HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 130


Just two moves of decision-making reflect Aaron's fighting qualities.

"Go to hell!"

Aaron threw the wine in his palm hard at Maud's face.

At such a close distance, the water cannon formed by the wine can definitely seriously injure Mod.

For this reason, it doesn't matter even if he gets hit by a knife.

"Did you hide your last move?"

Maud stopped his momentum in time, bent his knees and squatted down, letting the water cannons that were coming towards him pass over his head.


At the same time, the tip of Chidori's knife made a straight horizontal wound on Aaron's abdomen.

If it weren't for avoiding the water cannons, this knife should have ended the battle directly.

"He actually dodged it...!"

Seeing Maud dodge the water cannons, Aaron's eyes were full of evil.

Ignoring the stab wound on his abdomen, he leaned forward suddenly with his upper body and stabbed Maud directly in the forehead with his sharp, serrated nose.

Maude did not put away the knife, but raised his right foot, and before the saw-toothed nose stabbed him, he hit Aaron's chin with an upward kick.


A wave of air swayed from Aaron's chin.

The heavy power contained in this kick directly shook the whites of his eyes and made his feet leave the ground.

Before Aaron flew into the air, Mod quickly retracted his right foot, twisted his waist, and kicked Aaron in the side.

There was another dull sound.


Aaron rolled his eyes and vomited thick blood.

The strong body immediately flew towards the wall on one side.

Maude turned around and kicked, abruptly changing the trajectory that Aaron was supposed to take off into the air.

There was a bang.

Aaron knocked a big gap in the wall, then flew to the ground without losing any momentum, and then rolled more than ten meters on the ground before stopping.

Just at this time, Nami, Nokigao, and Ajian, who came from Cocosia Village, happened to see Aaron flying out of the wall after crashing into the wall.

They looked at Aaron lying motionless on the ground, and were stunned and speechless for a moment.

Aaron... was actually knocked out.

In the territory of the evil dragon.

Maude turned her head and looked at the gap in the wall that Aaron had knocked open.

The strength in his legs was not in vain.

These two kicks were enough to make Aaron lose his fighting ability.

However, in this short confrontation, Aaron's fighting qualities still surprised Mod.

The insidious trick of hiding the wine in the webbed palm holding the handle of the knife is something that was not shown in the original work.

Come to think of it, you still can't establish the existence of a character based solely on the look and feel of the original work.

"As the main course, you'd better lie down for a while."

Maud muttered to himself and turned to look at the remaining fishmen.

"As for you, don't even think about running away."

Without Aaron's restraint, Mod would kill all the murlocs present with the force of thunder.

In order to prevent the murlocs from jumping into the sea to escape, Moders ignored the murlocs nearby and attacked the murlocs closer to the sea first.

Seeing Maud kicking Aaron until his life or death was unknown, the remaining murlocs decided to give up and wanted to jump into the sea to escape.

However, Mod's consideration in advance directly blocked the way for the remaining murlocs present.

After a bloody storm, dozens of murloc corpses appeared on the ground.

Mod shook off the blood stains on his Chidori sword, crossed the fish-man corpses on the ground, walked out of the gap in the wall and came to the flat ground outside.

The killing was quite hasty just now, resulting in a lot of blood stains on his face and clothes.

After coming outside, Mod noticed Nami and the others.

After just glancing at them, he quickly looked away and walked step by step towards Aaron, who was lying motionless on the ground.

Right now, harvesting Aaron's experience is more important than anything else.

Nami, Nokigao, and Ajian seemed to realize something after seeing the bloodstained Maud walking out of the evil dragon's territory.

The flame of hope that had been ignited in their hearts suddenly turned into a raging flame at this moment.

Chapter 11 Then come with me

The human came out of the territory.

This means that the compatriots in the territory have been...

On the flat ground, Aaron stood up shakily.

Those two kicks just now not only caused him to lose consciousness temporarily, but also caused him to suffer serious internal injuries.

If it weren't for his excellent physical fitness, he wouldn't be able to stand up now.


Aaron looked at Maud with only fear in his eyes.

The superior attitude he had in the past was gone at this moment.

"Oh, you know how domineering you are."

