HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 114


Thor suddenly stepped in and stared at the two little guys in front of him.

After hearing Sol's words, Maud and Sunny subconsciously glanced at Sol's empty left leg.

Everything is in silence.

The red-haired pirates were very efficient and quickly replenished supplies.

As the voyage was about to begin, Maude suddenly thought of Lafayette, who had been left out in the cold.

At least he was saved by Lafayette, so he had to ask about it anyway.

"Lafayette, we are leaving. Do you plan to stay on the island?"

Maude knew that Lafayette had the ability to fly, so there was no need for a free ride.

"How about you let me follow you?"

Lafayette looked at Maud with a smile, a glimmer in his eyes.

Maude looked at Lafayette's slightly shining eyes and couldn't help but fell silent.

"Lafayette, um, how should I put it, I know I'm handsome, but I, um... don't like men, do you understand what I mean?"


Chapter 130 I’ll go there for you

What kind of person is Lafayette

The original novel cannot give much information about Maud.

The most impressive scene was when Lafayette entered the Holy Land of Mariejoia alone for the Shichibukai Round Table Conference.

In that meeting, big figures such as Doflamingo, Bear, and Hawkeye came from the Shichibukai side, while Marshal Sengoku and Staff Officer Heru were present from the Navy side.

Facing such a battle, Lafayette was able to take his time.

Leaving aside the means of sneaking into the Holy Land Mariejoia, this character alone is extraordinary.

In addition, Maud had several contacts with Lafayette in Mad Hatter Town, but there was no friendship at all, and it was more of an attitude of keeping things in check.

In other words, you kill your people, and I find my prey.

As long as there are sufficient resources, you and I will be fine.

That's pretty much it.

Therefore, until this moment, Maude still didn't know Lafayette's motive for suddenly appearing to help him block the Aoki Pheasant's attack.

Forget it, he even said "let me follow you".

It’s no wonder that Maud doubted Lafayette’s sexual orientation.

After all, love at first sight plus the bonus of love can often be used to explain some unreasonable phenomena.

Lafayette was silent for a moment, then said calmly: "I understand, so is this rejection?"


Lafayette's answer made Maude take a step back.

Is this guy really...that one

Lafayette calmly watched Maud's retreat and added: "Please relax, my sexual orientation is normal."

"That's it."

Maud relaxed and asked the most important question.

"Then why do you want to follow me?"

When Lafayette heard this, his blood-red lips pulled out a beautiful arc to the left and right. When he raised his head slightly, the glimmer in his eyes became brighter.

"Because I am interested in the future you have..."


Maud was a little surprised.

Lafayette took a step forward, placed the crutch in front of him, and said with a smile: "I am looking forward to this."

After hearing this, Maude finally understood Lafayette's motive for coming to the rescue.

This is a plan to bet on his future.

But he's not Blackbeard...

Moreover, the allegiance was expressed, but the attitude of allegiance was ambiguous.

In other words, we can look forward to it, but it’s not yet time to pledge allegiance

Maud thought.

Whether or not to let Lafayette follow was not something he could decide.

Even if he agreed to Lafayette's request, Saul couldn't let an outsider follow him.

What's more, he was personally inclined to refuse.

Thinking of this, Maud looked at Lafayette.

When he was about to refuse, Thor suddenly jumped over.


Maud looked at Thor who suddenly appeared strangely.

Sol ignored Maud, looked up at Lafayette, squinted his eyes and said, "Lafayette, right?"

Lafayette looked at Sol cautiously and responded with a gentle gentlemanly salute.

Sol stared into Lafayette's eyes and said calmly: "In the West Sea, your reputation is quite famous. Even I have heard about it."

"A mere reputation is not worth mentioning."

Lafayette was humble.

He was very aware of the strength of the little old man in front of him.

Even if a leg is broken or an arm is broken, it should not be underestimated.

However, what Lafayette pays special attention to is not Sol's strength, but the pair of eyes that are opaque and gleaming.

"For such a thing as reputation, being too modest is hypocrisy. Come with me."

Thor said a word and skipped towards the forest not far away.

Lafayette looked sideways at Thor, hesitated for a few seconds, and then followed.

Maude looked at Thor's back in confusion.

I don't know what Sol wants to do, but if I leave it to Sol, it will save a lot of effort.

Maud shook her head and walked to the shore.

Every time you stop by an island during your voyage, you must try to replenish a wave of supplies.

On inhabited islands, as long as you have money, you can easily buy necessary supplies such as fresh water, food, and spirits.

For an uninhabited island like Xiaokai, you can only use local materials.

The red-haired pirates were incredibly efficient. They quickly collected the materials and were ready to sail.

Maud got on board first.

About ten minutes later, Sol and Lafayette came out of the woods one after the other.


Lafayette also came on board.

Maude was stunned.

Did some shady transaction happen in these short ten minutes

Maud looked at Lafayette, who smiled and said nothing.

"What's happening here?"

Maud turned to Thor.

Thor looked calm and waved to Bailey who was not far away.

Bailey understood immediately and immediately sent the lit pipe to Saul.

Sol took the pipe, and the old god took a sip of cigarette, and then said calmly: "It's not a bad thing to let him follow, so I agreed."

"this… "

Maude didn't expect that Sol would agree, so she couldn't help but glance at Lafayette.

Noticing Maud's gaze, Lafayette gently pressed the brim of his hat and smiled at Maud again.

never mind…

Maude shook her head slightly.

Since Thor had no problem, it didn't matter to him.

Sunny came to Maud quietly and asked in a low voice: "Why did Thor let him follow him?"

"have no idea."

Maud glanced at Sunny.

Sunny hesitated for a moment and lowered her voice: "Besides, I always feel that he is interested in you."

Maude said: "I don't want you to think..."

A few minutes later, the Red Foss lifted anchor and sail, and slowly sailed away from Little Cutie.

Going from the West China Sea to the East China Sea is not an easy task, but it is not an easy task for the Red Haired Pirates.

Sailing is actually a rather boring thing. Before reaching the next destination, the range of activities you can do is very limited.

In order to transport Mod and the others to Mengmeng Island as soon as possible, the Red Voss would only visit the island when it needed to replenish supplies.

During the boring voyage, Maude was idle and had recovered well from his injuries, so he started daily training.

During this period, Jesus came over to harass Maud whenever he had nothing to do.

The intention is very obvious, that is, to make Mod change his mind and join the red-haired pirates.

However, no matter how much Jesus persuaded him, he could not change Maude's wishes.

After several times, Jesus Bu had no choice but to give up.

"Jesus Bu, it's a rare trip to the East China Sea. Do you want to see Usopp?"

Maude wiped her sweat with a towel and glanced at the Jesus cloth from the corner of her eye.

Regarding the fact that he used Usopp as a pseudonym, Jesus didn't take it seriously.

There is no taboo when it comes to Usopp.

"That's impossible."

Jesus picked up a bottle of strong wine on the table and pried open the cork with his fingers.

"But if he goes to sea, that's a different story..."

"Going to sea? It will probably take several years, right?"

"Haha, who knows."

Jesus smiled and poured two glasses of wine.

"Want a drink?"


Maud walked over and took the wine from Jesus.

"You actually want to go home and take a look, right?"


Jesus grinned.