HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 129


The villagers were unable to resist.

The dominance of the strong over the weak once again made Mord deeply aware of it.

Soon, Mod came to a wall in the dragon's territory.

The gate of the evil dragon's territory faces the sea, and the rest of the area is surrounded by high walls, leaving only a waterway that allows the fishmen to pass through normally.

This design not only refers to the amusement park in the Chambord Islands, but also reflects Aaron's psychology.

Maude would not take the long way to the main entrance, so she jumped to the top of the wall.

Under the tower-like building, Aaron, who was tall and had a nose like a saw, was lying on a chair.

Directly in front of Aaron is a sea pool connected to the outer sea, and beyond that is the main gate of the evil dragon's territory.

On the ground around the sea pool, there were about sixty fishmen sitting or standing.

Some of them were drinking and some were eating, looking very comfortable.

Mod's arrival quickly attracted the attention of the fish people in the territory.

Aaron naturally noticed it too.

He glanced sideways at Maud who was standing on the wall, his eyes filled with coldness.

In his eyes, humans are an inferior race.

Therefore, Aaron was very unhappy when Maude stepped on his own fence.

He would rather Maud break the wall and walk in than see Maud stand on the wall and look down from above.

Anger flowed from Aaron's eyes.

Without any intention of asking why he came, he raised the wine bottle and poured the liquid into the palm of his hand.

Immediately, he used his arm to throw the wine in his palm towards Maud on the wall.

Under the support of powerful force, the wine that should have scattered around condensed into several small groups and flew towards Maude like shotguns.

The speed of the water bomb was so fast that it even made a sound of breaking through the air.

But Maude easily avoided it by turning sideways.

The power of this water bomb cannot be underestimated.

From this point of view, Aaron's level is obviously not comparable to other fishmen.

If we say that ordinary murlocs are white ordinary monsters, then murloc cadres are blue ordinary monsters.

Then, Aaron is the purple boss.

Not an ordinary monster, but a boss.

Thinking of this, Maud's eyes became hot, and she looked at Aaron as if she was looking at a huge, plump fish on the chopping board.

The water bomb was dodged, and Aaron didn't pay much attention. Anyway, there were many ways to kill Mod.

However, Maud's unabashedly aggressive look made Aaron instantly angry.

After coming to the East China Sea, he has always looked at humans with this look. It was never the turn of humans to look at him like this.

"My compatriots, kill this ungrateful and inferior human being."

Aaron's murderous words spread throughout the territory.

After hearing Aaron's order, all the murlocs in the field rushed towards Mod with murderous intent in their eyes.

Most of them were unarmed, and a few fishmen were armed with knives and guns.


A fishman pointed his gun at Maud and fired three shots in succession.

It was a three-shot flintlock gun, slightly less powerful.

Maud's eyes widened and he captured the trajectory of the lead bullet.

Immediately, his armed and domineering right hand moved up and down and accurately caught three lead bullets.

"Hey, I actually succeeded."

Maud spread his right hand, revealing a intact lead bullet and the remains of two broken lead bullets.

He just used the "Zhou" technique in a flash of inspiration, but he didn't expect to actually catch the lead bullet.

The so-called Zhou, explained according to the principle of domineering, is to attach domineering energy to the weapon to increase the hardness and power of the weapon.

Just now, Maude filled his right hand with domineering energy in advance, and then caught the lead bullet with his bare hands.

In that case, when the lead bullet hits the palm covered with armament color, it will break into pieces as if hitting steel.

The reason why there is no fragmentation now is because after Mod offset the impact of the lead bullet with his hand, he immediately separated a ray of armed color and wrapped it around the lead bullet, thereby preventing the lead bullet from fragmenting.

This kind of operation takes a lot of time.

Going a little faster won't work, and going a little slower won't work either.

It can only be just right.

Maud just wanted to give it a try, but unexpectedly she succeeded in getting one.

This kind of behavior is unusual in the eyes of the fishmen.

"How did you do it?"

The fish people were confused.

Maude didn't care so much and just shot out the intact lead bullet with just one finger.

The lead bullet that flew out directly killed a fishman.

Then, Maude drew out the Chidori and rushed into the fish-men and started killing them.

