HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 78


A natural agreement between her and Sol.

Now, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make this agreement with him alone.

Thinking of this, a smile flashed in Maud's eyes.

He likes it here.

Thor smoked a cigarette and keenly captured Maud's emotional changes.

He glanced at Mod calmly, and then began to explain the knowledge about armed color domineering.

The first sentence is armor theory.

"Imagine wearing an invisible armor. This is Armed Color Haki."

"Armor can protect the whole body, and naturally it can also increase attack power."

"And this level is actually just the foundation among the foundations."

At this point, Thor asked his right-hand man Bailey to get a flintlock gun.

Bailey did so and soon produced a flintlock pistol.

At Thor's signal, the flintlock pistol was placed in Sunny's hands.

"Sunny, shoot me in the palm of my hand."

Thor pointed his open palm at Sunny.

Without saying a word, Sunny shot Sol in the palm of his hand.


The lead bullet flew out and hit Thor's palm in an instant.

The lead bullet seemed to hit the steel plate and instantly shattered into pieces.

"This is the effect of Armed Color Haki. As I said just now, this level is just the foundation of the foundation."

Thor raised his other hand and held the gold-plated pipe in front of him.

Under the gaze of Maud and Sunny, the golden pipe was instantly covered with dark domineering energy.

"After mastering the basics, you have to learn how to control domineering freely and the skills to properly mobilize domineering."

"When you are able to achieve this step, you can, like me, transfer domineering energy to the weapon to increase the weapon's lethality and hardness."

"Like this."

Thor suddenly let go of his pipe.

Although the pipe left Sol's hand, it was still dark.

Maud and Sunny's eyes followed the fallen pipe.

The pipe fell to the ground, but it seemed to be carrying a thousand pounds of force, and with a bang, it made a small pit full of cracks on the ground.

Maud reacted normally, but Sunny looked shocked.

After demonstrating the effect, Thor immediately took the pipe back into his hand.

"Such techniques are not only applicable to cold weapons, but also to weapons such as firearms and bows."

"It's just that compared to cold weapons, it is undoubtedly more difficult to attach domineering energy to firearms."

"But on the contrary, it can greatly increase the range and power of firearms. You know what this means."

Maude and Sunny nodded slightly.

Regarding this point, when Mod was dealing with the gangs, Thor had already demonstrated it to them.

After explaining the general levels of Haki, Thor began to further explain the principles of mobilizing armed Haki.

Based on his experience, he directly compared the armed domineering energy to an energy hidden in the body.

And this energy, which represents armed domineering energy, will be wrapped in a thick shell at the very beginning.

Only by continuously improving your physical fitness can you gradually knock the shell until it is completely broken.

At this time, as long as you sense the changes in your body in a targeted manner, you will be able to sense the existence of the armed color without any hindrance.

After that, that is, contact, and then call.

This is also just as Saul said before, meeting physical standards is a prerequisite for practicing Armed Color.

If you can't break the shell, you won't be able to guide the armed existence even if you meditate for a lifetime.

Listening to Thor's detailed explanation, Maud became more and more uncomfortable.

He realized that the techniques for using Armed Color Haki were actually very similar to the telekinesis techniques in the Hunter World.

For example, wrapping domineering energy around a weapon is the Zhou of Nen ability skills.

Freely mobilize the domineering energy to flow on the body surface, which is the flow in Nen ability skills.

These are all skills he has mastered long ago.

When he first came to this world, he immediately thought of using his abilities.

But because of the soul piercing, he couldn't feel the energy in his body at that time. Fortunately, it didn't affect his ability to summon the Hunter's Note.

Later, when he learned that he was in the world of One Piece, he naturally accepted that there was no energy in his body.

From that time on, he never focused on sensing the changes in his body. Instead, he followed the power system of the One Piece world and focused on improving his physical fitness.

And now, Thor's alternative explanation of Armed Color Haki was like the ringing of a morning bell, reminding Mod of such a thing.

