HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 88


Bailey walked over from the corridor and looked at them doubtfully.

As a special animal, he didn't know what the names Garp and Aokiji meant to the pirate.

"Gather your weapons and ammunition, we... are going to escape!"

Sol said a word and hurried back to the room as quickly as possible.

He followed Maude and Sunny to the pig factory in the early hours of the morning, and just picked up two short-handled flintlock guns from the shelf, and he didn't bring much ammunition.

Originally, he didn't think that the Revolutionary Army's attack on the pig factory would be a big deal. He followed Maud and Sunny out just to ensure their safety.

After the matter was resolved, when he followed the two of them back to the residential area, he even thought about having breakfast first and then going to Huajie for morning exercise.

Who would have thought that when he was about to return to the weapon shop, frequent explosions suddenly came from the dock.

He habitually used the sight color there once, but he "saw" Garp and Aoki Pheasant.

If it had been in the past, he would have run away long ago alone.

but now…

Thor came to the room, immediately threw away the two inferior guns on his body, and then moved out a wooden box covered with thick dust from under the double bed.

He opened the box and found two flintlock guns, one long and one short, lying quietly on the red soft cloth.

A gunner will normally be equipped with at least two guns.

A rifled gun for long range and a pistol for close combat.

On this basis, many snipers will also be equipped with a backup gun just in case.

After all, firearms themselves are not as strong as swords and can easily be damaged in combat.

Therefore, it is beneficial to prepare a backup gun in advance.

The rifled gun in the box was Thor's previous backup gun. As for the main gun that he had used for most of his life, it had long been destroyed by Garp.

Although this spare gun is not as good as the one destroyed by Garp, it is not comparable to those sexy bitches in the weapons shop.

And this flintlock pistol is the old gun that has accompanied him all the way to this day.

Saul picked up the two guns, wore them on his body, and filled the ammunition pouches with lead bullets.

Then, Sol dodged and came to the door.

He had just stepped out of the door, but suddenly stopped.

Suddenly he turned around and looked at the nine long knives on the counter in the room.

These knives are all famous knives he has collected over the years.

He was silent for a while, thinking of Mod's domineering talent.

Finally, he picked up a knife and left the room without looking back.

As for the other famous knives and the huge amount of property placed in the cabinet, they definitely cannot be taken away.

Thor went downstairs and came to the weapons store.

Maud and Sunny were ready to leave.

Bailey also figured out the current situation at this time, and his body was trembling, like an old man.

Mainly because Sunny used the simplest explanation - there will be no grass growing in Mad Hatter Town.

As a result, Bailey was frightened and just wanted to leave Mad Hatter Town quickly.

"Take it."

Thor threw the blue long knife in his hand towards Maud.

Maude raised her hand to catch the long knife and looked at Thor in surprise.

"This is Chidori..."

He was about to ask Thor why he threw the Chidori to him, but before he could open his mouth, he was blocked by Thor's next sentence.


Thor took the lead and pushed open the door of the weapons store.

Maude gave up, hung the long knife on her belt, and followed Thor with Sunny.

As for Bailey, he was tied behind Maude.

After walking out of the store, Thor repeated his old trick and stretched out his hands to grab Maud and Sunny's collars. He immediately took off on moon steps and headed towards the wall.

The navy attacked from the front of the inner bay and must have planned to destroy all the ships first so as to wipe out all the pirates on the island.

Therefore, Thor can only walk up the wall in the opposite direction, then leave from the other side of the island, and then use the moon step to escape to the nearest island.

This was the method he had been using to escape the navy.

Using the Moon Step with two people would obviously affect his speed and add a burden that cannot be ignored.

But the most difficult part was that he couldn't free his hands.

The reason why Thor gave the navy such headaches was not just the physical skill of the moon walk.

Instead, Thor was able to use the Moon Step to escape while shooting at the pursuing navy.

Therefore, even if the pursuing navy has a faster speed than Thor, once it pursues forcefully, it may be defeated by Thor's bird.

Thor just carried the two of them and rushed to the wall mountain as quickly as possible.

Being carried through the air, Maud did not dare to move for fear of affecting Thor.

