HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 128


The scene in front of them was unacceptable to the twenty or so murlocs.

In all their years in the East China Sea, have they ever encountered such a situation

After Maude passed through the water cannon, she had already put away the flintlock.

He looked at the remaining murlocs and said calmly: "It would be a waste to use guns to deal with you scum."

The implication is that you are not worth a lead bullet.

The murlocs were furious, roaring and charging towards Maud.

Maude held the Chidori in her hand, with her right knee slightly bent.

Charge up and eject!

Maud's body flew out like an arrow.

His strong physique gives him enough explosive power.

He passed through the group of fishmen with a blade of light.


A stream of blood arrows sprayed out from the bodies of the fishmen.

The fish people looked stiff and collapsed to the ground one after another, and stopped breathing after a second or two.

Maude kept walking and walked towards Ah Jiu who fell to the ground.

Ah Jiu was lying on the ground, turning his head to look at Maude in horror as he walked closer.


The shot just now caused him to lose the ability to speak, and he could only utter meaningless unknown syllables.

But, he is struggling.

Like a fish thrown to the ground.

In fact, he is indeed a fish-man who came to land.

Maude came to Ah Jiu and stabbed Ah Jiu's temple with a backhand knife.

Suddenly, Ah Jiu stopped struggling.

Maude drew back the Chidori and brought out some blood.

With a flick of his arm, he shook off the blood on the Chidori Sword, and then put it back into its sheath.

All around, the villagers stared dumbly at the fish-man corpses all over the ground.

This group of fishmen, who could easily defeat the navy, could not survive for twenty seconds in front of this young man.


That boy is too powerful.

Or maybe the fishmen are not that scary in the first place

Nami and Nokigao stared at the fish-man corpses there, as if they were dreaming.

"Nami, Wolf Rat... didn't lie to us."


Nami bit the corner of her lip, and the shadow that had been covering her eyes for a long time was swept away at this moment.

After seeing Maud kill the group of murlocs like chopping melons and vegetables, she believed what Maud had said before.

"Wolf Rat...maybe it can really be done!"

The light called hope not only lit up in Nami's eyes, but also lit up in the eyes of the surrounding villagers.

Six whole years...

During this period, how many people died under the cruel rule of the Dragon Pirates.

And now, finally, someone offers real hope.

They had been waiting for this dream moment for too long.

Jian, who hid on the side of the village road, looked at Mod's back, feeling unspeakable excitement in his heart.

"Young man, who are you?"

"Well… "

Maude turned around and was about to answer, but Nami beat her to it.

"He is Captain Wolf Rat of the Navy Headquarters."

Nami and Nokigao came over, both looking at Maud intently.

Ken looked at Nami and Nokigao and murmured: "It turns out they are from the navy from the headquarters. No wonder they are so powerful and... so young!"

After hearing Nami's words, the villagers on both sides of the village road suddenly became excited and excited.

"It's the navy, and it's so strong!"

"Great, we are saved!!!"

"Colonel Wolf Rat, please, we must defeat the Dragon Pirates!"

"Colonel Wolf Rat..."

All kinds of hopeful voices flooded Maud's mind.

It was an emotion and impulse that had been suppressed for a long time and then finally released.

Being in it can indeed make people feel a sense of pleasure from the spiritual level.


Maud smiled.

"I'm not a Marine."

The sudden words easily broke the current situation and caused the voices in the venue to gradually calm down.

The villagers were dumbfounded.

Nami and Nokigao looked at Maud in surprise.

"Not some Colonel Wolf Rat."

After saying that, Maud turned and left.

The small wave of fishmen copies just now brought him a lot of profits.

Murlocs are indeed perfect prey.

Even if the strength shown is not strong, the foundation alone can bring considerable physical gains.

He could feel that the fourth physical star frame was about to come out.

This made him eager to get rid of Aaron and other murlocs in the evil dragon's territory.

"Are you really not a Marine?!"

Nami looked at Mod's back and shouted loudly.

"Nami, your information is very useful, thank you."

Maud didn't even look back and answered the question.

"you're lying!"

Nami gritted her teeth.

She was not very strong, but it could be seen that Moder relied on her own strength to kill Croobie and other fishmen, rather than the intelligence she provided.

Nokigao couldn't help it anymore and asked loudly: "Then who are you?"

Around him, many villagers looked at Mod, waiting for an answer.

What came in response was just a retreating figure heading towards the evil dragon's territory.

The villagers were silent for a long time.

They remembered this boy deeply.

Even if the boy fails to defeat the Dragon Pirates...

They don't want to be submissive anymore.

The fish-man corpses all over the ground told them all the time.

Fishmen are not invincible!

Chapter 9 Reference

In order to obtain important information, Moder casually used his navy identity.

The original intention was to add some persuasiveness, but Maude didn't think twice before using the name Wolf Rat.

Originally this was nothing, at least Maude wouldn't care about these trivial matters.

However, after personally feeling the expectations and excitement from the villagers.

Maude did not hesitate to take off the vest named Navy.

Give me a reason...

A mere Dragon Pirates group could do evil here for more than six years.

If it weren't for him, Moder came here to gain a wave of experience.

The Dragon Pirates' reign will last until the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates two years later.

In other words, a fish-man pirate group that treated humans as animals in captivity ruled here for eight full years.

In this regard, the Navy did nothing.

Not to mention Captain Mouse of the 16th Branch who colluded with the Dragon Pirates.

Moreover, the East China Sea is the weakest sea, and there are only a few pirates with relatively high bounties.

From high to low, there are three people: Aaron, Click, and Bucky the Clown.

Even if Aaron is the pirate with the highest bounty among them, it is only 20 million.

Is it difficult to solve it

For a naval hero who occasionally returns to the East China Sea on vacation, isn't it just a matter of punching him

But the Dragon Pirates have stood here for six years, eight years to be more precise.

Therefore, whether it is the expectations from the villagers or the gratitude after successfully defeating the Dragon Pirates.

It was impossible for Maud to accept it as a naval officer.


Is it suitable for the navy

Not worthy.

This is why Maud took off his vest.

Ignoring Nokigao's question, Mod strode toward the dragon's territory.

After the intelligence problem was solved, he was not even willing to waste time answering Noqigao's questions.

All he wanted to do was to quickly gain the experience of Aaron and other murlocs.

Because, with the reference of eight months of hard training, and the benefits gained from killing the murlocs on the village road just now, Mod once again deeply realized the importance of hunting.

Eight months of hard training is not as profitable as a Murloc dungeon.

This is the status quo.

If you want to establish yourself in an untouchable position as quickly as possible, you have to keep hunting.

In this world of predators, the most indispensable thing is suitable prey.

On the way from Cocosia Village to the Evil Dragon Territory, Mod's thoughts were racing.

The high-pressure rule exercised by the Dragon Pirates.