Husband Across a Thousand Miles in the Seventies [Transmigration]

Chapter 87


Children's temper comes and goes quickly.

Look, when I entered the zoo and saw the tiger.

Little Pearl, whose vision was obscured by the tightly packed crowd, immediately forgot about the unpleasantness that had happened before and hurriedly reached out to her father for a hug.

Lou Luhui took his daughter and put her directly on his neck.

At this moment, Pearl, whose long fan-like eyelashes were still covered with wet tears, was so excited that she swung her little feet excitedly on her father's head and shouted in a baby voice, "Big axe, Daddy! There's a big axe!"

Lou Luhui smiled as his daughter was happy. He gently pinched her small thighs, saying, "Don't move. They're going to fall off."

Hearing this, the little girl immediately held her father's head obediently and didn't move, but her big black eyes looked around all the time.

Beibei tilted her little head up, and seeing that her sister was so tall, she also wanted to sit high up.

The little guy has a quiet personality, but he is very smart. He looked at his mother, then at his grandmother, and finally reached out to Uncle Zhang, who is also tall, and said, "Uncle Zhang, give me a hug!"

Xiao Zhang didn't expect the little guy would want him. He was stunned for a moment before he tentatively reached out his hand, then imitated Lou Luhui and put him around his neck.

Beibei got what he wanted and immediately smiled with his tiny teeth, looking so adorable.

Tian Mi patted his son's butt in a funny way, and then said to Xiao Zhang: "You little brat has some weight, give it to me when you are tired."

"Not tired, it's very light." It was the first time for Xiao Zhang to touch such a soft little thing. He had been envious before. Finally, the little guy took the initiative to ask him to hold him. He was so happy that his eyebrows were full of smiles. How could he feel tired

There were many tourists in the zoo, and the few of them didn't have a fixed target, so they just followed the flow of people.

In those days, all kinds of supplies were scarce, and the children had never seen these animals before, so they were so tired that their eyes were not enough to see them all the way.

There is no need for adults to introduce it. When you hear the children next to you shouting "tiger", you will follow suit. When you hear the children shouting "lion", you will follow suit. You are so excited.

Walking and stopping like this, an hour or so passed in the blink of an eye.

The little ones were still full of energy, but they made the four adults who accompanied them very tired.

Especially the men who were driving the two children, their clothes on the backs were soaked.

Finally, when they passed a pavilion, Tian Mi forcefully carried the man down, and everyone felt relieved for a moment.

In the following days, the family either spent their time traveling or shopping.

Ms. Zhong Yuxiu had made a big promise before, saying that she would go out to play for more than 20 days in a row with different activities.

But when it came to the actual action, I couldn't take it anymore on the fifth day.

When the family returned home that evening, not to mention Ms. Zhong, even Tian Mi, who prided himself on being in good health, could not bear the strain.

Lou Zhan came back ten minutes earlier than them. Seeing that they were all listless, he shook his head with amusement, "Dinner will take another half an hour. If you are tired, go upstairs and take a rest."

The old man's idea was very good. Tian Mi climbed upstairs holding her mother-in-law's arm, and said weakly: "Mom, we won't go out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We need to rest. I'm too tired. My legs are about to break."

Zhong Yuxiu looked sympathetic: "Me too, oh my. I'm getting old."

Thinking of her mother-in-law's spirit of shopping and playing these days, Tian Mi said sincerely: "No, I don't think you are old at all."

Seeing this, Lou Luhui took his sleeping son back from Xiao Zhang's arms and followed behind the two of them, holding one in each hand.

After settling his wife and children, he did not rest but went to his father's study.

Sure enough, the old man had already prepared tea and was waiting inside: "How was your day?"

Lou Luhui did not rush to answer, but sat opposite his father, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then comforted him: "Dad, don't think too much. What happened before might really be an accident. We can't live like this just because of a suspicion."

When he took his family out to play these days, he knew that his father sent Xiao Zhang to follow just in case.

But with his experience and ability, he can still tell whether someone is following him or not.

Although he knew that what his son said made sense, Lou Zhan would not feel completely at ease until the mastermind behind the incident was found.

Especially about the incident of his son falling into the water three years ago, Lou Zhan still feels aggrieved about it.

At that time, Zhou Peng, who was pulling the rescue rope, insisted that he didn't know why the rope was broken.

