HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 77


The matter regarding the Platinum Chamber of Commerce has been dealt with, but he is in no hurry to return to his headquarters.

The reason is of course Gion.

He looked at Gion with a smile, his face full of undisguised admiration.

Next to Robby, a branch lieutenant colonel said in a low voice: "The aroma emanating from Major General Gion..."

"That's not why Gion is so popular."

Robbie glanced at the lieutenant colonel and interrupted.

The lieutenant colonel hesitated: "I just..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by Robbie.

"Oh, that's the power of the Devil Fruit."

Chapter 89 Amazing Qualifications

Time is like sand, you can't hold it with your fingers.

Half a month passed by in a blink of an eye.

weapon shop.

A wooden wall was ripped through.

The wooden wall is centered from left to right, and from top to bottom, there are still a lot of slender wooden strips spread out like tendons.

It was as if a wood carver, in the name of an artist, had carved this wooden wall into a bizarre work of art with no trace of its style.

In fact, this wooden wall was shaped like this by lead bullets.

During this half-month practice, Sol used practical actions to tell them what it meant that this was not a drill.

Maude and Sunny had lost count of the number of buckshot they had dodged from Saul's hands.

All I know is that every time I dodge a lead bullet, I can feel a real sense of life and death crisis.

Therefore, in just half a month, Maude had a weird experience like licking blood on the tip of a knife for many years.

Even in his previous life, he advocated low-key development, but he had not encountered too many life-or-death crises in the past few years.

And in this short half-month training process, I can always feel the pressure that if I relax, I may lose my life at any time.

Saul is such a pervert.

This is probably the true psychological feeling of Maud and Sunny.

However, the effects of practice are also immediate.

Until now, even with her eyes closed, Maud was able to dodge the lead bullets fired by Thor.

This kind of performance was seen by Saul, and he could only lament that his knowledge, sex, and qualifications were evident.

As for Sunny, it’s good to take it step by step, and in terms of qualifications, she can be considered excellent.

However, there is no harm in everything without comparison.

In the face of Maud's training speed, Sunny's performance would indeed pale a lot.

call out!

When Sol flicked out the last lead bullet with his finger, the basic practice of seeing, hearing, and hearing came to an end.

After that, if you want to improve further, in addition to using time to slowly hone it, you also have to use combat to temper it.

"very nice."

Thor looked at the young girl in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

In these two little guys, he could not help but feel the youthful atmosphere.

Especially Maude, he was amazed and delighted.

Before the practice officially began, he had long seen that Maud's aptitude for seeing, hearing, and color was very high, but he did not expect it to be so high.

Only by watching Maude grow up step by step in this way can we deeply understand what it means to find a treasure.

With such outstanding domineering qualifications, it is indeed better to learn to shoot.

From the beginning of practice to the end, Sol has been hypnotizing himself like this.

In fact, he knew very well that if Mod's armament qualifications were not weak, it would be a better choice to embark on the path of a swordsman.

However, as long as we are human, we will have selfish motives.

Selfishly, Thor hopes that Mod can take the path of a gunner.

There are some things that he will never be able to do in his lifetime, but that doesn't stop him from placing his hopes on his descendants.

When Sol announced that the practice of seeing, hearing, and color was officially over, Maude and Sunny did not relax at all.

Even the practice of seeing and hearing sex is so difficult, they can't imagine what kind of hell it will be to practice armed sex.

For a moment, the two looked at each other and could see the solemn look on each other's faces.

During this half-month of practice, what they could feel was the perverted and unreasonable sense of oppression from Saul.

From their standpoint, they have no idea how valuable a teacher who has retired from the old times is as a teacher.

Why did Shanks invite Thor on board

On the one hand it's friendship, on the other hand it's Saul's experience.

Having an old whetstone like Thor on board will definitely improve the average level of the entire ship over time.

This is also due to Thor's vicious eyesight as an old-timer.

With this, Thor can easily see the limits of Maud and Sunny.

On this basis, the difficulty of each step of practice can be adjusted accordingly.

It can be said that the entire practice process is completely under Sol's control.

He used the fastest speed to guide Maud and Sunny's knowledge and understanding, and then laid the foundation for the two of them.

But such amazing progress cannot be entirely attributed to Saul's teaching ability.