Mod walked towards Aaron step by step and said calmly: "That's right. You used to be a member of the Sun Pirates. It's normal to know that domination is normal."

He knew that Aaron was at the end of his strength, and what he had to do next was to gain experience points with one blow.

The fear in Aaron's eyes became even worse, and he said: "You are a human from the Great Channel...!"

Maud said nothing.

Aaron panted heavily and said with difficulty: "Why, why would a human as strong as you come to the East China Sea!?"

Maude still said nothing.

"How can you let me go?"

It was quite laborious for Aaron to just stand now, and he no longer had the capital to compete with the strong human being in front of him.

After recognizing the current situation, Aaron only had the will to survive.

As long as you save your life, everything can start from scratch.

For this reason, he even bowed to Maud.

Aaron, the racist who treats human beings as useless... is actually begging for mercy!

Nami and others looked at Aaron with incredulous eyes.

This is something they could never have imagined.

Maud stopped suddenly.

At this time, there was only about ten steps left between him and Aaron.

Seeing Maud stop, Aaron's eyes flashed with hope, and he endured the pain and said: "As long as you let me go, you can set any conditions!"

Maude ignored Aaron and turned to look at the sky.

Lafayette, who had wings on his back, dropped from the sky with Bailey in his hands and came to Maud's side.

"What you're talking about has to do with money, is it about taking down the Dragon Pirates by yourself?"

Lafayette glanced at Aaron, who was at the end of his crossbow.

When he was in the air just now, he had seen fish-man corpses all over the evil dragon's territory.

From this, it can be judged that the Dragon Pirates have almost come to an end.

"Haha, I'll tell you later. By the way, I'll leave the Sea Kings on the coast to you. As for the fishman, don't touch him."

Mod glanced at the coast a hundred meters away, and immediately walked towards Aaron again.

Lafayette felt a little helpless, but still obeyed the order and walked towards the coast.

Based on what they saw and heard, they could sense that two auras were approaching from the sea.

Bailey, on the other hand, didn't know what to look at. Listening to the conversation between Maude and Lafayette, he could only look at the calm coast with confusion.

A few seconds later.


There was a splash of water on the sea near the coast.

When the water splash dispersed, a giant Neptune with the body of a bullhead and a fish was revealed.

At the same time, a fish-man with six arms also emerged from the sea, but it was Hachi, the last leader of the Dragon Pirates.

"Aaron, what happened!?"

When Xiao Ba landed on the coast and saw Aaron's miserable appearance, the six octopus arms on his body suddenly waved randomly, showing his panic.

After seeing Neptune and Xiao Hachi, Aaron and Nami had different reactions.

The former seemed to see hope, but Nami and others felt their hearts skip a beat.

Without any hesitation, Aaron suddenly fled towards the coast where Xiaoba and Moo were.

Maud dodged and easily blocked Aaron's escape path.

"You just asked me why I came here?"

While speaking, Maude stabbed Aaron in the mouth with a knife and nailed Aaron to the ground.

Aaron looked at the expressionless Maude with wide eyes.

He felt the breath of death.

Suddenly, he endured the severe pain and tried his best to close his mouth, trying to bite off the Chidori blade with his teeth.

But to no avail…

"That's the answer."

Mod pulled the Chidori blade down and killed Aaron neatly.

As Aaron lost his life, Maude's body instantly underwent some changes that were invisible to the naked eye, and the soft sound of bones being grinded together could be vaguely heard.

Although there was no basis for it, Maude always felt that her height had increased a little.

His body is 17 years old, but his height has exceeded 1.9 meters.

If the physique star level crosses the six-star level in the second stage, I don’t know what level the height will reach.

Thinking of this, Mod closed his eyes and checked the star progress in the hunter's notebook.

[Physique: ★★★☆]

[Sword Skill:★]

[Domineering: ★★]

After killing a dozen murlocs in the evil dragon territory, the fourth physical star frame was condensed.

Now, after Aaron's experience points are collected, the star frame is directly filled to one-third.

Maude slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Aaron's body involuntarily.

The intuitive benefits gave Moder the absurd idea of resurrecting Aaron on the spot.

Maud shook his head slightly, throwing this ridiculous thought out of his mind, and immediately looked at the situation on the coast.