HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 131


When he killed Aaron, Lafayette was already finished. With just one knife, Mo Mo was seriously injured and fell unconscious, floating on the sea near the shore.

As for Xiaoba, according to Maude's order, Lafayette did not harm Xiaoba, but used his hypnotic power to make Xiaoba stand motionless.

Maud ignored Nami and the others and went straight to Lafayette.

He first glanced at Xiao Ba, who looked as dull as a wooden figure, and then looked at Mo Mo, who was still breathing.

Bailey squatted on the shore, looked at Mo Mo nearby, and grinned: "This guy has eaten a lot of people."

After hearing this, Maud looked down at Bailey and said in surprise: "Oh, you can also see this?"

"Maybe this is talent."

Bailey raised his head slightly, with a proud look on his face.

Maud smiled softly and turned to look at Xiaoba.

Lafayette realized what Maude was thinking and took the initiative to undo Xiaoba's hypnosis without waiting for instructions.

Such a thoughtful gesture made Maude look at Lafayette.

After getting along for a while, I have to say that Lafayette is really an impeccable subordinate.

Xiaoba woke up from hypnosis, and his first reaction was to look at Aaron's situation.

After seeing Aaron's body, Xiaoba shouted angrily: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Xiaoba, do you know Lei Li?"

Maud's words that followed immediately shattered Xiaoba's newly aroused emotions into pieces.

"You, how do you know!"

Xiaoba looked at Maude in horror.

He didn't even tell his fellow Dragon Pirates about this.

"Don't worry about how I know. For Rayleigh's sake, I won't kill you."

"who are you?"

The limited thinking ability made Xiaoba's mood become chaotic.

"Tricky gun."

Maude just said his name and said calmly: "You can go."

He originally wanted Xiaoba to bring a message to Lei Li, but he thought it was unnecessary, so he gave up.

Anyway, if Xiao Ba had contact with Lei Li, he would probably mention the name he reported at this moment.

A few seconds later, Xiaoba dived into the sea in a daze and left here.

After Xiaoba left, Mod looked at Moo Moo who was seriously injured and unconscious. After thinking about it, he summoned the hunter's notebook out of thin air.

After noticing this, Lafayette's sickly pale face revealed a look of surprise.

Devil fruit...

He never knew about this kind of thing.

Mod looked at Lafayette's reaction and said, "This is not a devil fruit ability."


The look of surprise on Lafayette's face became even worse, and he frowned and said, "If it's not a Devil Fruit, then what is this thing?"

Mod looked directly at Moo Moo floating on the sea. The intuitive benefits of destroying the entire fish-man pirate group made him eager to enter the Grand Channel.

He did not further explain the existence of the hunter's notes, but said calmly:

"Lafayette, you said you would follow me to the highest point and enjoy the extraordinary scenery... Then follow me."

Lafayette looked at Maud's calm expression that concealed the torrent, and a light slowly appeared in his eyes.

"Hoho, finally... I see what I want to see in you!"

Chapter 12 Capital going to the highest place

On this sea, how far can we go without ambition

this moment.

Lafayette has been waiting a long time.

Although good things are worth waiting for, we are afraid that if we wait too long, they will wither, rot, and cease to exist.

Fortunately, this concern will not become a reality.

At least, it was the choice I made based on my heart at the time...

What Thor said to him in the woods suddenly flashed through his mind.


Lafayette grinned, took off his hat, lowered his arms and made a gentleman's salute to Maud.

Different from the previous indifference, this time the salute seemed quite grand.

Afterwards, there was no further expression, and no extremely disgusting oath.

After Lafayette saluted, he put his hat back on and immediately met Maud's gaze.

The two looked at each other silently for a moment.

Some words don't need to be said a second time.

Maude also showed a smile.

People are not omnipotent.

There are things that you are good at, and there are things that you are not good at.

So, just as Lafayette needed the future possibilities he had, he needed Lafayette's power.

Navigation, foresight, and strategy are what Lafayette can bring to him.

Like a competent guide, he doesn't have to take too many detours.

"The guide..."

Maude's thoughts suddenly merged into such a title.

This blurted title directly penetrated Lafayette's last line of defense.


This is Lafayette's self-proclaimed position, and it is also the meaning of his identity as a navigator and the fruit's ability.

He had not revealed this to Maud before.

But at this moment, Lafayette was inexplicably moved when Maude said the words "guide" personally.

"Lafayette, the title of Devil Sheriff is still a bit too vulgar. Why don't you be the guide instead? I think it's good."


Lafayette twitched the corners of his mouth, and the emotion that just surged out of his heart faded away like a tide.

Looking at Lafayette's reaction, Maude chuckled.

"Lafayette, I can't guarantee whether I can go to the top in the future, but I do have this capital."

With that said, Mod looked at Moo who was still breathing. There was one thing worth verifying.

Lafayette nodded upon hearing this.

What is capital.

It's not something that can be explained clearly with just one question and one answer.


Lafayette glanced at the dark notebook in Maude's hand.

His intuition told him that this might be the capital that Maude was talking about.

He was looking forward to this and always had been.

As one of the things Thor said to him.

Maude is special.

Lafayette believed it and was willing to lower his profile and wait for Maud's response.

If things go against expectations, it's just a matter of changing places.

That's why he is here.

Maude took out the quill from the spine of the hunter's notebook, turned over the pages, and wrote Moo Moo's name in the blank space above the horizontal line.

After writing it, Maude removed the hunter's notes in front of Lafayette and Bailey.

In the eyes of Lafayette and Bailey, the dark notebook seemed to disappear out of thin air without any warning.

"If it wasn't a devil fruit..."

A strange color flashed in Lafayette's eyes.

This phenomenon of appearing and disappearing out of thin air, besides Devil Fruit ability, Lafayette really can't think of any other possibility.

But he would not question what Maud said.

Since it's not a Devil Fruit, it can only be what Maud calls capital.

Lafayette watched Maud's next move in silence and did not interfere.

After Mod removed the hunter's note, he jumped straight to the sea, stabbed Mo Mo's vital part with a knife, and then returned to the shore on moon steps.

After sheathing the Chidori, which had shed its blood stains, Maud calmly watched Moo take his last breath.

There is no profit.

"As expected..."

Maude was mentally prepared.

After all, this is a hunter's note, not a hunting note.

"Let's go and receive the loot. As for the notes, we'll talk about it later."

Maud strode towards the dragon's territory.

He knew Lafayette wanted him to explain, but it was not the right moment.

Lafayette nodded slightly, used his crutch to do a few stick tricks, then put his hands behind his back and quickly followed Maud.

Bailey looked back at Mo Mo's body and swallowed secretly.

He looked over Maud's shoulder and thought to himself: "So much meat, we can't waste it later!"

The two of them walked toward the evil dragon's territory, as if they didn't see Nami and the others in the distance.

At this moment, Nami and the others looked at Aaron's body as if they were in a dream.

The shadow that had always shrouded Cocosia Village was finally dispelled in this way.

Such a result came both casually and suddenly.

Nami and the other three could not calm down their inner emotions.

When he came back to his senses, the boy who defeated the Dragon Pirates had already entered the territory.

"It would be nice if... I came earlier."

Nuo Qi's eyes were lowered, and a precious picture seemed to flash across her crystal eyes.

"It's incredible..." Ajian raised his hand and pressed down the brim of his hat, suppressing the joy in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "I'll inform the others."

"I am coming too."

Nokigao silently retracted his gaze towards the territory.

The Dragon Pirates are gone.

They want to tell everyone the news as soon as possible.

Thus liberating everyone... from long-term depression!