Without solid evidence, we can only give him a serious warning and keep him under our noses, play the long game to hook the big fish, and wait for him to strike again.

Unexpectedly, nearly three years have passed, and Zhou Peng is about to retire, but he still hasn't done anything again. There seems to be no problem in his daily life, as if it was really an accident.

But Lou Zhan knew very well that was not the case.

Because this kind of thing is not the first time it has happened.

Seven years ago, when my son came back to visit his family, he was run over head-on by a truck.

If Lu Hui had not been so skilled in martial arts and had not dodged the attack, he might have already lost his life.

During the investigation, it was found that the driver was drunk.

Lou Zhan also investigated the other party privately, but found nothing. It seemed to be an accident.

But then, two years later, five years ago, my son encountered another life-threatening accident.

This was the third time I fell into the ice hole.

If it weren't for his daughter-in-law's good swimming skills, he couldn't even imagine the consequences.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world

It can even be said that the two previous suspicions were resolved when Lou Zhan received the call from his old friend. In addition to being furious, he also had a feeling that "as expected".

"Don't be careless. You have to admit that there must be a culprit behind this. It's just that the person is hiding too deeply, and the chess pieces are useless after being used once. It takes a lot of resourcefulness and patience." It was as if he was deliberately playing tricks on the Lou family.

Lou Luhui would not be careless. He just said that because he hoped his father would not worry too much. "Don't worry. If someone really did it on purpose, since they didn't succeed, they will definitely try again. If they do it too many times, they will eventually reveal their tracks."

Lou Zhan nodded, took a sip of the tea and asked, "Does my daughter-in-law know?"

"Yes, I told her when we first got married."

"It's better to tell her. Husbands and wives shouldn't have secrets, especially things like this. Don't use the foolish idea of protecting her or doing good for her. Half-hiding things will only make people think too much."

"I know!"

at the same time.

A military hospital.

Tian Xin carried a curved tray and followed behind her master, moving between patients.

Han Zhu woke up on the sixth day of his coma, which was the second night after the old man took over.

Logically speaking, after the person wakes up, Tian Xin can retire with her teacher.

But Brigade Commander Yan Jun was really worried and begged the old man to stay for another three days.

During these three days, the two of them had no time to rest, but became increasingly busy.

The reason is very simple.

Before being labeled as a doctor, Mr. Cheng was quite famous in the doctor circle.

So, after a while, it is inevitable that you will meet one or two acquaintances.

The acquaintances in the hospital are either patients or their family members.

When you see the old man, you will naturally ask him for help.

Although Mr. Cheng looks difficult to approach, he is a doctor worthy of admiration.

This was the first person to agree, and soon the second and third people came along, and the whole place became busy like a top.

Since the teacher is busy, the apprentice naturally has a hard time too.

But the old man is old after all, and his mental and physical strength can't keep up.

So most of the time, he would let his little apprentice do it while he would watch from the side.

Of course, there is also the old man's love for his disciples, after all, the opportunity to actually practice is rare.

Tian Xin is a simple-minded girl, and she believes whatever the teacher says.

As if he was not afraid of being tired, he worked even harder than before.

I was afraid of embarrassing the teacher, and even more afraid of making the patient's condition worse.

However, hard work pays off.

There are far more cases in the military hospital than in the island health station.

In just three short days, Tian Xin felt that she had learned a lot of knowledge that she could not learn in theory before.

So, I worked even harder.

That day, she had just skillfully changed Han Zhu's medicine.

When he turned around to throw away the things he had taken off, his eyes swept over Deputy Captain Wang, who was sitting on a stool not far away and starting to take off his shirt.

Seeing this, Tian Xin shook her sore head and remembered that there was another patient here.

Ever since she changed the medicine for Comrade Han Zhu once, Deputy Commander Wang praised her skills and asked if she could help him change the medicine.

Tian Xin did not refuse. Just like the teacher said, doing more things means learning more knowledge. Even these dressing changes, she is already very skilled.

The wound on Wang Linkun's left shoulder had begun to scab over, and the girl's skill was really good, so during the dressing change, apart from the coolness and a little itchiness when the medicine was applied, he didn't feel much.

It was precisely because he didn't feel much that he couldn't help but look at the face of the little girl who was standing next to him while the dressing was being changed.

how to say.

After just a few days of interaction, he already understood why his parents liked Tian Xin so much.