Feeling the sound of wind passing by, Maude lowered her head and looked down.

The neighborhood was like a blurry picture, flashing away from behind.

Can you still go so fast with two people...

But, can the physical strength keep up

Could it be that he wanted to carry them away from Mad Hatter Island like this

Maud suddenly had a lot of doubts.

But since Thor did this, he must have his reasons.

Therefore, Maude slowly suppressed her doubts.


Suddenly there was a loud bang behind him.

Sol's expression changed slightly and he looked back.

As soon as he used his sight and smell, he saw Garp chasing after him like a wild bull, forcefully knocking open buildings one after another.

The buildings he passed along the way looked like paper in front of Garp, and they did not affect his speed at all.

"Fucking Iron Fist bastard."

Thor gritted his teeth.

When you concentrate on using the long-distance seeing and hearing color, it will directly affect the speed of the moon step.

Therefore, Thor immediately put away his sight and ran away.

Maude and Sunny also heard frequent loud noises coming from behind.

They turned around with difficulty and looked behind them.

Along with the loud noise, only bursts of smoke and dust could be seen rising from the buildings in the neighborhood.

The smoke and dust seemed to be a warning, telling them that a monster was chasing behind them.

"Gui Qiang, the only person I'm looking for is you."

At this time, Garp's loud voice passed through the streets.

The pirates in the town watched in shock as Garp flashed past their eyes, and at the same time heard Garp's words.

It was also at this time that they knew the reason why the naval hero came to Mad Hatter Town.

Who is the trick gun

This question flashed in their minds.

Immediately afterwards, it didn't stop them from cursing at the sly gun.

Chapter 102 The Old Man

If it weren't for this guy called Sly Gun, Mad Hatter Island would never have suffered.

The pirates who should have stayed out of the incident could only think about how to escape from Mad Hatter Island safely while cursing.

Garp didn't even look at the passers-by and pirates at all. His target was always Thor, who was running away on moon steps.

As for the pirates in the town, they have Gion to take care of them.

Thor stepped on the moon steps and walked in the sky.

He simply ignored what Garp said and focused on escaping.

Garp saw Sol unmoved from a distance, so he stopped talking nonsense and ran wildly on the block, slowly shortening the distance between him and Sol.

When the distance was almost close, Garp ran wildly and picked up a pirate he met on the way.

Immediately, he leaped forward and jumped into the air. Using his strength, he threw the pirate in his hand towards Thor.

The pirate captured by Garp didn't even have time to scream, before he was shocked to death by the powerful force, and then turned into a corpse flying towards Thor.

Listening to the sound of breaking through the air from behind, Thor cursed secretly and turned the angle of the moon step to avoid the corpse coming from behind.

After Garp made a gesture of throwing away the body, his body somersaulted forward, and then he stepped on the air and used the moon step.

The strong body suddenly shot towards the ground like an arrow.

After landing, he continued to run wildly on the ground without losing speed.

Unimaginable physical prowess and coordination were evident at this moment.

Afterwards, Garp repeated his old tricks, picking up pirates one by one and throwing them towards Thor.

Thor's balls ached, but he could only passively dodge the flying corpses.

If he couldn't free his hands, how could he let Garp be so unscrupulous.

And Garp also took action with this in mind, so he was confident.

Under Garp's efficient involvement, Thor's escape speed was substantially affected.

The distance between the two sides is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the wall is just ahead.

Just cross the wall mountain and exit Mad Hatter Island via the cliff beyond the pig factory.

After that, the sky is high and the birds can fly.

With Garp's monthly speed, there was no way he could catch up with Thor who was off the island.


"It's too late."

Thor felt solemn.

"What about the other direction..."

Thor glanced at the escape routes to the left and right.

A lot of information was collected into Sol's head in an instant, and a judgment was made.


If he turned suddenly, it would only give Garp a chance to get closer faster.

But if this continues, let alone escaping to the cliff on the other side of the wall.

I'm afraid that I might be stopped by Garp just after climbing over the wall.

Unless you can free your hands, and then use a flintlock pistol to interfere with Garp's pursuit.

But it's because it can't be done that things become so difficult.