HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 125


Is that why he came to your door

Nuo Qigao was silent, thinking in her heart.

She didn't know the specific purpose of Maud's visit, so how could she easily reveal the information about Nami.

"Did not say?"

Maude flicked the table with her fingers.

The dull sound shook Nuo Qigao's body.

Still silent.

The intimidation shown by Mod was enough to make Nokigao suppress his temper and not dare to act recklessly.

But once it comes to Nami, Nokigao will not give in under any circumstances.

Maude could see Nokigao's determination.

Obviously, relying on force alone would not allow Nokigao to become a bridge between him and Nami.

In order to maximize his profits, he had to get detailed information from Nami first.

Before that, I couldn't meet anyone from the Dragon Pirates.

If you encounter them, you will inevitably have to kill them.

In that case, it would be equivalent to losing several babies with walking experience.

That's not okay.

In a place like the East China Sea, there are only a handful of experience babies that can be put on the table.

It must not be wasted.

Thinking of this, Maude took back her hand that was placed on the dining table and straightened her upper body, giving her a somewhat military posture.

"Actually, I'm a Marine."


Hearing Mod's words, Nozhigao had a look of surprise on his face.

Without waiting for Nokigao to speak, Mod continued: "I came here this time to defeat the Dragon Pirates."


Nuo Qigao's eyes brightened, but then dimmed again in an instant.

Every time I see a warship, I can't help but feel hopeful.

But the final result is without exception disappointment.

She has been disappointed too many times.

Maude said: "As you can see, I am still quite strong."

Hearing this, Nokigao's eyes couldn't help but light up again.

Mod said: "But you should also know very well that the Dragon Pirates are not generally powerful."

Noqigao's eyes dimmed again.

Mod said: "That's what I say, but I'm still very confident."

Nokigao's eyes lit up again.

Mod sighed: "It's just... Even though I have confidence, I can't guarantee that I can eradicate the Dragon Pirates."

Nokigao's eyes dimmed again.

Maude smiled and looked at Nokigao, who was a little confused by the deception.

"So, in order to ensure that this can happen, I need Nami to provide detailed information about the overall strength of the Dragon Pirates."

"As long as I have that information, I can easily defeat the Dragon Pirates. This is why I came here to find Nami."

Having said this, Modhu stood up, stretched out his right hand to Nokigao, and said seriously: "Let me formally meet you, I am Colonel Wolf Rat of the Navy Headquarters."

"You really are... a Marine!"

"Absolutely true."

Maude affirmed.

Nokigao seemed to see hope again, stood up slowly, and reached out to hold Maud's right hand.


Maude noticed it and looked directly at the door.

Before, she was not sure when Nami would come home, so she could only find out this through Nokigao.

But there is no need for it now.

"The rightful owner has arrived."

As she spoke, Maude pulled her hand away, causing Nokigao to miss her.

Nozhigao looked at Maud blankly.

While she didn't know the situation, she felt like she was being screwed.

Maude glanced at Nokigao, smiled and said: "Those words just now...just pretend I didn't say them."


Nuoqi Gao seemed to understand something, and his expression couldn't help but change.

At this time, she heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the door.

It's Nami...


The door was pushed open.

Nami, covered in scars, quickly walked into the house, holding a dagger and a bulging cloth bag in her hands.

Upon entering the house, Nami immediately noticed Maud's presence.

"Nogigao, who is he?"

Nami's eyebrows narrowed, and her slightly swollen face showed fierceness.

Nokigao was about to answer, but Maude beat her to it.

"Nami, let's make a deal."

Maude slowly sat down, holding her cheek with her right hand, and looked at Nami calmly.

"I'll help you kill all the fish-men, including Aaron, in exchange for the money you buried in the orange grove, and this bag in your hand..."


Upon hearing the money in the orange grove, Nami's expression changed drastically, as if she was stimulated, she decisively threw away the money and rushed towards Mod with a dagger in hand.

She wanted to control Maud immediately and then ask what was going on.

"Nami, don't...!"

Nuo Qigao shouted to stop him, but it was too late.

Regardless of her injuries, Nami jumped onto the dining table, pointing the dagger at Maud's neck.

However, Nami's eyes were dazzled.

When he came back to his senses, the dagger was already in Maud's hand.

Nami's body that leaned forward suddenly froze.

Maud held the dagger, hung it on the table, and flicked her thumb.


One finger snapped the tip of the dagger.

The pieces fell on the table with a soft sound.

Later, under the astonished gazes of Nami and Nokigao.

I saw Maude's thumb flick again, like pushing bullets out of the magazine one by one, quickly breaking the dagger inch by inch.

The fragments of the dagger fell to the table like a drizzle.

"Ding ding ding..."

"There is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something."

"Ding ding ding..."

"You give me money and information, and I will help you kill all the fishmen."

"Ding ding ding..."


When Maude said the last word, the dagger was flicked into dozens of pieces and fell on the table in disorder.

Tick tock.

Beads of sweat slipped from Nami's cheeks, gathered on her chin, and then fell directly to the table.

"who are you?"

"Navy Headquarters Colonel Wolf Rat."

Chapter Six: Completely confused

Is this person really the colonel of the headquarters...

Maud's self-reported identity made Nami suspicious.

She glanced at the dagger fragments on the table, and a shadow seemed to flash across her eyes.

Fling the dagger to pieces.

This kind of trick is nothing to those monsters.

Regardless of whether the person in front of her was a colonel from her headquarters, she didn't think he could kill all the fishmen.

Intuitively, there is nothing wrong with Nami's judgment.

Aaron and other murlocs are very powerful, and it is easy to break a dagger with just one finger.

However, the murlocs couldn't flick the dagger down inch by inch like Maud.

The difference lies in control.

Maud could feel Nami's distrust of her.

He can understand this.

After all, it is impossible for a human who has lived under the hegemony of fishmen for a long time to believe such a thing.

Looking at the pair of sisters in front of her who suddenly fell silent, Maude stretched out her right hand to collect the dagger fragments on the table into her palm, and stood up immediately.

As Mod stood up, Nami retreated reflexively and got off the table.

Mod didn't pay attention to Nami's actions, but raised his right hand holding dozens of dagger fragments.

After attracting the attention of Nami and Nokigao, Mod controlled the armed color to cover the palms of her hands.

Immediately, he shook it hard.

With a harsh sound, the dagger fragments in the palm suddenly turned into powder.

Then, Maud let go of his right hand and let the iron powder fall onto the table in front of him.

Watching Mod crush the sharp dagger fragments into powder with her bare hands, Nami and Noki's eyes narrowed.

No injuries…

Nami and Nokigao couldn't believe their eyes.

Mod ignored the sisters' reaction and said calmly: "I bet my life as a wolf and rat, and I swear to kill all the Dragon Pirates. If defeated, I will fight to the death."

"you… "