorrow." Lou Luhui responded subconsciously, before he recovered from the shock of half a bag of sea cucumbers.

Hearing this, Tian Mi said nothing more, but just made a "hmm" sound to indicate that he understood.

After leaving the ice and getting on the shore, she squatted beside the snakeskin bag and felt a little helpless again. She looked at her husband who was tying the snakeskin bag with excess seaweed and said, "What should I do? I was busy getting more. Now there are so many. How can I get them back?"

Abalones are large in size and their shells take up a larger area. Although there are five whole snakeskin bags, they are actually not very heavy.

But including the sea urchins, there were a total of six snakeskin bags, which was quite a lot to carry back.

Lou Luhui disagreed: "It's okay, give me the knife, I'll get a piece of wood."

Tian Mi didn't understand what the use of a piece of wood was, but he still handed over the knife that he usually used to chop big bones.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I saw the man tie the three sacks together, then hang them on a wooden stick one after the other and pick them up: "Let's go."

Tian Mi immediately followed suit, not forgetting to give the man a thumbs up: "My Huihui is super awesome."

Hearing this, Lou Luhui chuckled and walked towards the family area on the remaining white sky.

On the way, he reminded his wife: "I will get you a fishing net. Every time you go to the sea, you should bring this fishing net with you."

Tian Mi understood immediately: "Just in case?"

Lou Lu gave his wife an approving look and said, "People will know about fishing in the sea sooner or later. Bringing a fishing net will make it easier to explain."

Tian Mi nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand!"

That night, after the couple had dinner at their eldest sister’s house and returned home, they cleaned up all the abalone and sea cucumbers.

The abalone was too big, so considering that it was easy to carry and that it was for my parents to eat, I didn't care about its appearance and just cut off all the abalone meat.

Rinse them thoroughly, select the biggest and best ones, arrange them neatly and freeze them.

The day after tomorrow, when our comrades set off, we can just pack them into a big package and take them back to Beijing.

Of course, in order to thank the two comrades, the couple also prepared a small portion for each of them.

Later, Tian Mi discussed with her husband and decided to ask someone to bring a copy to Cheng Lang in a few days, as that person was a real friend and she had been taken care of by him.

By the way, when sending dried abalone and sea cucumber to my father, I should also send some to my original body’s good friend Gu Yan. I wonder how her married life is going? Is she as sweet and loving as the mandarin ducks on the wedding pillow she gave me

The couple chatted while they worked. There were less than a hundred seafood and abalone in total, but it took them several hours to clean them up.

Finally, after taking a shower, they climbed into bed. As newlyweds, they did nothing bad and just slept soundly in each other's arms.

But no matter how tiring it was, at least I prepared the holiday gifts, and there was enough seafood left at home to eat for several days. It was definitely worth it.

the next day.

Tian Mi slept in.

It was already past eight o'clock when we arrived at my eldest sister's house.

She handed the abalone and sea cucumber she had prepared to her elder sister, and went to check the down herself.

"Is this sea cucumber and abalone?" Tian Yu looked at the things in his hand that had been processed. It took him a long time to recognize what they were, and he immediately stuttered.

Compared to the big lobsters, she had eaten these two things many times on the island, but she had rarely seen one this big, especially the abalone, which was so ridiculously big that Tian Yu couldn't help but once again admire her sister's skills.

Tian Mi smelled the down. Although it had been washed repeatedly with salt and soap beans, boiled several times, and finally disinfected with soda ash, the smell was not much stronger than the down jackets of later generations. However, since it had not been evaporated at ultra-high temperatures, she was somewhat worried about the preservation issues.

If the situation is not ideal, when the weather warms up next year, they will have to be disassembled and stored in the cellar.

If that doesn't work, I can only do one per year.

Fortunately, as I recall, down jackets appeared in the domestic market in the late 1970s, so it didn’t take much more than a few years to get them.

"Sister, what did you say just now?" Coming back to his senses, Tian Mi took out a clean cloth bag, put all the fluff in the winnowing basket into it, and then looked at his elder sister.

Tian Yu asked again: "Did you catch these abalone in the sea?"

"Yeah, it was just a coincidence. I went there with my old Lou."

Hearing that his brother-in-law was accompanying him, Tian Yu stopped nagging and asked excitedly, "How do we eat this? Stewing it in soup is a great tonic, wouldn't braising it be a waste of this good ingredient?"

Hearing about food, Tian Mi became excited again: "Sister, let's just make a mutton, sea cucumber and abalone soup, that's what we call delicious and nourishing."

"Hey, don't say that. I'm already hungry because of what you said. Let's eat at noon today. There are still four hours left. It's almost time."