Whether it’s Nian or Haki, the principles in many places are clear.

The reason why I couldn't sense the energy in my body before was not because it didn't exist.

But the body is too weak to break the strong shell that envelops the domineering force.

But it's different now...

Thinking of this, Maud suddenly felt excited.

He has technical experience in this area.

Does this mean he can master weapon colors faster than others

Just do it if you think of it.

Maude lowered her eyes, first calming her thoughts and then calming down.

After many months, he once again purposefully sensed the situation inside his body.

This time, the response was no longer deathly silent.

He felt it.

That energy like a young sprout is a domineering presence.

Obviously, this change corresponds to Saul's statement.

Today's physique has unknowingly shattered the shell surrounding the domineering existence, finally revealing it.

"it's the same."

Maud's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

This is a big deal...

With a thought, Maude consciously tried to mobilize the domineering force that was like a new sprout, but she felt a resistance that was as solid as substance.

Although he has rich technical experience, he does not have the memory to match it physically.

That's why there is such a phenomenon.

Maude was not in a hurry, relying on experience and trying again and again.

After trying it several times, the resistance gradually disappeared.

Then, Mod tried to channel his domineering energy into his right hand.

Then, he succeeded.

The right hand was covered with a layer of armament-colored Haki and turned into jet black.

Thor was still explaining the principles of Haki, but suddenly he saw Mod's right hand entangled with Haki.

The sound suddenly stopped.

What the hell? ?

It was like a slap hit Sol's old face hard.

He stared at Maud blankly, his mouth opened as wide as possible, and his eyes almost burst out of their sockets.

At this time, Sunny and Bailey also saw the domineering force wrapped around Maude's right hand.


Sonny and Bailey instantly followed in Saul's footsteps.

The mouth opened wide and the eyes bulged outward.

This is not scientific at all? ?

Chapter 91 Joint Deployment

Seeing the armed domineering force wrapped around Maud's right hand, Thor's protruding eyes were in danger.

Just a minute ago, he swore that it would be impossible to learn Armament Haki in a short period of time.

A minute later, Maud slapped him hard in action.

Although Sol had experienced strong winds and waves, he was too shocked to say a word at this moment.

This is a manifestation after the theories and cognitions he has accumulated for most of his life have been subverted.

If it was the color of seeing and hearing, or even the color of overlord, Thor would not be like this.

But this is an armed color, you can't reach the sky in one step, you can only achieve it naturally.

But this kid...

Thor slowly came to his senses, reached out his hand without any warning, and broke away the armed domineering force wrapped around Maud's right hand.

With his eyesight, he could easily see that Mod's current physical condition was not sufficient to match such skilled domineering skills.

It was equivalent to releasing his domineering energy like a trickle, but Moder did it better and smashed the water tank directly.

This behavior can harm your body.

Of course, Thor couldn't let Mod continue.

After being knocked away by Thor's palm, Maud couldn't help but be startled, and suddenly felt weak while confused.

When he was guiding and controlling the armed Haki just now, he didn't feel this weak.

But after the continuous output of the armed color was interrupted by Thor, his body reacted instantly, as if he had run more than ten kilometers in just a few seconds.

"The physical exertion is too exaggerated..."

With enough knowledge, Maud suddenly understood what was going on.

I also know that Thor's actions based on judgment were to prevent him from being drained of energy by the high-intensity output of the armed color.

At this time, Thor was looking at Maud with a strange look.

This kid's physical condition is obviously just barely touching the threshold, but he can skillfully mobilize his armed domineering energy.

It's like a baby whose body hasn't developed enough to stand up yet knows how to run.

Is this kind of thing possible

Thor knew that Maud's physique was different from ordinary people, but this kind of thing was nothing.

In most of his life's experience, what kind of monster has he not seen

However, physical fitness alone is not enough to explain the phenomenon that happened to Maud.

Thor took a drag on his cigarette and calmed down.

Come to think of it, he's not the very curious type.

On the side, Sunny and Bailey finally came to their senses.