Every time a sword was struck, a fish-man fell down.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen fish-man corpses appeared on the ground.

Then Maud suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I'm finally here..."

The fourth star frame of the physique was finally condensed.

His hearty and contented laughter made the fishmen around him feel chilled.

Maud slowly stopped laughing and looked at the remaining fishmen.

The eyes that looked like looking at fish made the fish people feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Was it treated as food...

For a moment, the fish people had this thought in their heads.

Invisibly, a chill eroded their hearts.

Aaron had already stood up, looking at Maude with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Recommend a pirate fanfic.

Chapter 10 Two Feet

After holding it back for so long, I finally made substantial progress.

After condensing the fourth physical star frame, Mod was very excited.

His excited expression was not a good look in the eyes of the fishman.

Moder did not consider the feelings of the murlocs. After slowly calming down, he looked at the remaining murlocs in the field with murderous intent.

Including Aaron, there are about forty fish-men.

But I didn’t see Xiaoba’s figure.

However, considering Rayleigh's relationship, Maude had no intention of attacking Xiao Ba.

He will definitely go to the Chambord Islands in the future, and he will inevitably have to pay a visit to Rayleigh.

Before that, you can let Xiaoba send a message.

As for what Hachi would do if he destroyed the Dragon Pirates, it was not something that Mod would consider.

To put it bluntly, there are levels of potential threats.

Judging from the subsequent progress of the original work, the potential threat posed by Xiao Ba is not worth mentioning.


Maud pointed the knife at the remaining prey.

Forced by the aura exuded by Mod, the fishmen looked at each other in shock, and no longer had the heroic and fearless fighting attitude before.

The man in front of him was obviously different from the humans he had encountered before.

Who can bear it if he is a compatriot

"You guys stand down."

At this time, the fish people heard Aaron's voice.

The words "retreat" are like the sound of nature at this moment.

The fish people didn't hesitate and immediately retreated.


Seeing this scene, Maud couldn't let the fish people get their wish, so he immediately killed them.

As the light of the sword flashed, several more fishmen were chopped down in an instant.

Aaron was furious when he saw Mord slaughtering his compatriots who started to retreat.

Even if he had realized that Maude was most likely a human being who had returned from the Grand Channel, he would not be able to back down from this situation.

"court death!"

Taking the big saw blade handed over by the fishman boy, Aaron strode out and rushed towards Mod.

When the fish people saw Aaron in a furious state, they felt certain and moved out of the way.

In their knowledge, no human being can stop the furious Aaron.

Aaron grasped the handle of Zhan Feng's knife tightly with both hands, passed over the retreating murloc boys, and came to Mod.

Shark. Angry Teeth!

The saw-toothed broadsword cut through the airflow and slashed down on Maud's head.

If the cut is real, Aaron is confident that he can cut Maude in half with one knife.

"The power is not weak, but it is too slow."

A trace of red light flashed in Maude's eyes, and she turned her body sideways, letting the peak-cutting sword pass by in front of her and strike on the ground.

The solid stone slab suddenly cracked into several pieces.

Maude was not affected, took a step forward, and slashed horizontally towards Aaron's chest with his sword.

If Aaron could be killed with one blow, Mod would have to kill all the murlocs present as soon as possible.

Otherwise, these fishmen would most likely jump into the sea and escape after Aaron's death.

Maude didn't want to miss a few experience babies because of this.

If it can't be solved with one blow, then we can only knock Aaron aside first, and then kill all these fish-men in front of Aaron.

The moment he slashed at Aaron with his sword, Mod considered a lot of things.

On the other hand, Aaron only had the pure idea of killing Mod.

After one move of Angry Teeth failed, he was exposed.

However, he is a member of the Sun Pirates after all. After seeing Mod's strength, how could he be so immature and reveal his flaws

His back hand lies in the wine hidden in the webbed palm when holding the hilt of the Zhanfeng knife, showing his cunning.

Faced with Mod's slash to the chest, Aaron decisively let go of the sword and took a step back.

This retreat directly extended the distance between Morde's slashes, and at the same time provided Aaron with space to throw out the wine in his palm.