"Okay, I'll help you chop the mutton, and I'll leave the rest to you. I have to make a down vest." As he spoke, Tian Mi had already rolled up his sleeves to chop the mutton.

The couple ate here from time to time. Although they no longer gave them money or food, they often sent meat over.

Tian Mi took a piece of mutton weighing four or five pounds from the meat storage area and said to the elder sister who was peeling garlic, "Sister, make more. Can you ask Zhou Jianshe to come over for lunch?"

Ever since she married Huihui, Zhou Jianshe seldom came to eat with them in order to avoid suspicion and not to disturb their newlyweds.

Huihui and Zhou Jianshe have been friends since childhood. Tian Mi will not prevent her husband from having his own circle of friends just because they are married, unless the other party is not a good person.

"Oh, if you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten. Zhou Jianshe hasn't come here many times in the past month. I should have called him. When people have good things, they think of sending them home. I'll go now." As she spoke, she had already stood up from the stool.

Tian Mi quickly stopped the man, looking speechless: "Oh my god, don't you know what's wrong with you? It's freezing and snowy, what if you fall?"

Tian Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm just pregnant, what's the big deal? This is the fourth time, don't I know better than you? You and Third Sister, you look at me more seriously than Old Chen."

"Brother-in-law, I don't care. Anyway, you have to behave yourself when you are under my nose."

"Be good, I think you are itching for trouble."


In the end, of course, Tian Mi, who had chopped the mutton, ran to the army to inform people.

However, she did not call Zhou Jianshe directly, but went to find Huihui and asked him to bring it back when he came back for lunch at noon.

The combination of sea cucumber, abalone and mutton not only has the beneficial effects of warming the kidney and nourishing blood, but also has the beneficial effects of warming the kidney and nourishing blood.

What is even more amazing is that the wonderful taste and rich meaty aroma can satisfy the discerning taste of any gourmet.

After four hours of simmering, the aroma of sea cucumber, abalone and mutton blended together. The soup was so thick and delicious that the nine people at the table couldn't even lift their heads to eat it.

Tian Yu has a cheerful and enthusiastic personality. He smiled when he heard this: "If you like to eat, come over more often. You haven't been here for a while."

Zhou Jianshe rolled up his sleeves again, ready to work hard: "I've been too busy recently, I'll definitely come more often in the future."

In fact, this is not the case. When his best friend got married, he was happy, but he also subconsciously kept his distance. After all, most married men are restricted by their wives at home.

He didn't know Comrade Tian Mi, and all the information about her came from his good brother and Tian Yu's wife.

Besides, he is an outsider after all. If he still comes to visit without any manners as before, and if he causes a rift between the brothers and their spouses, wouldn’t he be guilty

It was not until noon today that Lao Lou called him to come for dinner. He refused as usual and was told that it was his sister-in-law who came to invite him specially. Only then did he happily follow.

Then I regretted it.

The younger sister-in-law looked delicate and gentle, but her personality was somewhat like that of Tian Yu's sister-in-law, straightforward and frank, and she really did invite him to come over for dinner sincerely.

It was precisely because of the other person's sincere attitude that he regretted it even more.

Old Lou, you bastard, why didn’t you forcefully pull him over when he was too embarrassed to come over before

He is so easy to pull, it comes just by pulling.

If he came, he wouldn't miss all these delicious foods.

The children all said that they had been eating seafood for several days in a row.

And all these seafoods were actually caught by my sister-in-law herself.

No, thinking this way, his heart ached even more, and he had to scoop another bowl of meat to comfort himself.

Lou Luhui was somewhat disgusted with his friend who looked like Zhu Bajie chewing on a fruit. After a few glances, he felt that it was offensive to his eyes, so he focused on helping his wife pick up food and told her some gossip that interested her:

".Qian Sheng is back today."

Tian Mi swallowed the food in her mouth and asked curiously, "Didn't they say he and Ge Yun divorced? How is he now?"

"How dare he come back? Is there no other punishment?" Tian Yu also frowned and looked over.

A few days ago, sister Xiaoyun called her specifically. With the help of her parents and brothers, she had divorced Qian Sheng. They might not have the chance to meet again in the future, so she hoped to communicate frequently.

Tian Yu really treats Xiaoyun as a sister.

I feel sorry for her for meeting the wrong person and having to bear the criticism of being divorced.

But compared to those gossipers, she felt that it was better to divorce someone like Qian Sheng.

Just like my second sister said, when it comes to domestic violence, there is only a difference between zero times and countless times. Rather than living like neither a human nor a ghost, it is better to get a divorce.

So even if they wouldn't see each other again in the future, she was happy for Xiaoyun.