She is a very good girl, kind and sincere by nature, a little too naive and soft, but in study and work, she has self-control and hard work that most people do not have.

Soft yet tough.

A very contradictory combination.

Again, unexpectedly eye-catching.

Wang Linkun didn't know if it was because his parents had nagged him too many times, or if this girl had no other thoughts about him, or if he simply thought that Tian Xin was a good girl in every way.

Anyway, in the past few days, he was very clear that his eyes were falling on girls more and more.

Just like now, in just a short while of changing the medicine, he had already carefully examined the facial features of the little girl again.

Hmm. It really looks like a little white rabbit.

Well, the most beautiful one among the little white rabbits.

Especially those eyes, which make people want to bully and protect them at the same time.

"Ahem." Yan Jun suddenly stood up straight, blocking Cheng Lao's sight, and handed the tea bottle with half a pot of boiling water to his subordinate: "There's no water, Xiao Wang, go get a bottle."

Didn't you see the little girl was going to throw something away? Hurry up and follow her! There's no point just watching!

Wang Linkun didn't think much about it at first, but when he felt the weight of the kettle, his eyes flashed under the lenses. Then he said nothing, turned on his heels, and followed out.

Out of the ward.

Tian Xin went straight to the dressing room.

It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon and she was hungry. She had to put her things away and go to the cafeteria to get food.

There is braised pork in the evening, which is said to be the specialty of the cafeteria chef. If you go too late, you won’t be able to eat it.

Thinking of this, she swallowed and quickened her pace, completely unaware of the man following her.

It's just that things happen unexpectedly.

After turning a corner and seeing a middle-aged man in his forties with an elegant face walking towards her, Tian Xin slowed down her pace unconsciously and even her eyes widened.

Just when she was wondering if she had seen it wrong, she heard someone shouting in front of her:

"Jingtian, I'm going to the cafeteria to get food first."

The elegant man turned around and smiled when he heard this: "Okay."

Jingtian? Cheng Jingtian?!

When they passed each other, Tian Xin, stunned, suddenly turned around.

It's really him!

Why is he in the military hospital

The teacher had suffered for several years and his health had been damaged. His wife even passed away because of him. How could such a person still be so evil

Thinking of this, Tian Xin, who had always been kind to others, also showed anger on her face.

Then his feet seemed to have a mind of his own and he followed Cheng Jingtian.

Wang Linkun had never seen such an expression on the little girl's face before, and his eyes followed her to look at the man in front of her.

Who is this person

Why is Tian Xin so hostile to him

Did the man do something

Otherwise, how could a girl like a little rabbit be so angry

Thinking of this, Wang Linkun's eyes turned cold.

However, during the ten seconds he was thinking.

When the man turned the corner and walked into the toilet, the little girl actually followed him!

Wang Linkun. (,#゜Д゜)

Wang Linkun's scalp was numb. He didn't have time to think about anything else. He took a few big steps to catch up, and then he saw a scene that made him stunned.

The fragile little white rabbit showed its steel teeth and kicked the man hard in the back who was facing away from them and preparing to relieve himself.

The defenseless man was kicked, staggered, and buried his whole face in that thing, and then let out a tooth-grinding wail.

Wang Linkun.

Worried about being seen, Wang Linkun's first reaction was to use his intact right hand to hook the girl's waist. Before the unlucky guy could react, he half-hugged and half-embraced her and quickly disappeared from the "crime scene".

Fortunately, it was dinner time and there was no one in the corridor. He led his men around two corners and hid in an empty ward.

After entering the room, Wang Linkun immediately let go of the person.

The softness in his arms suddenly disappeared. For some reason, he felt even more uncomfortable and had the urge to pull the person back and hold her in his arms.

Wang Linkun looked slightly embarrassed. He raised his hand to his lips and cleared his throat, intending to ask what had happened just now.

I realized that the little girl seemed to be still immersed in her own emotions.

At this moment, his face was slightly red, and his brows and eyes were slightly furious. One could tell at a glance that he was still angry.

But at the same time, she clenched her two little fists and trembled all over.

It looks like a little rabbit with its long ears drooping and its fur standing on end.

So? This is to relieve the anger, but also make oneself extremely angry

This. Wang Linkun raised his hands to cover his face and laughed softly.

No, this is too cute.

(End of this chapter)