Because the knowledge color is different from the armed color, and it requires more qualifications.

Some people are not qualified enough and may not be able to guide them throughout their lives.

But some people are so talented that they can master their knowledge at a young age even without the guidance of others.

Maude and Sunny's qualifications in this area are obviously beyond the standard, and coupled with the guidance of a master, they can lay the foundation in such a short period of time.

Compared with the difficulty of practicing knowledge and knowledge, which depends on aptitude, the prerequisite for learning armed color is more focused on physical fitness.

As long as the physical fitness is up to standard and a qualified master is involved, it is not difficult to guide the armed look.

The most difficult thing is the process of improving domineering cultivation.

Thor gave Maud and Sunny ten minutes to rest.

Bailey was also very discerning, and took the initiative to bring tea and water, and just had to hand hot towels to Maud and Sunny.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

But Maud and Sunny still looked like frost-beaten eggplants.

Excessive use of sight color will directly deplete the user's energy, which will immediately affect vital factors such as concentration.

Maude and Sunny were beginners. Although they had mastered the basic application skills of seeing and hearing color, their staying power was not worth mentioning.

Sol ignored the exhaustion on their faces and went directly to the next stage of practice.

"Your aptitude for knowledge and knowledge is outstanding, so you learned the basics in only half a month."

"But the armed color is different from the visual color. It focuses more on physical fitness, so there are no shortcuts."

"In other words, when your physical condition is not up to standard..."

"Then, no matter how hard you try, you just can't learn what you can't learn."

"On the contrary, when your physical condition reaches the standard, you will find..."

"Not only the armed color haki, but also many physical application techniques can be learned and mastered in a short period of time."

"It goes without saying much about the former, but I can give you an example of the latter."

"For example, the Moon Step in the Sixth Form of the Navy."

Having said this, Sol jumped on the spot and jumped one meter into the air.

Before the body fell freely, the left and right feet stepped on each other's air quite regularly.

Accompanied by a pleasant explosion of air, Thor seemed to be stepping on an invisible air mass, thus stabilizing his figure in mid-air.

"This is the moon step, and it is also a secret physical skill in the navy."

"The reason why I know how to use the moon step is simply because I saw the navy use the moon step and then understood it, so I learned it."

"But if my physical condition is not up to standard, even if I understand the principles of the technique, I will not be able to learn the Moon Step no matter how hard I think about it."

"The same is true for the practice of armed color Haki."

"By my standards, the physical fitness of the two of you can only be considered average."

"So, don't expect to be able to learn armed colors in a short time. It's impossible."

After saying that, Thor landed safely, ignoring the admiring looks from the two juniors.

"Why don't you teach us the Moon Steps first?"

Maud looked at Thor with bright eyes, as if looking at a treasure house.

"..." Sol.

Chapter 90: This is a big deal

Even if Mod didn't bring it up, Thor would teach him the skills one by one, including the Moon Step.

But the rice is eaten one bite at a time.

Be it domineering or moon-stepping, you have to do it step by step.

"Don't worry."

Thor glanced at Maud, who seemed to have the LED light turned on, and immediately stretched out his hand towards Bailey.

Seeing this, Bailey quickly handed the gold-plated pipe to Thor's hand.

Thor picked up his pipe and took a puff, then said slowly: "Whether it's Armed Colors or Moon Steps, they are not skills that you can master in a short period of time."

"So, don't think about running when you can't even walk."

"Besides, this place is not suitable for practicing Armed Color. After you understand the principles first, I will take you to stay with the little cutie for a while."

The cutie in Sol's words was not a name for a person, but the wine island that Sunny had told Maude before.

Maud and Sunny had no objections to Sol's arrangement.

In Maud's view, Thor is like a rare treasure that can bring him countless benefits.


Moon steps,


Even the most rare experience.

These are all things that can be learned from Sol.

He knew one thing very well.

If you don't have enough power, don't imagine being able to walk around the world.

The cruel reality and environment will tell you what it means to be unable to move even an inch.

And he is still young and has plenty of time.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if it takes a year, two years or even more. He wants to pry something precious from Thor that even the [Hunter's Notebook] cannot bring him.

Suddenly, Maud thought of something Sunny had said to him accidentally.

In other words, it is an agreement.