Chen Gang patted his wife, who became more irritable after pregnancy, soothingly: "He has applied for a career change. He will have to leave in the first half of next year at the latest. It's less than two months. We can just turn a blind eye to it."

Tian Mi was curious: "Why did he change his career? Could he bear to do that?" Didn't he have such an ambitious look before

Lou Luhui sneered: "I guess he has completely understood the capabilities of the Ge family this time. If he has any brains, he should know that it will only become more and more difficult for him to stay in the army."

Not to mention the complex power behind the Ge family, even if it was Qian Sheng himself, if he was a decent person, he would not have fallen to this day.

After all, it was his own fault and he couldn't blame anyone else.

"With his position as deputy regiment commander, he can at least become a section-level cadre after transferring to the local area, right?" Tian Mi curled her lips. Maybe she was a little radical. Anyway, she looked down on men who beat women.

She felt depressed and irritated when she thought about people like Qian Sheng, who could return to his hometown and become a good official and continue to live a carefree life.

Now it was Lou Luhui's turn to comfort her. He felt that his wife's temper had become more irritable these days than usual. "Don't worry, he has just been criticized by the organization, and with the Ge family interfering behind the scenes, he is at most a small leader, and the kind that won't last long."

He couldn't beat the girl from the Ge family whenever he wanted, and Qian Sheng suffered a miserable fate afterwards.

Of course, Lou Luhui had no sympathy for him at all. If his daughter was beaten, he would retaliate even more fiercely.

Thinking of this, he felt sick all over, and suddenly said without thinking: "Tiantian, let's have a son in the future."

Tian Mi inexplicably understood her husband's unfulfilled intention. Just as she was about to rebuke him, saying that those who have sons are those who forget their mothers after getting married, she heard her eldest sister's dissatisfied question:

"What do you mean? Does my brother-in-law still favor boys over girls?"

Even the timid Tian Xin secretly glared at her second brother-in-law.

Tian Mi looked at the confused Huihui, then "Puchi!" and laughed wildly.

Seeing his wife laughing so hard that tears were about to come out, Lou Luhui, who was already feeling aggrieved because of the questioning, felt even more aggrieved.

"Ahem. Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore. Don't stare at me anymore." Tian Mi begged for mercy after being stared at by the man. After finally holding back her laughter, she explained to her eldest and third sisters, "My husband Lou meant that having a daughter would make it easier for her to be bullied. If she married someone like Qian Sheng, it would be so terrible. That's why he said we should have a son."

Hearing this, the expressions of the two sisters Tian Yu and Tian Xin immediately improved a lot.

Instead, Chen Gang's face darkened, and he picked up his little baby Guoguo and coaxed her, "My daughter, we won't get married when we grow up."

Tian Yu: "Get lost!"


After a lively lunch, everyone went home.

When the couple returned home, as soon as they closed the door, Lou Luhui hugged someone and complained about his grievances.

Tian Mi walked into the bedroom with a tall man hanging on her body like conjoined twins.

Seeing his aggrieved look, she found it funny but was also happy to coax him, just like he often coaxed and pampered her.

After she discovered that men can also act like spoiled children, like to receive gifts, and like to be coaxed, she was more willing to indulge him, which can be regarded as the interest between the two of them.

Of course, everything should be done in moderation, otherwise it is easy to get ahead of yourself.

For example, at this moment, if she couldn't see that the man was taking advantage of the situation to gain benefits in bed, she would be a fool: "Okay, my elder sister misunderstood, and later apologized to you."

Lou Luhui let go of the person he was holding, stood up, and asked suspiciously, "When?"

"Didn't I give you a bowl of soup?"

Lou Lu replied in a cryptic way: "You call that an apology?"

Tian Mi put her hands on her hips, her patience exhausted: "What's the matter? Isn't it enough to give you a way out?"

"That's enough coughing, that's enough." The man touched his nose, not daring to bite it anymore. He muttered in his heart, why does it feel like my little wife is being particularly choking lately

Seeing that he immediately gave in, Tian Mi wanted to laugh again, but this time she held it back.

As he unbuttoned his jacket and climbed onto the kang, he pointed to the closet and said, "There's a gift for you in there, go get it yourself."

"Gift? What gift? Why are you giving me a gift suddenly?" Although he asked several questions in succession, Lou Luhui's steps were not slow. As soon as he finished speaking, he had already arrived in front of the closet and opened the door with an expectant look on his face.

The down vest was hung very conspicuously, right in front of the door when he opened it, so Lou Lu saw it at a glance.

He reached out and took the vest off the hanger: "This is a vest? Huh?"

Halfway through his words, Lou Luhui became suspicious when he felt a soft touch under his hand. It didn't feel like cotton.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Lou Luhui put the vest to his nose and sniffed it, and sure enough, he smelled a very faint scent of duck feathers.

He looked at his wife and said, "So, you want those duck feathers to make this dress?"

Tian Mi had already rolled into the bed. Hearing this, she knelt up again and said, "Try putting it on. I've never done this before, so I don't know if it will work. So I'll make you a vest first. If it works, I'll make you a thinner jacket later, and down pants to wear under your military uniform. Duck down is light and won't get in the way when you work."

Hearing his wife say this, Lou Lu didn't know that she didn't want to let him suffer the cold, so she came up with this idea. He was immediately touched and felt sweet.

He didn't even bother to try on clothes. He strode to the bed, hugged the person and kissed him.

When you are well fed and warm, you will think about sex, especially for newlyweds. So, when they are kissing, the taste changes.

By the time the man, looking refreshed, put on the fitting down vest, Tian Mi had already fallen into a deep sleep.

However, Lou Luhui didn't feel anything in the warm kang room.

As soon as I left the house, I instantly felt something different.

He hadn't had time to put on his military coat yet, and the familiar feeling of coldness seeped into his body through the thin uniform.

But the difference can be clearly felt in the area protected by the vest.

Although it was still cold, the coldness was maintained within an acceptable range for him.

In other words, as long as you wear the long-sleeved down jacket and down pants that Tiantian mentioned, you can handle it without a military coat, right

What if all the soldiers wore such warm down jackets? Thinking of this, Lou Luhui's breathing became heavier.

But before he could be happy for long, he frowned again. He seemed to have heard his wife mention before that the price of this kind of clothes was much higher than that of cotton-padded clothes.

Cotton-padded clothes are in short supply in the army. If down jackets are more expensive, it would be unrealistic to equip all the soldiers with them.

Thinking of this, Lou Luhui turned around and looked inside the house, then put on his military coat with a thoughtful look on his face and went to the troops.

The warmth level of the down vest was beyond Lou Luhui's expectations.

Halfway through the afternoon, he could feel that the part wrapped in the vest was always warm. Especially when he put on his military coat and moved around, he sweated easily.

It is so light, convenient and warm, it is a savior from the cold. When Lou Luhui returned home at night, he was unwilling to give up and hurriedly asked the doubts that had been lingering in his mind for a long time.

After hearing what her husband said, Tian Mi was not surprised. She carefully explained to him the laborious process of making this down vest, and also told him that she doubted that it would not survive the summer.

After listening to his wife's explanation, Lou Luhui sighed with regret: "It is indeed not suitable for popularization. At least in the past two years, the logistical support cannot keep up."

Tian Mi stood on tiptoe and patted her husband's shoulder to comfort him: "It will get better and better. Maybe in a few years, those difficult problems I mentioned will be solved. By then, maybe everyone will have a down jacket."

Lou Luhui sighed: "Maybe. By the way, I'll take care of the down when we make down jackets next."

"Let's clean up together. My eldest sister and her husband have to do it too. It will be faster if we help each other."

"Okay, Tiantian, after the down jacket is finished, I want to share this method with others, is that okay?"

"Sure, as long as I can help everyone."


Seeing that he was still in a bad mood, and was obviously still immersed in the regret that down jackets could not be popularized, Tian Mi rolled her eyes and began to unbutton the man's clothes, changing the subject: "Let me see if it fits you well."

Lou Luhui didn't think much about it, and raised his hand to make it easier for her to unbutton it: "It fits well, and it fits the body just right when worn outside the sweater."

It was indeed repaired on his body, just as she had imagined. Tian Mi stood two steps away and looked at the man carefully.

Hui people are good-looking, with broad shoulders, thin waist and long legs. Even if this thin and slim black vest is not as good as a suit vest, they can still be so handsome that they have no friends.

Tian Mi circled around the man again, and when she got behind him, she praised him generously: "You are very handsome, just like the first time I saw you. At that time, we were at the market in town, and many people were talking about you. When I looked over, I only saw your back. At that time, I was thinking, which male Bodhisattva has come to the world to save all living beings?"

Lou Luhui suddenly realized, then narrowed his beautiful phoenix eyes and said meaningfully, "So this is what the male Bodhisattva means? You have been calling me that in your heart, so you let it slip during the first call?"

You know too much about Tian Mi. Is this the point? The point is that the vests she made are beautiful!

Seeing his wife's expressionless face, it was Lou Lu's turn to smile. He bent down, approached her and jokingly said, "So, you fell in love with my back at first sight?"

Tian Mi is not that person, she didn’t do that, don’t talk nonsense!

(End of this chapter)